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Old Goat
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Post by Old Goat »

Well, all this may be true....but for me,I don't think they are going to come busting down my doors for a little 5 gal still. I think they have bigger fish to fry. Also very few people know that I make it, and they all enjoy the products of my hobby. So, I will continue to make my home-brew, regardless of the law. I don't sell it, I just enjoy it, give it to friends and family.

Drink Up!!!!The Revenueers are coming!!!
Have fun, get high, just don't Drink and Drive.
Moonshine is the next best thing to sex, and at my age, let the moon shine on!
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Post by GingerBreadMan »

Also very few people know that I make it, and they all enjoy the products of my hobby.
I'm thinking this way. If charged with a serious offense, opt for a trial by 12 of your peers. When they introduce whatever 'evidence' you haven't consumed yourself, it's an opportunity for the members of the jury to <i>sample, err I mean</i> examine the evidence carefully. :lol: :lol:

Edit: corrected typos, I should read before I type :lol:
Last edited by GingerBreadMan on Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it left.
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Post by Jetzon »

Dam Skippy Goat.. They wanna kick my door down for making a couple Qt's then So be it. On the way to the poky I'll point out a place or two where I'm sure they could bust some dam Crack/Meth heads :roll: I aint selling nottin.. Just a hobby for me.. And thats all I got to say about this..
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Post by HookLine »

Old_Blue wrote:Just another angle for them to come after you with if they want to.
They love laws written in a way to let them get you on something, anything, just so they can justify busting your door down by saying "See, he really was doing something illegal!", even if it was only scratching your arse at the wrong angle without the right permit.

Nothing Mr and Mrs Policeman hate more than going to all that trouble to bust ya and coming up empty handed. Makes them look like fools, and the boss chews them out real bad.
Be safe.
Be discreet.
And have fun.
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Post by blanikdog »

Who is this Lunsford bloke. And what's his problem??? Can't he be made to go away? We all know what we are doing, we don't need his shouting.

Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
(50 litre, propane heated pot still. Coil in bucket condenser - No thermometer, No carbon)
The Reading Lounge AND the Rules We Live By should be compulsory reading

Cumudgeon and loving it.
goose eye
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Post by goose eye »

kevin first you say uncle jesse dont got required documention then
when proved wrong you say you dont care. why didnt you admit you was
wrong instead of sayin you didnt care.
Kevin Lunsford
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Post by Kevin Lunsford »

:D Sorry again, NOTHING on this post shows that Uncle J is a LEGAL distillery.
People who know no better are being led to believe (by this web site-and Uncle J) that a still in their house in the USA is legal-IT IS NOT.

And AGAIN this post is about
You can go to the Internet Crime Complaint Center and turn these people in to the FBI!!!!!! 'Other", people and sites can be turned in too!

I might not always be right, but I am NEVER wrong- Bleeding-Bloke
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Post by Dnderhead »

Iv read over some states (not all)laws it varies greatly some say 1gal still is all
you can have others 5gal but nun that I seen said you cant have one at all
I believe it is intent , as you have a wash , still ,and hooch, then you have intent
and if you have over so much it is intent it to sell and if your known
as a trouble maker in town they will be watching (as wild parties-drunk
driving-drugs etc ) so keep a low profile and keep it to your self (as a hobby) nothing like a complaint of a wild party to bring cops , and then that gives
them an excuse to search
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Post by GingerBreadMan »

Since, I'm not in the US, I'm not affected by Title 27. However, in Canada stills are covered in Bill C-47 section 61.

61. No person shall possess a still or other equipment suitable for the production of spirits with the intent of producing spirits unless the person
(a) is a spirits licensee; or
(b) has a pending application for a spirits licence.

Pretty simple. You can't own a still with the intent of making spirits.

My personal opinion on laws is they start simple. They get complicated when over zealous prosecutors try to convict someone with every law they can throw at the person.

For example, let's say you have a small still made from a SS pot with a piece of copper pipe coming out of it. You've managed to successfully make a couple of liters of untaxed spirits and get caught. The law that was broken was the possession of untaxed spirits, but in the overzealousness of the prosecutor you've been charged with having a still.

Your skillful defense lawyer convinces the jury that a SS cooking pot and a copper pipe is not a still but just some ordinary household items. You are found innocent. Now a precedent has been set in law of what is and what is not a still. Now the politicians have to take what was a simple law and add more and more verbiage to it, until the law has so many words in it that a plumber carrying 2 inch copper pipe could be guilty of having a component of a still.

That's my theory. :)
I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it left.
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Post by Dnderhead »

Yes same hear in US say your a trucker and have a bat as a tire
thumper it is legal but if they want to git you they can call it an ill legal weapon ( this includes hammers, tire irons, wrenches etc)
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Post by theholymackerel »

Kevin, drop it.

We know we are breakin' the law and do so because we feel the laws are wrong. We hope that folks that are doin' it for money will take up the Gvnments time, and that we hobbyists will be left alone.

We also hope that eventually we will be able to enjoy our hobby legally like in New Zeland.

Stop it with all the drama.
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Post by Old_Blue »

What GingerBreadMan said..I agree 100%. Thats what I was trying to point out, just didn't know how to say it :oops:

Thanks THM...
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Old Goat
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Post by Old Goat »

Right, as I have said before, I beleive the ATF in the US have more important matters to take care of than to spend there time on the small- time kitchen top distiller making brew for his personal consumption, as well as the guy who buys a 1/4 oz of weed for personal consumption. When they go fishing, they want to catch a big fish.

Drink, Eat and Be Merry, for tommorrow we may be in Jail :lol:
Have fun, get high, just don't Drink and Drive.
Moonshine is the next best thing to sex, and at my age, let the moon shine on!
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Post by Tater »

Kevin Lunsford wrote::D And when the ATF gives you a visit you can say "But Uncle J said its OK' TELL IT TO THE JUDGE!!!!!!!!!
Uncle J --You clain to be a real distillery? What is your lable brand-this wouls have to be registered in your state-where can we buy your moonshine? If you are a real distillery we would be able to buy it.
Uncle J gave you the parts of the LAW that he wanted you to see.
Go to the PDF files Part 29.55 which shows that EVERY still will Be REGISTERED. Even the ones that people put on their front yards.
Also beer and wine are covered by different laws-sorry.
------- Heres what happen to a friend of mine got caught last fall with a hobbies still(15 gallon's ss keg )It was set up but not operating.They wrote him a ticket.He went to court and was fined 120 dollars.Was given a 30 day suspended sentence with 18 month prayer judgment. Also tryed that day was a old man caught his first time with a good size still and likker in cases with plenty of mash .Plain it wasn't a hobbies still .But was his first time .Guess what he got same sentence.Both were told first time is looked at as your 1 mistake second time they wont fool around with ya .This was in nc where it happened.
I use a pot still.Sometimes with a thumper
goose eye
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Post by goose eye »

tater that ole man was tryed by county an had conections.

so im tole
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Post by Hawke »

I'll just give the cop a taste of my well water and ask "You want to drink this stuff?"
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Post by Usge »

That's like the game warden that caught the good ole boy fishing with dynamite. The good ole boy lights a stick and says..."you gonna talk, or you gonna fish
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Post by inspeedway »

my friend in eastern tn called me awhile back and said ole popcorn
got it again for the ump-teenth time-had like 300 gals and it was the
irs not the atf gonna sock it to him!!! he has balls though cause i seen
him on the discovery channel or some station 6-8 months ago
showing his chit!!
also!!! if i had an attituded like kevin i'd sell my computer and move
north to alaska---- geeezzzeeeee!!!!!!!!!
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Post by inspeedway »

chit ya'all already know about popcorn -- i just got back on line and
havent had a chance to read much -- been off for about 6 weeks!!
lost my hard drive (i think opening up links in yahoo distillers group
i get their e-mail post)
and dont quote me on this please cause i dont know excactly why
me hard drive went nuts!!!!
only place i was except for up dating adobe !! i'll get to reading so
i dont post chit thats already posted :(
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Post by TryMe »

inspeedway wrote:chit ya'all already know about popcorn -- i just got back on line and
havent had a chance to read much -- been off for about 6 weeks!!
lost my hard drive (i think opening up links in yahoo distillers group
i get their e-mail post)
and dont quote me on this please cause i dont know excactly why
me hard drive went nuts!!!!
only place i was except for up dating adobe !! i'll get to reading so
i dont post chit thats already posted :(
Heres a topic already started about popcorn from the history and folk lore section with several links to info and videos.
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Post by blanikdog »

Kevin Lunsford wrote:
And AGAIN this post is about might not always be right, but I am NEVER wrong- Bleeding-Bloke

NO, wrong again. This thread is about you being burnt by stilldrinkin before doing the research and then expecting us to help get your money back. Do it yourself. And good luck to you.

Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
(50 litre, propane heated pot still. Coil in bucket condenser - No thermometer, No carbon)
The Reading Lounge AND the Rules We Live By should be compulsory reading

Cumudgeon and loving it.
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Post by nutmg1 »

Its not looking good for those of us with pending orders.

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Iowa Al
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Post by Iowa Al »

I am another that ordered a product from this outfit and got nothing. They haven't answered the phone in over 3 weeks from my trying. I did use a charge card and they will credit it back to me. I am just another here saying don't do business with
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Post by amslink »

I got ripped off by these people too.

Their site is back up and they have opened a new PayPal account under a new Company name. Go to their site and click on a Order Now button. It takes you to a PayPal purchase screen under ABACUS Enterprises LLC.

I reported them to PayPal as the crooks that they are. Told PayPal about their scam.

I urge all of you to flood PayPal with complaints about them to avoid new people from getting ripped off.

Go to PayPal and let's get their PayPal account shut down ASAP.
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Post by trimpy »

Huh... small world. These idiots live about 5 miles away from me. I may have to do a loop by on the way home from work today. 8)
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Post by Gimp »

In Australia we have a government agency called the ACCC

who checks out companys found to be ripping people off.

Surely there would be something like that over in America, you should report this mob to them. Get them sorted once and for all.
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Post by nutmg1 »

trimpy wrote:Huh... small world. These idiots live about 5 miles away from me. I may have to do a loop by on the way home from work today. 8)
If you do tell Rob to watch his back. It may take me a while to get out there but when I do its on.

I've talked to him at least 30 times on the phone and he's lied to me each and every time. That's something I just can't take. I can't wait for the day I walk into that garage.

I'll be taking something with me worth 500 bucks.
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Post by rad14701 »

I don't know about anyone else in this forum but I've hopped in my car and driven hundreds of miles just to stand toe to toe with someone who has screwed me over for a whole lot less that $500 more than once... About the first time I felt I was getting the run-around I'd have let them know I'd "be there soon" and it'd be time for one of those spontaneous road trips... It's amazing how the level of cooperation changes... The look on someones face when you give them the opportunity to talk to you in person the same way they did over the phone just a short time before makes for an enjoyable drive back home... It's like they didn't believe the "be there soon" would ever come - until you introduce yourself... Just some food for thought...
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Post by amslink »

I went to the Abucas Auto website and it's the same website design as the site. It's the same guys. I called the number and a guy that sounds just like Rob answered the phone. I asked if he knew Rob Strasberg and he asked why I was asking. I told him that a web site that rips people off was using his Company as a front for PayPal. He said no that was alright because he bought the StillDrinkin site. I told him I got ripped off for $253 and he said he would check with the guys and to call back tomorrow.

I asked his name and he hesitated then said Rocky. Ha! He sure sounded like Rob. I'm going to make their life miserable till I get a unit and if I ever do I'll test the soldering for lead. They might want to purposely poison me.
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Post by Bsnapshot »

These guys only live about a 4 hour drive from me and when I told them that I was just going to show up at there and pick up my unit or I want my money back. Mike told me he has people all the time stop in but if I was going to cause any trouble he would take care of me. After weeks of arguing over the phone with them and them lying to me that is in the mail and then when I said I wanted my money back Mike told me that he has guys in my area that will come over and rip my head off. Everything that comes out of there mouths are lies
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