One of our mutuals told me about your split with your wife, so I went to go read it. God Damn, it sounds
just like my life. So I figured I would PM you with this. You can print it on the thread if you want, just
dont mention my name. I like a low profile.
My wife and I were together going on 17 years and she announced that she was "done" and that she wanted to
split. Harsh words and feelings were exchanged. I could not believe that she was so calm about the whole
things as I watched her rip my family apart. It was very sad and the kids tried to act like it was fine,
but they were wounded beyond anything I have ever seen. My youngest withdrew into a fantasy world and my
oldest became really "free spirited" and refused to do anything her mother asked, even though she was a
golden child before. Boys were a big problem and we had to have an aburtion when she was 16. That was a
hard day for her.
Despite my best efforts, my wife moved out into a condominium in the same town and we hammered out an
agreement between each other for custody. It seemed pretty amicable at the time. Amicable, thats a nice
lawyer word. So I checked myself into a shrink and started working with this guy who seemed to know his
shit. I made some progress and thought that I could save the marriage so I tried to convince her to come
back and try. She gave me the "have to be one my own and I love you, but I'm not IN love with you speech."
which my therapist said was her way of showing how ambilvalent she was and that she had lost repsect for me
because I let her take over the marriage. I thought that was waht she wanted and I was happy to let her do
it. She always said that I was so controlling it hurt her, but she was the one running the relationship.I
coulnd make a move edgewise because she already had me sighted in with a reaction that she pretty much went
out of her way to make me do. She expected negtive shit from me and wouldnt be happy until she got it.
So I tried and tried to get her to come back, all the time working on my issues and dealing with the new
things life was tossing at me.
So the kids spun out of control because she was so wrapped up in her shit. They were fine at my house, but
she let them run wild at hers.
Then she started her own therapy. She always seemed so miserable. Then it was the "i need to find myself"
speech which was her saying that she needed someone to fix her. In the meantime her friends were all
telling her to move on and that I was a lost cause. One of her friends openely said to me that she didnt
care that we could patch things up because Gwen could do fine on her own.She even said that she would make
sure it didnt happen.
I did my stuff and worked on my mind a bit and made some real progress.I was pretty dam pleased with myself
and even started taking better care of myself in case a future wife showed up. We were only seperted so I
didnt fool around, but I was thinking I wouldnt mind a better wife. I felt guilty thinki it, but Iwasnt
being given the chance to help my situation. Gotta move on.
This is the part that was a ctually the worst. I guess we were close th 5 months into it and I was enjoying
myself. I have always been good at taking care of myself, so I wasnt having too much problems.I hooked up
with friends and made a few new ones and kept busy.I downsized my house and did all kinds of shit to keep
busy, then she starts coming around and makin noise about getting back together. I guess she had a crush on
some guy and it backfired. She called up one night all sad and depressed and said she MIGHT want to start
working on it again and that she MAY have had made a mistake and that she really never stopped lovin me.
So out of habit I invited her over and she came with a bottle of wine. We had a few and then she started
breakin down about how lonely she was and how she had made the biggest mistake of her life and how she
wanted to work it out because "she realized that I wasnt so bad". Then it was like someone turned on the
light in my head. I sat there listening to her and thinking to myself that I didnt need this and that I had
actually moved beyond her. The shrink and the time alone was enough to prove to me that I was okay
enough to not need her. That and a few womin had made suggestions that they might be open to being with me.
So theres this girl crying on the floor getting my knees all wet and I had nothing for her. I felt really
bad that a few mnoths agao I would have given anything to be with her and now I knew that I had outgrown
her. It was sucky and cool at the same time, but mostly I felt bad because I was the one breaking the vow
this time.I never thought I would do it. I still feel like poop to this day that I couldnt do it. I am
still alone but Im really okay with it. I have a live in GF who's pretty cool.
My ex got involved with a guy who finally broke her jaw and the kids hated him. She kicked him out a few
years ago.
My point in this is that I thought she was what I wanted all along and it turns out she wasnt. If she had
come back a little sooner or stayed, things might be different for us, but they arent. She's alone and
seemingly fine, but the kids say she is lonely and stays up all night when they are there. I guess she is
happy where she is though. ME Im happier than a pig in shit, but I cant help but wonder what would have
happened is she came back sooner. Might have been able to work it out and get back together.
So you might want to ask her a few more times before she leaves.
If you are serious about yer word.
I feel bad that I couldnt do it, but you might not.
I just wanted to say that because you seem like the type who would kick himself a lot more than me.
Feel free to print this if you think it might do somebody some good.