Ginger Brandy

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Ginger Brandy

Post by showrguy »

howdy fellas, have a good friend who loves ginger brandy, i've tried the search function with no luck..
was wondering if someone had a recipe or directions to the proper thread/link...
i'm not a wine/beer maker either so be nice..
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by Dnderhead »

try this site i thank its on hear" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by showrguy »

thanks dndr, they have ginger tasting/flavored mixtures using vodka and neutrals, but i would think that ginger brany would be made the same sorta way as say a peach brandy, maybe i'm goofy ??
i can't seem to find any discussions about it ??
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by Dnderhead »

I went to some liquor stores all listed "ginger brandy" as flavored most used white grape brandy and flavored
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by showrguy »

aaaahh, thats what i was wondering, makes sence, was hoping someone would read this that actually made some and could explain how they did it and how it turned out....... we'll see i guess..
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by mikeac »

Distilled alcoholic ginger beer perhaps??
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by LWTCS »

The missus works with a fella who's wife has a South African ginger beer (family) recipe. I will be reporting back soon with hopefully a few variations for evaluation. I am hoping to fortify the beer with a Ginger beer distillate (or the like).

I have not seen the recipe yet but I would certainly appreciate any feed back as I report back to the forum.
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by Rude Boy »

I had relative success with stilling a batch of ginger beer that turned out less than delicious. I don't like sugary drinks much, but I found myself adding about 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar to this stuff to get it tasting nice. The ginger in my ginger beer recipe is the dried ground stuff from the supermarket which has a candied taste, but the flavour of the distillate was more like the flavour of fresh ginger.
The Ginger beer was made using the old fashioned bug with wild yeast from sultanas. This meant that it worked slow and the wild yeast produced nearly no alcohol but lots of CO2. I'll post the recipe if you want, although it's pretty easy to find with an internet search. My next batch of ginger beer used the bug, but I boiled it with the sugar and lemon juice, then added EC1118, I'm hoping this will increase the ABV and reduce the exploding bottle factor too.
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by LWTCS »

Sounds good. Please post.

I have not yet heard from my wife's workmate, and I am getting antsy.
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by LWTCS »

Also I did get a sample of this girl's recipe. It was really tasty.

Sooo, the next evening I fortified it with some Graham Cracker likker and,,,,,,,,,,well it was just dandy.

My thoughts were to fortify a ginger beer with GB distillate. I wonder?
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by Rude Boy »

Update on the EC1118 ginger beer: After watching the thing bubble slowly for a coupla months without showing any signs of stopping, I decided it would be a good candidate to put into a BeerSphere (plastic pressurized keg) so it's slow but steady production of CO2 would keep it always fizzy and well pressurized. This worked well for a week or 2, but then the yeast stopped and it's sitting in there flat, and still quite sweet. Underneath the sugary taste you can taste some serious alcohol content - which is good. I only added 5kg of cane sugar, and it was a 20L mix, so the yeast shouldn't have stopped due to stress from alcohol levels - perhaps higher alc levels and gingers inherent yeast inhibiting qualities are working together at this point. So what I have now is some very strong flat ginger beer or some very sweet ginger wine. Either way, the more I think about it, the more I'm tempted to throw it in the kettle and squeeze it.
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by Hawke »

That's quite a bit of sugar, even for 1118 to deal with.
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Re: Ginger Brandy

Post by rad14701 »

Hawke wrote:That's quite a bit of sugar, even for 1118 to deal with.
Agreed... 10kg in 20L gives a potential ABV of 29.4%... Too high for ANY yeast... That wash should have been cut into two washes of 14.7%, which is still pushing the high side of most yeasts...
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