I built a 13 1/2 gal. (51 liter) SS pot still and turned a smaller pot with the same rim over and soldered a 3" by 12" copper column to it. I have electronics soldering experence but nothing like this. I started the Lyne arm, at a slight down angel, from 2" Copper pipe about 15" long, reduced to 1" for another 15", down to 1/2" for about 4" then down to 3/8" worm. Worm is about 35 feet, coiled in a 26 gal trash can. Every thing lead free, SS or copper, all solder soft silver. Cleaned by soaking in vinger, non iodized salt and hot water. I have the stuff to do a vinegar and water cleaning run and a alchol cleaning run. I decided to do a H2O run to check for leaks. Things went a little sideways.
I charged the boiler with about 3 gallons of water. Sealed the pots together with flour dough paste and fired up my turkey fryer burner. I took 35 min. to come to a rolling boil (no insulation yet). Wasn't a few min. I had almost a stream of output. Very fast drops. Proceeded to check for leaks and found a pinhole lead where I soldered the collumn to the lid. The next leak was at the union connecting the worm to the arm (guess I need to learn how to wrap teflon tape!).
Then I noticed a leak developing in my four dough seal. 10 min. later it looked like a tea pot going off, I had to shut down. I guess I will be reviewing the four dough paste threads.

Could be worse I suppose, but at least I'm getting started.