Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Little or nothing to do with distillation.

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Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by Kidnapper2 »

This is not a my side is right and your side is wrong kind of thing, it's a Sergeant Joe Friday kinda thing, "Just the facts ma'am".

Found a good article explaining what this means to average folks. And I think most of us here at HD are average folks.

http://www.omaha.com/article/20121111/NEWS/711119961" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
*It should be observed, that neither age or double distillation, will render good, whiskey originally bad; or that has recieved an improper flavour during the fermentation. From The Distiller, by Harrison Hall 1818.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by HolyBear »

Sooo, where is Gaults Gulch again???
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by Kidnapper2 »


Where is that John guy??
*It should be observed, that neither age or double distillation, will render good, whiskey originally bad; or that has recieved an improper flavour during the fermentation. From The Distiller, by Harrison Hall 1818.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by HolyBear »

Heard someone in the media today that I do trust, (yes there is someone in the media that can be trusted to tell the truth to tha best of his ability), he said that we will go over the cliff. It is what they want now. No matter if a compromise is reached or not, we're still going over...

Hope folks have gotten ready...
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by Kidnapper2 »

Last Friday I got laid off. Most of the guys I work have been off for the last month or so. There is work on the books coming up in the spring. Many builders and customers in the area are pushing back the starting dates on new construction into next year based on fears.

I'm not all ideological about what party is better than the other, just the opposite, I believe the fact that we have a 2 party system is the greatest evil we have in this country. It forces politicians to be loyal to the party before their constituents. But these a-holes have to realize what effect they have on us poor working slobs.

I have already lost a house to foreclosure during this financial disaster, simply not enough work for the last 2+ years. I have 2 kids in college and 1 is a senior in H.S. and I am a full-time single dad. All 3 kids live here with me because the cost of them moving out would be to much for them.

Something has to give at some point, I know far too many people that are in the same boat as me or worse. I am thankful that I live in a small community that cares about their neighbors, I hunt and fish so the freezer is full, I drive old piece of shit vehicles with no car payments etc. I simply don't see how the status quo that was voted for recently can sustain itself. You can only push so many people for so long.
*It should be observed, that neither age or double distillation, will render good, whiskey originally bad; or that has recieved an improper flavour during the fermentation. From The Distiller, by Harrison Hall 1818.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by Bushman »

This discussion can easily take a side trip, remember rule #5 as you make your comments. This political year I left Facebook not sure when I am going back after the flaming that went on there.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by paramedic68whiskey »

Its really not a side issue. Personally I am a libertarian and a constituionalist. I vote R because I feel they would do better at smaller government. ( hasnt really panned out though) BOTH parties destroyed this country. They spent money like drunken sailors and now our kids and grand kids are going to have to foot the bill. This is a fact...it didn't matter who got elected, there is going to be a financial collapse in this country. Hyperinflation is coming to a store near you, and the US dollar will be worth nothing. Most Americans are blind to what our deficits and national debt really is. Americans got greedy and became takers. We strayed away from the constituition, and all you have to do is look at some of the bills that have been passed to see. NDAA, war on drugs, patriot act, are all things that take away liberty. People think my old lady and I are nuts because we are prepping...I hope to god we are nuts, but I would rather be safe than sorry. People are going to get hurt when we start trying to correct this. I assume I will lose some of my VA disability and others like me, SS, medicare and medicaid will face huge cuts. Defense spending will go way down, its going to hurt. All of this and most experts are saying it isn't going to stop what is going to happen. I love this country, I have served multple tours in the middle east, and do private contracting, but I am ashamed at what is happening and has happened. Our forefathers and deceased veterans must be crying in their graves.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by whiskeytripping »

+1 paramedic
First I want to thank you for your service to our great country. The truth is finally here
We have come to a point where we have a little more than half of the people "sit on their asses" an a little less than half the people "workers (AKA suckers)"

It is what it is. What a shame
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by HolyBear »

Bump. Yep.

I wonder if by going over the cliff, causing enough havoc, with all it entails, if folks will finally wake up... when their belly buttons are rubbing their backbones, maybe they will wake up... if then, will it be too late???
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by paramedic68whiskey »

wacabi1 wrote:Bump. Yep.

I wonder if by going over the cliff, causing enough havoc, with all it entails, if folks will finally wake up... when their belly buttons are rubbing their backbones, maybe they will wake up... if then, will it be too late???
Its all ready too late brother. They may prevent the "fiscal cliff", but they are not stopping hyper-inflation among other things. Those in rural areas are the safest, as we know how to take care of business. The cities....ahh, would not want to be there when costs skyrocket and things start to fall apart.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by Kidnapper2 »

Thanks for your service Paramedic.

I too have done the basic "prepping" I think it's a good idea to have 1 years worth of food and the like should things get nuts. I would rather be prepared for the worst and be wrong, than be prepared for nothing and it all falls apart. I am in the construction trades and have been for over 20 years. Work the last couple of years has been a bit on again off again but I guess it could be worse. So the prepping came from need first.

I do not play the party game when it comes to politics, I too agree that it has been a coordinated effort by both parties to get us to where we are now.

Wacabi1, I hope it doesn't come down to that, but most people simply pay more attention to Dancing With The Stars than they do their elected representatives. Sadly it may have to completely fall apart for them to see the problems. Government should never be the place to turn to for the things we can do for ourselves in our own communities, they need to be there to keep us safe, first and foremost. And they should be there defending our freedoms as opposed to finding ways to take them.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Ronald Reagan.
*It should be observed, that neither age or double distillation, will render good, whiskey originally bad; or that has recieved an improper flavour during the fermentation. From The Distiller, by Harrison Hall 1818.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by whiskeytripping »

Here's a good quote that will prove very true

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by paramedic68whiskey »

Kidnapper2 wrote:Thanks for your service Paramedic.

I too have done the basic "prepping" I think it's a good idea to have 1 years worth of food and the like should things get nuts. I would rather be prepared for the worst and be wrong, than be prepared for nothing and it all falls apart. I am in the construction trades and have been for over 20 years. Work the last couple of years has been a bit on again off again but I guess it could be worse. So the prepping came from need first.

I do not play the party game when it comes to politics, I too agree that it has been a coordinated effort by both parties to get us to where we are now.

Wacabi1, I hope it doesn't come down to that, but most people simply pay more attention to Dancing With The Stars than they do their elected representatives. Sadly it may have to completely fall apart for them to see the problems. Government should never be the place to turn to for the things we can do for ourselves in our own communities, they need to be there to keep us safe, first and foremost. And they should be there defending our freedoms as opposed to finding ways to take them.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Ronald Reagan.

SO TRUE!!!!!!!! Its nice to know there are still people out there who believe!
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by paramedic68whiskey »

whiskeytripping wrote:Here's a good quote that will prove very true

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
Abraham Lincoln
Can't argue that.....
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by heynonny »

paramedic68whiskey said
They spent money like drunken sailors
This is a slur on drunken sailors, as they STOP spending when they run out of money.

Surprising to see that particular 'comment' on this particular forum. -hey-
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by heartcut »

We have the best politicians money can buy.
Likewise, wacabi- think that it'll take something like going over the cliff while our leaders loudly accuse each other might wake up more folks, but it'll hurt.
Sadly, the US has become a caricature of it's former self.

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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by rad14701 »

Part of the problem here in the US is that too many people would rather believe the current spin of fear mongering than to really investigate the facts... There will always be changes and expirations that effect people... And many Americans would rather watch to see if Honey Boo Boo shits her diaper or has knock a buzzard off a shit wagon breath than to pay any real attention to what is happening around them... But they aren't too busy to be swept up in the rhetoric that gets spun out of control and hop right on board...

I am currently being made a victim of a perfect storm here in my home state of New York and that has more of an impact on me personally than any of this fiscal cliff bullshit... I have lived here my entire life but may end up having to move to another state in an effort to avoid further persecution... If not for my elderly parents I might already be gone...

But I digress... :shifty:
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by Kidnapper2 »

Rad, I am a drywaller by trade, before that I was a painter. One day 20+ years ago I was cutting in along an 8' ceiling from the floor (I am pretty tall) when a drywaller walked in and yelled at me to put that paint brush down and come to work as a drywaller. He knew my height would be a huge advantage.

I share this story because of that drywaller. A Long Island Irish Biker who has simply had enough of the rules, regulations and taxes of living in New York. One day he picked up the paper there and seen a story about how low our unemployment rate was. He bought a 24' box truck, put his Harley and tools in the back and drove straight through. His childhood best friend moved here a year or so afterwards and still maintains it was the sanest thing he ever did. He died a few years back. Although we had lost touch over the years, I still miss the guy. Not only did he teach me a trade, he taught me many life lessons I will never forget, heck I was kind of a liberal till he got a hold of me :crazy:

Earlier this week I got a call from a guy for a side job to finish his basement, he got my number from a mutual acquaintance. He just moved here from NYC. He worked for an ad agency there and had simply had enough of the taxes and bs of living there. He loaded up the wife and hit the road.

While I don't pretend to know what you are going through, I have heard plenty of crazy stories from other New Yorkers. Hopefully things will land softly for you and your family and what's best for all of you will come to a best case scenario.
*It should be observed, that neither age or double distillation, will render good, whiskey originally bad; or that has recieved an improper flavour during the fermentation. From The Distiller, by Harrison Hall 1818.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by paramedic68whiskey »

rad14701 wrote:Part of the problem here in the US is that too many people would rather believe the current spin of fear mongering than to really investigate the facts... There will always be changes and expirations that effect people... And many Americans would rather watch to see if Honey Boo Boo shits her diaper or has knock a buzzard off a shit wagon breath than to pay any real attention to what is happening around them... But they aren't too busy to be swept up in the rhetoric that gets spun out of control and hop right on board...

I am currently being made a victim of a perfect storm here in my home state of New York and that has more of an impact on me personally than any of this fiscal cliff bullshit... I have lived here my entire life but may end up having to move to another state in an effort to avoid further persecution... If not for my elderly parents I might already be gone...

But I digress... :shifty:
I will agree with you that there are a lot of mis-informed people in this country, and I concur there is a lot of fearmongering on both sides. Personally I like to get my news from all different angles. Fox, MSNBC, blogs etc etc. I disagree in the fact that this will not effect you or mainstream America. It will, anyone who works, has a 401K has a family will get hurt. Thos tax cuts were pretty substantial. Personally I think we should have a flat tax...everyone pays, no deductions. It takes all of this off the board in the future AND everyone has skin in the game. If everyone has to pay taxes...see how quick things change in this country and spending goes down. It will never happen though, Uncle Sam likes to be able to pick winners and losers on both sides. If taxes are out of the equation they can't buy votes and will have to work on real issues. BTW, hope things are turning around for you guys. A couple of us went to NJ for a few days to help with emergency medical care.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by MuleKicker »

It is going to hurt, everyone. There is no other way at this point. Problem is, everyone wants a plan to "hurt" another group, but leave me alone. This country is so crooked, the payoffs and ripoffs are finally coming back to bite. Its going to take a revolution.
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by Dnderhead »

"going to take a revolution"
or a big crash,,that is what happened befor,(they did not learn the first time),the "crash" brings things back on a even keel.as I said befor its like a card game..if some one (s) takes the whole pot the game is over..and they have been borrowing trying to prevent the enviable...
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by blind drunk »

Dnderhead wrote:"going to take a revolution"
or a big crash,,that is what happened befor,(they did not learn the first time),the "crash" brings things back on a even keel.as I said befor its like a card game..if some one (s) takes the whole pot the game is over..and they have been borrowing trying to prevent the enviable...
Who took the pot of gold?
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Re: Way off topic, fiscal cliff stuff.

Post by HolyBear »

Rad, surprised to see ya coming on board (still wondering bout yer sister, but glad yer coming around). Pray that your doing ok though, I know you live out as far as you can go and still be in. Be ye forewarned, them folks that have been hit, will be moving yer way, you can profit from em, but be ye gentle to the right folk, hope you have prepared to take care of yours and others ifn ya can...
Paramedic, you've still got a wayz ta go before you can fit in in Texas. But yer on the right path.
Master Dunder, Hmmm, I learnt from me dad, long ago, that there is nothing, nothing, on this whole earth, more fearsome, than an ol man with nothing to loose. I pray that you use that wisdom of yours to help someone that may not be worthy now, but could be, to help him be a guide to others, to pass on, so that some of you can be instilled in another for the future of our craft...
BD, the answer to your question is that we all have. And not only us, but by borrowing against our children's future, our children have been saddled with the debt that we, the ignorant Americans who vote without holding our politician's accountable, they (our children) will pay for our ignorance...

It will all wash out in the end though boys, right now, the world is upside down, white is black, left is right, nothing makes sence, all we can do is do our best... help yer neighbor when you can, take care of yer family, prepare, repent, do what you can ta fix this ol world, and hold on, cause times are fixing ta get rough...............
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
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