Many years ago my wife bought me a sheet of copper and a sheet of brass. When I decided to scratchbuild a still recently I asked her which one was which (she was with her grandmother in the hospital far away, so I had no correct color vision to help me). She told me the copper was more expensive so that was the smaller of the two sheets. I grabbed the smaller of the two sheets and built myself a still. My cousin just informed me that I built myself a fine BRASS still! CRAP! $#!+! DAMNIT!
I've read here about "passivating" brass with vinegar/hydrochloric acid for parts, but a whole still?
Am I totally fugged? Do I really need to start over? Can I "passivate" this one for now while I build a new one? (the good side is my sheet of "copper" is much larger so I can build a bigger still NEXT TIME!

Any advice would be GREAT! I was so planning on firing it up tomorrow. Now the future remains to be seen.