Possible problems with DWWG wash

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Possible problems with DWWG wash

Post by lumberped »

This wash is giving me atypical results thus far. I need to know if this normal or if I have a real problem going on.

Ingredients used for 3 gal. wash

5lbs white sugar
8oz. wheat germ
2 tsp lemon juice ( substituted for citric acid)

Boiled for 1 1/2 hours
Cooled to 80 deg. F.

Added 4 1/2 tsp Red Star active dry yeast ( did not have access to champagne yeast)

at this point the reaction was as expected and described
The wash added approx. 25% to it's size in fermenter bucket almost immediately

Checked on wash in approx 12 hours , all was well
at this point I sealed the fermenter with a perforated surgical glove

Checked again apporx. 4 hours later and all was the same, but I decided it would be better to airlock the wash with tubing and water.
Peaked again in about an hour and wash was flat, but active, although slow
odor was pungent and burned my snoot ! :ebiggrin:

At this point I stirred the wash with no results
added about 8 tbsp sugar and wash reacted violently and began to take off again
sealed bucket again and airlocked with water and tube and watched for bubbles with no result

checked again in approx. 2 hours , and the wash was back to flat but active

at this point I added about 1/2 lb brown sugar and a crushed vitamin B tablet ; small reaction but no where near what the previous sugar addition caused.

sealed bucket again with perforated surgical glove and waited about four hours b4 checking again.
Again wash was flat but slowly active, with strong pungency.

Checked again this morning , with the same results ; slowly active and pungent

added another vitamin tablet ( crushed)

Just checked a moment ago , and the reaction is ongoing , but very slow.
The pungency is the same , but has now begun to have a very slight odor as well.

This is my first wash , and know that I have probably made some mistakes , so please help me find them.
Keep in mind a lack of available ingredients , and my anxiousness to get started. :oops:

Thanks in advance for your knowledge and support

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Re: Possible problems with DWWG wash

Post by Dnderhead »

would ya leave that pore stuff alone. it's nothing for a wash to take off like the bat out of hell then slow down.
as long as it is working leave it alone.
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Re: Possible problems with DWWG wash

Post by lumberped »

I :lol: I take that as an "all clear" on problems ? Just can't help myself , on the poking and prodding. It's waaay to interesting to not be able to see. I think , I may have to move to a clear vessel , so that I can "visit" it without having to open it. Besides, it smells way to delicious, to leave alone. We tasted it last night , and that made it even harder to leave alone :oops:

Just let me know if I need to do anything besides nothing :ewink:

Thanks Again

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Re: Possible problems with DWWG wash

Post by rad14701 »

lumberped wrote:I take that as an "all clear" on problems ?
If there are problems, you caused them with your meddling... Sit on your hands and wait... :roll:
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