Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by violentblue »

Miricale Grow you say.
Got some of that out in the shed.
I boiled up an entire pound of yeast hoping that'd get them going, but I'll get a little miracle grow disolved and add it to the mix.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by nlantz »

I got a question about when the tales turn into rum oils.

i was just dooing a recipie kinda like this one was my 1st rum run ever
was kinda to cold out "36f ish" and the distill was coming out really cold so i kinda couldent go by the proof with my hydrom.
so i just went by smell and noticed the smell of molasses comming out of the end of my still so i switched the container figureing this was the oils
let it fill up a bit and smelled what i collected and it still had a bad wet dog / cardboard smell to it.
so im wondering what do the oils smell like when your collecting them ? it smelt nice comming out of my still but in the container it smells like tails
also i quit the run shortly after and still have the rest sitting out in the garage in the still. since i still got further to go to collect them
is it better to fire it back up and continue running or just save it and add it to my next batch ?
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by bobtuse »

After re-reading this a few times, I still have an unanswered question, Do you boil the molasses/sugar for the wash, and if so, for how long? If not, how far up do you take the temp?

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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by I-GOR »

I could never figure out what was on the sign the guy was holding in Pugi's icon.
Just got this emailed to me ..........
research.jpg (20.38 KiB) Viewed 13012 times
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by GreenEarth »

I just received 10 gallons more of free feed molasses from my neighbor but this molasses has 5% vegetable oil in it, most of the molasses I get has only 0.1% fat in it and it ferments just fine but I don't now about the five % percent, Has anyone else used the higher fat content stuff? in the 10 gallons of molasses it has 1/2 gallon of oil, will it rise up to the top and smother the yeast? Thanks,GE
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by I-GOR »

Wow - 10 gallons of free molasses!
I've never did a mash or wash that had oil in it, but hey, free molasses!
Try fermenting a small "test" batch and see how it turns out.

Once you thin it out with warm water, I'm guessin that the oil will rise to the top, and you can either
1. skim it off the top
2. or rack (with a siphon) the wash out from underneath it, like a gravy separator. or
3. Do you have a 5 gallon carbouy? Place the carbouy in your bathtub or a basin, put the wash in the carbouy, fill almost up to the top, and let the oils rise up. Then, once it looks like there's a pretty distinct separation, keep adding water - by means of a funnel or tube - below the bottom of the oils until you've pushed them all over the mouth of the rim.

As far as smothering the yeasties, it's important that the wash is thoroughly aerated at the start of the fermentation. That's why the first leg of the fermentation is called the "aerobic" phase. This is the time when the yeasts are multiplying exponentially, but aren't yet makin the good shtuff. I accomplish this by adding the water to the wash from my kitchen sink sprayer.
After a day or so, the yeast goes into their "anaerobic" phase, which means they don't need much oxygen. That's why we can put an airlock on the carbouy to keep the nasties out.

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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by GreenEarth »

Thanks for the info Igor, I will give it a try, I usually get ten gallons a Week for free of the low fat molasses, so I make Lots of Rum :lol: . Thanks GE
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by smeag »

Just so happens I have Geritol but no Vitamin B, will this substitution have any ill effect on the taste?
If B is better which? B1 or B complex?
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by rad14701 »

Yeast would probably be happiest with B Complex because they like B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), Vitamin B6, B9 (Folate), Vitamin B12... That's pretty much B Complex...
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by rangitang »

rad14701 wrote:Yeast would probably be happiest with B Complex because they like B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), Vitamin B6, B9 (Folate), Vitamin B12... That's pretty much B Complex...
I think all of the above will be found in bee pollen. I know this came up in another post but I am going to try pollen when I have made some success out of the advice on this thread first. I have food grade mollasses from the wholesale outlet of a sugar refinery at an OK cost.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by Barney Fife »

Said it before, but I'll say it again; rum doesn't need -any- nutrients. Everything the yeast need is in the molasses.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by rad14701 »

Barney Fife wrote:Said it before, but I'll say it again; rum doesn't need -any- nutrients. Everything the yeast need is in the molasses.
Agreed... But if he wants to add more B vitamins it sure won't hurt anything... Just an un-needed expense... But if he's got the bee pollen kicking around... I can always get it from my fathers beekeeping stash...
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by punkin »

Barney Fife wrote:Said it before, but I'll say it again; rum doesn't need -any- nutrients. Everything the yeast need is in the molasses.

Nutrients (as in yeast bomb) change my mollasses wash from a 2 week ferment to a 3-4 day ferment.

Maybe the wash i make (pinto's fast fermenter) with my feed mollasses doesn't need any nutrients, but they sure make a bloody difference.

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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by Barney Fife »

2 weeks? When I'm in rum mode, I do a strip run a week, for 6 weeks straight, so although I don't keep a record of the ferment time, it's for sure never more than 5-6 days at most. Maybe my well has magic water <lol>

Fast ferments can be fun, I guess, but from what everyone says about Turbos causing off flavors, I have to wonder if a fast fermented molasses wash wouldn't also suffer the same fate? All I can say for sure, is my rum is the cleanest, smoothest tasting I've ever found, and I'm forever spoiled. We always preach not to rush the aging, where the time frames are in months and years, so why rush the ferment only to save a few days??
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by punkin »

Yeah, sure barney, the fast fermenter is to feed the neutral still.

The rum wash runs as it runs, 3 or 4 days on the first iteration then gradually slowing further with each new gen till 4 or 5 when it starts to stick. your rum may well be much better than mine, dunno.

I do keep careful records and i know that the addition of nutrients to my rum washes causes better (faster) fermentation, more consistent fermentation, and better all round performance.

I don't believe my mollasses has everything it needs to support a happy, healthy fermentation, i know this from trying with and without extra nutrients. Yours may be different and someone elses from a different refinery may be different again.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by rangitang »

One simple question to-day. I have collected some gallons of dunder and thumper juice. How much dunder can be used in the next wash? Can dunder be used in stead of water entirely? Can dunder be used for the yeast bomb? I have done four runs in my stock pot still with very encouraging results however a question remains regarding temperature. I am learning the taste touch smell monitoring methods but the temperature must factor in here and I cannot keep the still from racing thru 78C and settling at 87C for the long steady flow until temp rises into tails. At 86C_88C am I not getting loads of Isopropyls in my distillate? The middle part of my mollasses and sugar runs is very nice smelling and tastes just fine. My heartfelt gratitude to all that have contributed to the art and helped me thru'.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by violentblue »

rangitang wrote:One simple question to-day. I have collected some gallons of dunder and thumper juice. How much dunder can be used in the next wash? Can dunder be used in stead of water entirely? Can dunder be used for the yeast bomb?
I've tried, highest ratio of dunder I've had success with is 50%. Beyond that and it ferments much slower, which then makes for less molasses flavor coming through the distillate.

never tried using dunder in the yeast bomb, no reason it wouldn't work
Last edited by violentblue on Thu May 07, 2009 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by rangitang »

Thanks VB, I shall go on that and carry on. Last night I put together a yeast bomb according to Pugirum's schedule with DAP in place of 20-0-0 and I am looking forward to working with his method. I am very new to the game but so far results have been very encouraging on the rum. I want to make rum in enough quantity to age I guess in glass with toasted oak chips for a start. Thanks again and I will use dunder on a one third max basis for now as there is a PH consideration also.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by punkin »

i use 20-25% and find it is quite strong enough in flavour.

Another trick to boosting flavour is to try different amounts of wash in with stripped low wines for a spirit run. You can add anything from 10% wash to 70% wash to control flavour and final proof of distillate.

Try 50-50 wash and low wines, the flavour will increase a lot more than using dunder (although you can do that too).

20l finnished wash and 20l low wines should avoid puking probs in a 50l keg and still give a decent final yeild. :wink:
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by liquidmusic42 »

Question about gravity on this recipe for those who have done it... I screwed up a bit because I used a molasses with a much higher sugar content than I imagine feed molasses would have. I also used inverted white sugar instead of brown, and before a day or two it didn't occur to me that I should have scaled back the ingredients or upped the water.

I'm wondering what ya'll have had for original and final gravity? My OG was 1.1, and so far, 4 days later, I'm down to 1.015, and bubbling has slowed to about every 7 or 8 seconds. I was hoping for a fast ferment, but I overdid the sugar. I know it's going to depend on the molasses used, but I'm curious what some typical final gravities are.

At first things were going great, the molasses I used didn't make any sort of bubby mess on top, but the airlock was firing away like a machine gun. I'll see where things end up.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by FarSideStill »

I think you have 12% alcohol in your wash there. I suppose once you have someone else's wash %ages, you can increase the amount of wash you put in with the low wines to make sure you don't end up with something too weak in flavour.
Not sure why I typed that because you probably knew it before, and I have no experience with this. Was kind of on autopilot. might as well press submit now i've written it all :)
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by nlantz »

Just oncoverd some of this I had fermenting since mid jan when I was going to get my bucket fermenter for beer, 3rd generation wash Smells chocolaty. Gonna run it after dinner. and suprisingly no mold
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by violentblue »

I've done several variations of Pugirum with a great deal of success.
since I have a hard time getting feed molasses I've had to use blackstrap which gets expensive.

my variation which has worked wonderfully (refered to as bastardpugi elsewhere)
is eliminate the use of molasses and cane sugar in favor of 5 kilos of golden brown sugar.
I do a double batch for 20 gallons
do a stripping run on 13-14 gallons of it
load the boiler with the remaining wash, srtipped distillate and heads and tails collected from previous runs.
I connect up my thumper which is loaded with 2/3 cup of molasses and just enough water to cover the inlet.

heads are compressed so theres not much of them, but the distillate comes off with a thick sweet molasses flavor. well worth aging
or do a simple quick filter on carbon for a very nice and still very flavorfull white rum.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by smeag »

what kind of results from aging pugirum in an oak barrel?
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by violentblue »

pugi rum ages nicely in a barell, if you can first season a new barrel with some coarn whiskey for a month or two.
if you get a used barrel, you're set to go.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by BritishBartender »

What are you guys paying for your molasses?? Feed and blackstrap??
Just want to make sure before I buy!!

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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by HookLine »

I just buy it at the local horse feed suppliers. Not sure exactly what grade it is, but it is on the expensive side, $50 (AUD) for 20 litres. However it tastes pretty good, and makes a nice rum.
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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by IdahoMole »

I have always had a problem with slow ferments when doing rum so after reading through this thread I was excited to get another batch going. I mixed up 36oz of molasses and 6 lbs of dark brown sugar with 5.25 liters of dunder and topped to 5 gallons. I added the yeast bomb and the yeast. That was 2 hours ago and the airlock is going balistic! Thanks for all your work and your yeast bomb Pugi!

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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by BritishBartender »

My local feed store is selling it at $5 a gallon. So it's a little more expensive!!

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Re: Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum"

Post by BillHoo »

I'd worry about anything with animal parts in it. Might have some random "prions" that somehow make it through the vapors. That's how people get mad cow.

Prions cannot be destroyed by heat.

A woman in the UK came down with Mad Cow, though she was a lifelong vegetarian. Turns out, she uses bone meal in her garden and the dust from the bone meal entered her through her eyes and nostrils.

Also some bone meal comes from third world countries where they pay people to collect bones found on riverbanks, much of it can be made up of human remains from river burials.

Ozark Shiner wrote:OK.... ran my first strip run of rum and had a couple of observations / questions

........5) I bought Blood Meal fertalizer (12/0/0) for the nitrogen source of Pugi's Yeast Bomb. What are your thoughts about this ?
I thought it would be completely steralized by the heat and the alcohol.... curious what everyone else thinks.

Still interested in any comments on my questions that are about four posts higher than this one.

Thanks y'all.
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