I tried it out, but other than making the water boil at a lower temp. I don't have enough experience to really know.
the manual has this info Is there anything anyone can add?
Maurice advises ..
..put a teaspoonful of ordinary table salt into the wash ..the spirit comes over much better..
Salts are sometimes used during extractive distillation (eg when trying to distill past the 95.6% azeotrope) so as to depress the volatility of the water (eg effectively increase its boiling point, so you get a greater % of ethanol off compared to normal). Because the salt is non-volitile, it will always remain in the pot, and not turn up in the distillate.
The "Household Cyclopedia" recommends ...
Table-salt thrown into the still, in the proportion of 6 oz. (180 g) to 10 galls. (38 L) of any liquid to be distilled, will greatly improve the flavor, taste, and strength of the spirit. The viscid matter will be fixed by the salt, whilst the volatile matter ascends in a state of great purity.
David cautions though ..
make sure you use ordinary non-iodised salt not iodised. Virtually all salt sold in NZ in containers for domestic consumption is iodised. Also be aware that salt is sodium chloride and that chlorides attack stainless steel and can bad pit it. It can also and will generally shorten your element life.
Bokakob advises ..
The best time to introduce salt in the distillate is when distilling second time. The first distillation, stripping, is used to reduce the amount of liquid and some of impurities. The second run is the place where this salt helps in separating boiling point of water. I always add regular salt for the second distillation in proportion of about two heaping table spoons for about 8-10 liters of 65% abv.