we go! I love to tinker more than drink so I've decided I want to stay really modular, the idea being, I can try different things and different types of finished products, eventually. I figured I'd stay pretty simple to start and go with a pot, thumper and condenser, building it with the ability to run the pot with just the condenser or add in the thumper. I thought about buying something for about 10 seconds then decided I definitely wanted to build my own set up exactly the way I wanted it. I also feel like built verses bought gives you an understanding of the apparatus you're trying to operate. I can sweat copper, but thought building my own pot was a little much out the gate, so I decide the first still should be a keg still. I've got a buddy I trust lined up to help with the stainless fab that has a machine shop and 40 years of experience running it. I'm kinda stoked to see what he can do. I'm adding in a couple of Lion Brewing DIY kits off Evilbay, a couple of Jungle Website deliveries, one or nine trips to The Depot and there you have it, let the dabbling begin.
Here's the basic idea. A few parts have started showing up in the shop.