My first… Puke

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My first… Puke

Post by Coug95man2 »

At least that's what I'm guessing but since I've yet to really have one that I know of, I'm on here to confirm. I have a keg still, 15 gallon that I place 12 gallons of Rum wash in. I normally just do a single run so it hasn't ever been too fast. To give you background, it takes me about 3 and a half hours to get my still to 90C, straight off.

I started my run pretty hard, with the thermostat, straight off, at 90C (not my normal protocol, as I normally wait for the heads to come out around 86C but I was "experimenting"). Waited until I got some likker coming out and bumped it up to 92 right away. As I got to a solid 91 I bumped it up to 94. When I got to 93, I bumped it up to 96, etc. etc. I was experimenting a bit with it to see if it was any faster. It was not, by the way. Without looking at notes, I'd guess it took longer, as I describe below.

By the 6th Mason Jar, it was noticeably "blue" or foggy. Kept the same running protocol just to keep it consistent (I'm a geek. If I'm doing something wrong, I keep it going so I can analyze latter). Ran through 11 and a half jars and it was like an old man with a prostate problem from about the 5th or 6th jar to the end. Slightest stream, then a dribble, slightest stream then a dribble. When I hit 96C, I was done. It was 11pm and I'd been running all day. So I kept it there, and the thermostat never reached that point. Stayed at 95. But the 10th jar started to clear up a bit. The 11th is clear, as is the half of 12.

Now, as I have them airing out, there isn't a whole bunch of "floatys" as I call them, it any of the jars. I can smell the tails, as it has that distinctive musky smell. But the blue-ish foggy thing going… 2 questions:

1. Do you think it's a puke?
2. I have yet to read up on pukes much since I haven't ever had to deal with them. Is there a way to clear a jar up for a little flavor? My cut into the tails could NOT be considered generous but I don't need foggy/blue-ish stuff in there, either.

Thanks all. Appreciate any input.
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by still_stirrin »

Blue distallate is not good.

Did you use a Turbo yeast? Turbo has nutrients in it which will produce a copper salt when run through the still. It is a toxic product and should not be consumed.

I believe you ran very hard with a very full boiler filled with a rum wash...notorious for puking. You probably did puke into the still head and so some of the sediment you have in the product is exactly that...wash that has blown through.

You suggested you need to do some more reading and I would concur with that hypothesis. You need to read a lot about running a still and fermentation do's and dont's. We can't spoon feed you if you don't do due dilligence.
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by Coug95man2 »

still_stirrin wrote:Blue distallate is not good.

Did you use a Turbo yeast? Turbo has nutrients in it which will produce a copper salt when run through the still. It is a toxic product and should not be consumed.

I believe you ran very hard with a very full boiler filled with a rum wash...notorious for puking. You probably did puke into the still head and so some of the sediment you have in the product is exactly that...wash that has blown through.

You suggested you need to do some more reading and I would concur with that hypothesis. You need to read a lot about running a still and fermentation do's and dont's. We can't spoon feed you if you don't do due dilligence.
COMPLETELY agree, in that I need to do more reading. I've been lurking here for quite a while, just recently "came out" but it's never ending. Can never learn enough. I'd found a few posts about the puking but nothing that seemed to really "fit". This was not a Turbo, though. Had a package of that a while back, thought I'd finish it off and all it did was ruin a wash for me. I'll post some pictures tomorrow to see what you guys think… Maybe I'm looking at it and seeing a bluish fog when all it is, is fog. If just a puke, I'll run it again.

I don't expect spoon feeding, I'm sorry you feel like I came across that way.
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by still_stirrin »

Here's a little reading for you: ... 16&t=19850

If you do a HD google search for "blue distillate", you'll get plenty to read.
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by Coug95man2 »

still_stirrin wrote:Here's a little reading for you: ... 16&t=19850

If you do a HD google search for "blue distillate", you'll get plenty to read.
I'm uploading the pics, for clarity sake. In person, they don't look nearly as blue, which is why I initially posted. I couldn't even be definitive if there was a blue tint to it. My whole family thought I was crazy for thinking there was a bluish tint to it. Looking at the pictures I took this morning, the blue is much more definitive. I will re-run, do so slowly :ebiggrin: and see how it goes.

Thanks SS.
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by rad14701 »

If it's only the jar on the right, are you sure it isn't just the old Ball Mason jar becoming tinted with age...??? The jar on the left looks much newer and resembles most of my jars of distilled spirits...
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by pfshine »

Just looks like oily tails to me.
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by NZChris »

It's rum. If it had puked, it would be brown. You can tame the froth with a spoon of butter on the surface.
I never drink single pass rum. Not even my own. All the rum I drink is either double run, or has been through Jamaican style double thumpers. The first pass stuff is crap compared to a well cut spirit run. A fermenter that will hold three or four charges worth will let you make much larger quantities when you do the spirit runs and make it much easier to get some aged rum in your cellar.

You can't run a still properly with a thermostat.
Use the thermostat to sound an alarm when it should be up to temperature, then move it to the outlet to sound an alarm if the condensate gets too hot due to a cooling failure.

Control the heat input with an SCR voltage controller or similar, not a thermostat, or simmerstat.
Run as fast as you can without puking for the stripping runs, then slower for the spirit run.

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Re: My first… Puke

Post by Coug95man2 »

rad14701 wrote:If it's only the jar on the right, are you sure it isn't just the old Ball Mason jar becoming tinted with age...??? The jar on the left looks much newer and resembles most of my jars of distilled spirits...
That ol jar (and the others) have seen their fair share of likker. It's old but still good. It's pretty clear. Still love using the older jars. :D

To PF:
"Just looks like oily tails to me."
It's quite a bit more "foggy" than what I'm used to, hence the initial post. That's also why I took 2 pictures with different backgrounds… I don't know what I did to create a foggier tails than in the past (hoping that's it, as it seems all of your guys consensus) but that's why we take notes! If you notice behind the second pic… you can't see much behind it. That isn't because there isn't anything behind it, it's just that foggy. Can kinda see the bottom of that drawer but you can't even see the handle. As long as you guys aren't seeing a blue tint.

To NZChris:
Thank you sir, for great input. I've grown to enjoy Rum and still learning quite a bit. As an example, the Dunder aspect is a whole other side I've yet to even consider. Not sure how the wife would react to that one! I know to be truly a good rum, that's a real aspect of it. Just haven't gotten a handle of what I'm doing WITHOUT that additional aspect. Also trying to get the math down for truly accurate readings of proof. I know sugar washes screw up the readings so I've been screwing around and fumbling through all of that, as well. I appreciate your knowledge, sir!

I've grown accustomed to 2 or 3 recipes over the past couple years but I'm in a real "exploring" mode over the past several months. I'm really trying to stretch out and I feel like I'm just starting out again. Trying different methods, trying different everything. As if I'm not scared to fail, kind of mentality. I don't think I've used the same methods or bills for the past 3 or 4 months. It's a real blast but humbling. Example: While I'm doing this rum, and all the different methods and bills of doing that, I'm also experimenting with Potato Vodka. I've followed Michigan's threads and am hooked! Having serious issues with that one but working through them! Having a great time and enjoying the "uncomfortableness" of it! Appreciate all the niche and broad knowledge, guys! Truly appreciated.
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by Danespirit »

pfshine wrote:Just looks like oily tails to me.
It really looks like cloudy tails coming through.
Are there any copper parts in your equipment..?
I ask because certain circumstances can create copper sulphate, which will dissolve in your product and give it a blue tinge.
Try pouring it in some glassware you are 100 % sure about is transparent...
If it has a blue colour to it, copper sulphate is a possible scenario. If so...DO NOT DRINK the product..!
Re-distilling the batch ain't an option either, as you won't get rid of the copper sulphate that way.
However, should you discover it's just a little cloudy/milky, you can re-distill it on the next stripping run.
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by Coug95man2 »

Danespirit wrote:
pfshine wrote:Just looks like oily tails to me.
It really looks like cloudy tails coming through.
Are there any copper parts in your equipment..?
I ask because certain circumstances can create copper sulphate, which will dissolve in your product and give it a blue tinge.
Try pouring it in some glassware you are 100 % sure about is transparent...
If it has a blue colour to it, copper sulphate is a possible scenario. If so...DO NOT DRINK the product..!
Re-distilling the batch ain't an option either, as you won't get rid of the copper sulphate that way.
However, should you discover it's just a little cloudy/milky, you can re-distill it on the next stripping run.
Oh, yeah there are copper parts. The column/tower, arm, worm are all copper. This is the part I'm concerned about since SS mentioned it. Nothing is "settling" to the bottom, like some other threads have mentioned. I'll check the color with a water glass, as well.

But here's my next question… wouldn't the Sulfate smell?
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by Danespirit »

Copper sulphate is a salt, that is soluble in liquids (like alcohols).
You won't be able to smell it.
Now, I am not a chemist or the like, so I don't know if the flame test is going to work for you.
The sulphate should burn with a green flame caused by the copper, but I tend to think a certain concentration is needed for this test to be successful.
I heard about people used a test for swimming pools, that would reveal copper sulphate..but I really don't have any experience with it (never been a issue for me).
However, to me it still looks like cloudy tails..
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Re: My first… Puke

Post by Coug95man2 »

Danespirit wrote:
pfshine wrote:Just looks like oily tails to me.
It really looks like cloudy tails coming through.
Are there any copper parts in your equipment..?
I ask because certain circumstances can create copper sulphate, which will dissolve in your product and give it a blue tinge.
Try pouring it in some glassware you are 100 % sure about is transparent...
If it has a blue colour to it, copper sulphate is a possible scenario. If so...DO NOT DRINK the product..!
Re-distilling the batch ain't an option either, as you won't get rid of the copper sulphate that way.
However, should you discover it's just a little cloudy/milky, you can re-distill it on the next stripping run.
I tried what you said and put some of the fluid into a clear glass. I had a couple options and tried them all. None of them held as much liquid so it was a bit of an unfair comparison to the Mason Jars but it put my mind at ease. I think I just have cloudier tails than what I'm used to. Not sure why but maybe because I was running the still harder than I normally do... The wine glass was the telling tale. Albeit not as deep as the Mason Jars, it showed up much more like what I'm used to with zero color. Just foggy. Thanks Danespirit for the suggestion. Will just proceed as normal. Thanks for easing an old mans paranoid mind, everyone!
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