Just cleaning the new 4" column, yesterday I ran some dunder mixed with vinegar with some feints from a previous run, all product was thrown away afterwards, yesterday I did not have the dephlagmater conected to see what difference it would make. Today I made the cooling lines for the dephlagmater, and charged the boiler with a water and vinegar mix. One supprising observation was that with the water supply to the dephlagmater tuned off, I was getting a steady stream of distilled water and vinegar, as soon as I turned on the water supply to the dephlagmater the stream decreased to near nothing, This of coarse is how a dephlagmater should work, allowing the alcohol to exit the still to the condenser, and returning the water back down the column to the boiler. I did not have an alcohol wash to test this but the results so far are pleasing.
Well I finally run the first alcohol wash with the Flute, it was a Birdwashers neutral with no feints added, I probably run this a few days early, as I am trying to get things cleared up before my knee opp, the latest batch of UJSSM will just have to wait until I am more mobile as its nowhere near finished.
After achieving a boil, I took of 250ml of forshots and 600ml of heads, I then opened the cooling line to the dephlagmater and let it sit for a few minutes until I could see reflux occuring through the top sight glass, It's fascinating being able to see the reflux occuring with the drops from the drip ring of the dephlagmater dropping past the sight glass. I then closed the feed to the dephlagmater a bit , until I achieved a stream about toothpick size coming from the parrot, I was now getting 87ABV which remained constant, and the temp guage remaining rock solid at 78 degrees. I managed to get one and three quarters of a litre of product before the stream virtually ceased. I then closed off the cooling supply to the dephlagmater and collected tails, the ABV dropped virtually instantly to 30ABV indicating to me that I had collected all of the usable alcohol in this run.
I intend to build a Graham condenser with proper valve control to attach to this column, as for this run I was using my old leibig and some garden watering valves to control the cooling, which was OK but I think it would be more efficient to control with a more dedicated control system.
Alltogether I am very satisfied with the build and feel it can only get better with more experience with this new column.
Ok here is the results of the first real run of the flute, I had a batch of UJSSM which because of my knee opp has been fermenting since the 17th of last month, now I am a bit more mobile I took the opportuninty to run it. As you will see from the pics below, I have every reason to be happy.
Somebody tell me that aint 90ABV
The temperature of the head was 100% controllable and can be adjusted with the dephlagmater to a precise temp.
A bit hard to see but the plates can be seen to be working through the sight glass's, sorry I could not get a better shot.
The complete still as run, this will change shortly, as I am building a Graham condenser with a cooling control manifold to provide even better adjustment.
There seems so be a point where you must compromise as there is only so much alcohol in a given wash, I can pull 2lt at 90%ABV or dial in higher temperature with the dephlagmater to give me say 3lt at 80ABV or more quantity at a lower ABV. The suprising thing is the flavor of the UJSSM is still there at 90ABV, but because this will require more dilution to bring it down to 40ABV for drinking, the flavor will also be diluted more, I guess its a bit of a double edge sword.
But now i know what this still will do, I have just got to find that sweet spot.