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Re: Any feedback on bluegrassmoonshinestills ?

Post by Husker »

That is exactly why this thread exists. We would LOVE to have EVERY person even thinking of buying a still from these guys, read this thread, BEFORE they waste their hard earned cash. Also, we have other threads, where we list reputable vendors on the web (or mail order). Equal opportunity here, trying to help the good, and trying to help to destroy the crooks.

Hillbilly Rebel: Unless you are one of the people on this site who are legalling distilling, keep a low profile, don't tell, don't sell.
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Re: Any feedback on bluegrassmoonshinestills ?

Post by dropping_planets »

said this on the stilldrinkin thread but gonna repeat myself...thnx 4 the info on the scumbags...found this forum with one last mouse click b4 ordering from them...doubt my order would've been the one that processed smoothly....start my first sugar wash 2marrow....thnx again
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Post by leob2 »

I would like to thank the guys at still drinkin...Now I know how to build a still. My neighbor is an expert welder fabricator and promissed to help me build one but I had the distillation fever and had to have a still NOW!!!
I was "lucky" enough to spend almost $500.00 to get one.
Well after me and my neighbor finished removing the galvanized heating element couplers complete with JB Weld, covering the bare wires on the elements, bracing up the flimsy mixing bowl dome with stainless and adding a new stainless coupler for the column and throwing the galvanized handrail coupler in the F'ing river we added new SS nuts and bolts. Then we took the whole thing apart cleaned all the lead solder off and resoldered it with silver. I now have about another $150.00 in it but I have a hell of an education and have ideas for different stills. So thanks guys sleep well and burn in hell.

I hope that I feel better when I'm ridin' in that hearse.
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Post by Husker »


On this site, we are all big boys, so you do not have to hold back, lol.

Well, hopefully, you ended up with some usable still. Hearing you got it from these inet vermin, it is a little surprising that you ended up with something usable.

Oh, btw, welcome. I wish we had gotten this thread to you b4 you sent ANY money to these scum bags. May they burn in hell.

Hillbilly Rebel: Unless you are one of the people on this site who are legalling distilling, keep a low profile, don't tell, don't sell.
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Post by FearMyBooty »

I really wish I'd found these forums before I'd ever ordered from Stilldrinkin, but I didn't & now I'm going to have to fight to get my $500 back.

The message I got immediately upon them receiving the money was "This is a scam. Do not buy from me and rocky i cant build these stills at all. Thank you if you have any problems with that you can shovel it up someones end".

Thankfully I used a credit card via paypal, so I don't think it will be difficult to reverse that payment.

EDIT: I hadn't even gotten to calling to have the charges reversed, and the money hadn't even been taken out of my account, and it's done. I've got my money, so apparently the e-mail I got isn't something a disgruntled customer did. They may very well just be out of business.
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Post by leob2 »

I have just the man. He is a professional welder/fabricator certified for stainless steel as well as many other things he helped me fix my still II bought from the "crooks". Now he is interested in this hobby we already have 3 kegs and are ready to start. I have pictures of his work. He builds stainless tanks and many other custom items on ebay mainly but we are ready to build stills from just a "basic" with a thumper and condenser or if someone has a custom idea. We will build, test with water then send a picture of the finished product. Will also take paypal. Leave us a line if your interested,
I hope that I feel better when I'm ridin' in that hearse.
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Post by pattenmt »

Hi guys , I'm new to this forum and to still makin .
My buddy just got his still from still drinkin last week , and he wanted me to help figure out how to use it :roll: :roll: . He payed $714.90 for the Turbo Raptor , tilt refluxing tower .
After taking it out of the barrel it came in , we put it together and decided it was built by monkeys. After alot of time spent on the internet I kinda think they borrowed somebody else designs .galvanized fittings and lead solder and loose joints . I'm gonna have to take it all apart and resolder the usable parts . I guess the main part that's usable is the keg .
I got the design for a reflux tower off the web so I'll just replace all the junk that stilldrinkin.con sent us .
I'm glad that I was not the one who spent that much for junk but I feel sorry that my friend got ripped so bad . At least this got me interested in the still and making one correctly . Thanks for having so much info avaliable to novices like me .
By the way I have not seen any tilt reflux towers yet online , maybe they think they are smarter than everybody else . They gotta good web site gooing . seems to fool alota people. Well ya gotta think sometimes before you buy , buyer beware for everything nowadays. See ya after awhile , Ill post after the rebuild .......... :mrgreen:
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Post by HookLine »

Got some pics to show the world how shit their work is?
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Post by pattenmt »

give me a couple days , I gotta figure out how to post the pics .I'll take some pics tomorrow. :mrgreen:
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Post by Harry »

pattenmt wrote:Hi guys , I'm new to this forum and to still makin .
My buddy just got his still from still drinkin last week , and he wanted me to help figure out how to use it :roll: :roll: . He payed $714.90 for the Turbo Raptor , tilt refluxing tower .
After taking it out of the barrel it came in , we put it together and decided it was built by monkeys. After alot of time spent on the internet I kinda think they borrowed somebody else designs .galvanized fittings and lead solder and loose joints . I'm gonna have to take it all apart and resolder the usable parts . I guess the main part that's usable is the keg .
I got the design for a reflux tower off the web so I'll just replace all the junk that stilldrinkin.con sent us .
I'm glad that I was not the one who spent that much for junk but I feel sorry that my friend got ripped so bad . At least this got me interested in the still and making one correctly . Thanks for having so much info avaliable to novices like me .
By the way I have not seen any tilt reflux towers yet online , maybe they think they are smarter than everybody else . They gotta good web site gooing . seems to fool alota people. Well ya gotta think sometimes before you buy , buyer beware for everything nowadays. See ya after awhile , Ill post after the rebuild .......... :mrgreen:

How come the bad guys finish up with all the money? Maybe I gotta re-figure out my business model. Lemme see. Tits & ass sells, no doubt about it. I got a coupla nieces with bods to die for. Photos of them with my gear get me into the +millions bracket?

Reap what you sow.
regards Harry
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Post by Hawke »

Please don't tell us you found the 'World Class internal reflux' design. It's not much better than the crap these rip-offs are selling.
It is the very things that we think we know, that keep us from learning what we should know.
Valved Reflux, 3"x54" Bok 'mini', 2 liebig based pots and the 'Blockhead' 60K btu propane heat
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Post by rad14701 »

pattenmt, I'm familiar with that tilt-column design... Your friend got hosed... I'd consider him hosed at half the price he paid... Sounds like there won't be much of the original left once you replace the bad parts... Too bad your friend didn't stop by here before shelling out hard earned cash to swindlers... He could have built several good stills for the same amount of money...

That tilt-column merely gives the pot still some additional reflux, effectively combining an upward lyne arm with a liebig in a compact area... Nothing earth shattering as far as intellectual design...

Good luck...
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Post by pattenmt »

Hers the pics , I'll have to do one at a time :roll:
CIMG4609.JPG (19.92 KiB) Viewed 3924 times
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Post by pattenmt »

Here's another pic, :roll:
CIMG4612.JPG (19.94 KiB) Viewed 3920 times
CIMG4610.JPG (15.66 KiB) Viewed 3918 times
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Post by atticpc »

Hi All

What I don't get is why these guys don't do it properly. Looking at all of the joints in the photos posted by pattenmt the soldering jobs look to be well done and tidy. They are certainly better looking than any solder jobs that I have managed to do myself so far. So they have the skills. There are no end of good designs around. Just take a look around this site :-). Then all that is left is to remove a few galvanised components.

I swear that it would be easier to do it properly.
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Post by milehidistilling »

I’m sure it hard to do good work with a hangover or stinking drunk all the time. People tell me after about 1pm you can’t understand them over the phone. I love my martinis but there is a time and a place.
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Post by rad14701 »

pattenmt, it looks like they made about $400 - $500 profit out of that $714.90... Ouch...!!! I need to lose my morals and start ripping people off... If I drink enough I'll still be able to sleep at night... :roll:
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Post by punkin »

The breweries that own those kegs would definately be interested in information about those that are being sold by this mob. They big guys can certainly bring more weight to bear than us....


Post by Ugly »

You can legally buy beer kegs from several of the places that manufacture and refurbish them. The units sent back from the kegging dock to the refurb companies are technically sold to them. They in turn sell them back to the brewer after they rebuild them. It works differently for some breweries wherein the rebuild is simply a service that is contracted out. You send in five kegs, you get five back. This is usually the case with branded kegs.

In any case, the ones that are sold into the refurb place to be repaired are available to buy. Most often these are the ones used by small brewers that can't afford to custom emboss their kegs. In Canada, Molson-Coors, Labatts and Alexander Keiths for sure have their own labels. I don't know about many of the second tier breweries, but they usually use the blanks associated with the provincial distribution systems.
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Post by punkin »

A look at the keg in this case would tell the story, i wasn't aware of how it was in the states.

The ones i have all say "Always Remains The Property Of .....Brewery"

They take it reasonably seriously too.
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Post by mroe »

Well, it looks like I got screwed also. I too ordered a still from these guys. Before I found this forum. I've called twice and they gave the say laim excuses that others have written about. Plus I, like some others, put mine on a debit card. So I guess I'm out my money. I was really looking for something simple anyway. How many have had good luck with the Mr. Distiller? It seem a lot simpler than some of the stills out there. After much research on recipes I want to try some of them, I "think" I can use Mr. Distiller to distill them, of course I will have to do it in small batches. Or should I go all the way and get a hand made still? After readying the articale on some peopel using lead based solder, I'm a little scared now. So what kind of stills do you all have and what kind of success are you having? Any recomemdations?


Post by Ugly »

I'll be honest and say I think you either A) buy a unit from a reputable dealer like milehigh distilling or B) spend some time learning more than you ever wanted to know and build a unit, it's just not that hard given the data available here and elsewhere. In fact, it's relatively simple.

Building my wood processor was complex, building a continuous still for fuel production was way easier. My pot still was a no brainer, the household plumbing is more complex. Just trying to put it in perspective, if you're the least bit handy, build one up :)
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Post by violentblue »

If you can weld, or have a buddy who can weld (beer is usually the prefered form of payment)
get a beer keg from the scrap yard, weld in a 1" stainless pipe halfcoupler for your heating element and another for a dump valve if you want.
from there you can buy a column from mile high or build one yourself.
potstill for flavor, column for neutral.
copper coil in a bucket for cooling.

its so simple, its criminal.
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Post by mroe »

Your'e not going to believe this. After ordering my still from the Stilldrinkin boys, and thinking I got screwed. Just the other day the wife said they called and said my still is done and it's being shipped. What the hell????? They are still advertising on the internet, their web site is still active, and so is their help site, and they can claim to be a "business"????? I ordered the dam thing in Febuary and now in April they are shipping it. Now that's weird. Gee wonder what I'm getting something soldered to gether with lead based solder? They clain not in their adds. Well, hell at least I'm getting it. I'll let you all know when it comes.
guerrila distilla
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Post by guerrila distilla »

could it be these guys have had enough and moved on!!!!!!. just had a look at all 3 sites and they are all down. is now a custom airbrush shop and the other two are empty links. i'm sure they're busy scheming something else up as i write this, but, hopefully it wont involve "tilt reflux", "desolate" or "killer hooch"

one thing i will miss though is the classy advertising slogans such as,

"And you get a World Class Desolate that will kick your teeth straight through your WOOHOO...!!!"
"If the good Lord let us make a finer distiller He would have kept it for him self!"

another thread caught my attention today though ... =17&t=5894" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow. looks and sounds a little familiar to me, long waits, excuses and shoddy work. the whois record shows the registered owners of the site ( as Jim & Gerri Phillips, crystal lake, kentucky. the things that stand out on their website are the "tell a freind about this site" button and the tacky visitor counter, both of which i seen on also after 25 years in the business (so they say?), you think they would learn to refer to their products as "stills", not "distillers". most of the stills they sell are of the tilt reflux variety, albeit remodelled. the pictures of the stills look shoddy, with large amounts of solder on the joints. their "fermenters are ex soap containers, and they even say they may need a clean with a bit of dish soap. this is all a bad sign for me, and as i said, all a little to familiar.

i dont want to put people off if they are legitimate and reliable traders but i would definately look into it a bit more before buying off them.
I'll beat him so bad he'll need a shoehorn to put his hat on - Muhammad Ali
It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth - George Burns
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Post by rad14701 »" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow is still an active site, unfortunately..." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow is not...
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Post by mroe »

Okay, I finially got my still they made. Get this.......... I ordered in the F%$#ing thing Feburary!!! Now I get it in April. Gee........ Real responsiable business. Anyway. I'll discribe it. It's a pot that looks like you could buy it at your local Walmart for $2.00. They cut a hole int he top and bolted on a galvaized floor flange. With cork gasket, (well, hell, atleast they used a gasket) Then soldered together this condenser contraption with a refulx jar on it. In the top is a cork with a hole in it for what they describe as a"digital" thermometer. (I got a standand pocket analog version) Included was a 1 liter coke bottle with the bottom cut out and a small hole drilled in the cap and a piece of gauze stuck in the cap. I'm supposed to dump the charcol in this if I want too run my hooch though that. Also inclued in the fantastic machine was a roll of stick on window foam. I'm supposed to peel off the back and stick around the lid of the pot for a seal. Okay, now that you've all had a laugh. Well......... to be honset, I was cracking up when I opened it up too. Anyway, I tried the dam thing, and it worked pretty well. If you all remember, thinking I got screwed, I went ahead and bought a table top one. The air cooled Easy Distiller. It works well, but seems to not have the flavor a standard still does. I did a batch of Rum from Sugar and Back Strap Mollasas. Did a small portion the table top still, and a batch in the other still. Got a lot more flavor out of the standard reflux still. Anyway, I want to let you all know the ole boys finally did come through. Better lat than never I guess.
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Post by HookLine »

rad14701 wrote: is still an active site, unfortunately..." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow is not...
Both those links take me to the same site. Maybe one link was just down for a little while. Doesn't look like they are out of business. Unfortunately.
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guerrila distilla
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Post by guerrila distilla »

strange, when i try to get on the site, i'm just getting a blank screen. dont know if anybody else is getting this (hopefully it is, it's the best part of the site :D :D)
I'll beat him so bad he'll need a shoehorn to put his hat on - Muhammad Ali
It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth - George Burns
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Post by lawdog »

is this a joke?

"Easy to operate easer to operate than a traditional reflux still, Our Valved Reflux Still will produce a outstanding desolate."

"Make Killer Hooch Easy As 1...2...3..."

"Valved Reflux Still give you the highest percentages of desolate."

"We do not compromise in the building of Turbo Stomper Stills!"

"And produce a Superior Desolate!"

"you can control the the amount of desolate that you send back to the column."

"You can reticulate and control the final out-put on this unit! Amassing!"

"Duel electric heathers, primary and controlled."

"A valve to control the amount of desolate you send back to the column. The Amount of desolate and speed you collect. A valve to control the water input. A temperature control to control the temperature of the desolate vapor in the Cyclone head!"

"Here at Turbo Stomper Moonshine Stills we know how to get True Natural Flavor! We specialize in it. But knowing how to get all True flavor has taught us how to get ONLY PURE NATURAL SPIRITS ALSO!"

"It always comes down to the plain old simple truth. We offer more than any other Still maker dose. We offer more support. More hands on training. No Bullshit! We do what we say we will do!"

"Make every type of spirit. No holds bar!"

"Turbo Stomper is The New Tech Guys in distilling. Leading the way for your success"

"Time from payment to shipping is 30 days MAX! Most of the time we ship with in 3 days! WOW...!!!"

"And you get a World Class Desolate that will kick your teeth straight through your WOOHOO...!!!"

"This give a second fractionating distilling"
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