Im keen on starting a UJSM within the next day or two, and ive called around various stock feed places looking for cracked corn as I cant seem to find a "Food Supplier" that sells cracked corn.
Now i can get 25kg bags from the stock feed places, but none of them could answer if it was safe for humans to consume, one even said some might contain medication for animals?
So i called one of the manufactures and they flat out said not safe for humans to consume, but i guess they have to say that as it was licensed and manufactured for stock.
Ridleys is one of the brands -" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow Seems to be straight out cracked corn.
As you can appriciate, I dont want to waste money, get anyone sick from using tainted ingredients or have bad tasting drink

Anyone in Aus had experience with cracked corn from stock suppliers?