I was realy excited to try this ran all the way to tsc like 45 minutes away, they had two types of producers pride sweet feed. One said with pellets one said nothing at all about pellets. Obviously bought the one that didnt mention pellets. Open it now that Im home, 100 percent pellets ! So angry it said nothing about pellets on it. Already had my sugar bubbling on the stove too. Mighty dissapointing day. Any one who buys from tractor supply, what color bag do you buy? The bag I have is producers pride sweetfeed 12% and the bag is purple and yellow
I can't get an answer as to the percentage of grains and molasses on my SF, but it SEEMS like there is more oats.... perhaps because they float. But I think on my third gen and subsequent washes, I shall add more cracked corn along with the SF each batch.
10% all grain is what my local TS claims to have in stock . I'm gonna be pissed if it ain't .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
I'm fixin to set a batch of tried and true sweet feed about next Sunday . Got a 44 gal Rubbermaid trash can for fermenter barrel . Using an aquarium heater to maintain even temp . How high can I expect a cap to rise in the barrel ? Unsure whether to set 30 or 40 gallon batch in that size container without risk of cap overflow .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Rclark12 wrote:I was realy excited to try this ran all the way to tsc like 45 minutes away, they had two types of producers pride sweet feed. One said with pellets one said nothing at all about pellets. Obviously bought the one that didnt mention pellets. Open it now that Im home, 100 percent pellets ! So angry it said nothing about pellets on it. Already had my sugar bubbling on the stove too. Mighty dissapointing day. Any one who buys from tractor supply, what color bag do you buy? The bag I have is producers pride sweetfeed 12% and the bag is purple and yellow
The exact bag has been posted as a picture here more than once, as well as the ingredient list... Might even have the item number as well... Snoop around and you'll find it... I'm guessing it's right in this topic somewhere...
Rclark12 wrote:I was realy excited to try this ran all the way to tsc like 45 minutes away, they had two types of producers pride sweet feed. One said with pellets one said nothing at all about pellets. Obviously bought the one that didnt mention pellets. Open it now that Im home, 100 percent pellets ! So angry it said nothing about pellets on it. Already had my sugar bubbling on the stove too. Mighty dissapointing day. Any one who buys from tractor supply, what color bag do you buy? The bag I have is producers pride sweetfeed 12% and the bag is purple and yellow
The exact bag has been posted as a picture here more than once, as well as the ingredient list... Might even have the item number as well... Snoop around and you'll find it... I'm guessing it's right in this topic somewhere...
It sure has Rad but I'll give him a break. The TSC All Grain is TSC# 5021132, nothing but Corn, Oats,Barley and a lil Molasses, No other additives and NO PELLETS..
This is a long day.
Have been making multiple SF stripping runs and collecting the.
Doing the Spirit run today. Started at 11:00. Should have started much much sooner.
Charged still with 12.5 gallons of 42% abv
Ran the still for 15 hours..
Collected about 2.5 gallons of heads.
Just over 3 gallons of hearts.
And a lot of tails.
I think this ended up being my best cuts yet. Amazing that what I had kept last year, I had no problem getting rid of this year. But it is my best tasting to date. Monty
Last edited by Monty671 on Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Monty671 wrote:This is a long day.
Have been making multiple SF stripping runs and collecting the.
Doing the Spirit run today. Started at 11:00. Should have started much much sooner.
Charged still with 12.5 gallons of 52% abv
Ran the still for 15 hours..
Collected about 2.5 gallons of heads.
Just over 3 gallons of hearts.
And a lot of tails.
I think this ended up being my best cuts yet. Amazing that what I had kept last year, I had no problem getting rid of this year. But it is my best tasting to date. Monty
GOLLY ,Monty ! I hope you are tired and mistyped . Please tell me that you didn't sit in front of a 104 proof bomb with a fire under it alll day . Tell us you meant 52 proof .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Be careful monty. When you get ethenol vapor it can burn you like a meth explosion. When i want to to run higher proof safely then i use the still spirits electric stuff either 1 gallon thru the mr. Distiller or if i am doing a big batch of neutral then the 500 series works great. Its that electricity is safer than propane for running higher proof. I have run 70% abv with no problems regularly and it will damn near be 100%abv .Cornfed
Also monty. I am a stones throw from you. If you need some where safe to run your still. I got a pond and some privacy out here in the country! And i aint got any gators over here. Let me know which river is the closest to you. I got three rivers and that big lake right up the road ten minutes! Cornfed
Monty671 wrote:I am afraid that it was 52%. Normally keep it below 40%, BUT....
Ran the pot out in the swamp. The bigger danger today was the Gators.
Being "in the swamp" is no excuse... Trying to play down the risk with an excuse just doesn't cut it... You need to be a more responsible stiller, especially if you are going to post about your experiences here in the forums... We don't want some unknowing novice to follow your lead and have disastrous results in their home rather than "in the swamp" because you were so casual about the risks...
Rclark12 wrote:I was realy excited to try this ran all the way to tsc like 45 minutes away, they had two types of producers pride sweet feed. One said with pellets one said nothing at all about pellets. Obviously bought the one that didnt mention pellets. Open it now that Im home, 100 percent pellets ! So angry it said nothing about pellets on it. Already had my sugar bubbling on the stove too. Mighty dissapointing day. Any one who buys from tractor supply, what color bag do you buy? The bag I have is producers pride sweetfeed 12% and the bag is purple and yellow
The exact bag has been posted as a picture here more than once, as well as the ingredient list... Might even have the item number as well... Snoop around and you'll find it... I'm guessing it's right in this topic somewhere...
It sure has Rad but I'll give him a break. The TSC All Grain is TSC# 5021132, nothing but Corn, Oats,Barley and a lil Molasses, No other additives and NO PELLETS..
Thank you, called them and they said this feed doesn't exist I went to tsc website and there it is. Called them up gave them all the info they dont have it just my luck. Im going to try to special request it or something. Guess it will be some time before I get to try this wash out. That or ill make my own or see if any of the places around here that sell corn and molasses for deer do a sweet feed with oats and barley too
Try looking around at different feed stores. Look for C.O.B. (corn, oats, barley) if they have (WET COB) the wet is the added molasses. Same as a sweet feed. I found a chicken scratch I might try, it's cracked corn, oats, wheat. No preservatives.
Never enough time to do it right, always enough time to do it over....
Monty671 wrote:This is a long day.
Have been making multiple SF stripping runs and collecting the.
Doing the Spirit run today. Started at 11:00. Should have started much much sooner.
Charged still with 12.5 gallons of 42% abv
Ran the still for 15 hours..
Collected about 2.5 gallons of heads.
Just over 3 gallons of hearts.
And a lot of tails.
I think this ended up being my best cuts yet. Amazing that what I had kept last year, I had no problem getting rid of this year. But it is my best tasting to date. Monty
15 hours for 3 gallons hearts...I thought 4.5 hrs for a 12 gallon spirit run with my electric keg was a long time.
Based on Monty's experience, is this sweet feed recipe typical of that much heads? I understand that that run was a stripped, spirit run. 3 gallons seems to be alot though.
I've tried others SW 'shine and liked it enough to try for my 1st run, that is after the cleaning runs.
Might be useful info for some: I went to a local horse farm asking for sweet feed, they gave me the number of the people who make all their feed. I called them up and they do everything custom, what ever you want and they sell per hundred pounds. Perhaps other places will do the same if you guys look around enough. They even offer things like mixing apples in and stuff. For now I just stuck with a wet cob, had the option for light or heavy amount of mollases I went light figuring I could play around adding more if I wanted. I was going to ask if they had rye or anything else but like I said Ill stick to the original recipe for a few generations then start playing around. Hope this helps somebody out there who cant get producers pride like me
I ran 2 batches based on the first recipe in this post....first was good...2nd was better. Then I mixed up a recipe of 2 lbs of sugar per gallon of water and 1 lb of sweetfeed per 5 gallons of water. Was ready in 6 days. Got a gallon and a half off 24 gallons of wash. Any where between 188 - 160 proof. I cut it down to 80 proof with distilled water and am now oaking it. My 2nd smaller batch was sure a lot smoother to drink. My 24 gallon was sure didn't smell as strong "moonshine smell" as my first 2 smaller runs.
Any advise....maybe more grain? Keep in mind my first 2 runs were in a 4 gallon stainless pot....my big run was with a 26 gallon Hillbilly Stills pot with a reflux column...I guess it was a purer run?
I ran 2 batches based on the first recipe in this post....first was good...2nd was better. Then I mixed up a recipe of 2 lbs of sugar per gallon of water and 1 lb of sweetfeed per 5 gallons of water. Was ready in 6 days. Got a gallon and a half off 24 gallons of wash. Any where between 188 - 160 proof. I cut it down to 80 proof with distilled water and am now oaking it. My 2nd smaller batch was sure a lot smoother to drink. My 24 gallon was sure didn't smell as strong "moonshine smell" as my first 2 smaller runs.
Any advise....maybe more grain? Keep in mind my first 2 runs were in a 4 gallon stainless pot....my big run was with a 26 gallon Hillbilly Stills pot with a reflux column...I guess it was a purer run?
ANy advise is appreciated.
Hey bud as most of these guys will say, follow the recipe to the t. The amount that it says provides good flavor and that's why so many people like it. Of you can make your own twist to it if you want. Try a run like it says and compare the tastes. Then you will know =) I TS all about personal preference per the individual or individuals.
Strait and narrow by day, shining by night. Without whiskey a tricklin' it just don't seem right.
Hey Redcorn, welcome aboard first and foremost. I agree, Use the recipes in the tried and true section first. Its like teaching somebody how to cook, i always say "get yourself a cookbook and adjust the recipes later to suit your taste" It will make you a happier home distiller and a hell of a lot richer thru the money you will save by eliminating those costly mistakes. I have a simple recipe that i make in 6 gallon batches and i have tweeked the heck out of it and i can make it do almost anything i want it to do as far boldness and pure rich flavor. I would say that if you find that special recipe then you will know it just like what you like or do best. The greatest part of this hobby is that you have people here willing to share knowledge with you and brother thats a powerful thing! Cornfed
That was quite the upgrade! 4Gal to a 26Gal Hillbilly after only a few runs. With your big pot now, you will want to adjust the recipe by scaling it up, try not to change the proportions though. Also - I see you mentioned reflux, when you want the taste to carry over, you do not want to run your still in reflux mode as it will strip the flavour.
I have 4 lbs of malted rye and 2 lbs of 6 row barley, wondering if its worth throwing in (especially wondering bout the rye) or trying to do some conversion. I saw somewhere in my research on here about molasses getting in the way for ag, unless they just ment its not an ag since the molasses. That doesnt bother me because I would bring up the og with more sugar anyway. Just thinking rye might give some nice flavors and maybe replacing oats with rhe could be a hit
Rclark12 wrote:I have 4 lbs of malted rye and 2 lbs of 6 row barley, wondering if its worth throwing in (especially wondering bout the rye) or trying to do some conversion. I saw somewhere in my research on here about molasses getting in the way for ag, unless they just ment its not an ag since the molasses. That doesnt bother me because I would bring up the og with more sugar anyway. Just thinking rye might give some nice flavors and maybe replacing oats with rhe could be a hit
,hey man its up to you but I wouldn't throw in my malted rye too expensive to waste on this recipe. The flavors are there already. If you did, I would add a lb of cracked corn to mix and add 1lb of the 2 row.
Strait and narrow by day, shining by night. Without whiskey a tricklin' it just don't seem right.
Thanks I just decided to do a regular weet feed. This was my first sweet feed mash, there was a handful of pellets mixed in even though I assked for no pellets so I picked them out by hand. There wasn't to many but still took forever. Seems like the mix was mostly corn and barley, I wasn't noticing too much oats but maybe I just wan't paying attention to it. Just under 4" of feed, 6 lbs of sugar in a 5 gallon bucket, yet to pitch yeast or drop in the hydrometer as its too hot still. I feel like this feed is a little rougher then some of the pictures you guys posted but should do the trick, the wash is dark brown right now. Going to do 7-8 spoonfulls of bakers yeast I got in a brick from sams club, kinda like the recipe calls for.
Rclark12 wrote:Thanks I just decided to do a regular weet feed. This was my first sweet feed mash, there was a handful of pellets mixed in even though I assked for no pellets so I picked them out by hand. There wasn't to many but still took forever. Seems like the mix was mostly corn and barley, I wasn't noticing too much oats but maybe I just wan't paying attention to it. Just under 4" of feed, 6 lbs of sugar in a 5 gallon bucket, yet to pitch yeast or drop in the hydrometer as its too hot still. I feel like this feed is a little rougher then some of the pictures you guys posted but should do the trick, the wash is dark brown right now. Going to do 7-8 spoonfulls of bakers yeast I got in a brick from sams club, kinda like the recipe calls for.
I hope it works well for you. Mine smelt sooo good mashing. The mash is done now but just waiting on it to be distilled. Good luck to ya. Oh by the way the mash will stay dark throughout.
Strait and narrow by day, shining by night. Without whiskey a tricklin' it just don't seem right.
mine smells good, not exactly what I was expecting but nice sweet taste, very grainy as Im used to sugar and corn recipes similar to ujssm. Starting gravity was 1.07 at 95 degrees and I didnt feel like waiting for a more accurate og and just pitched the yeast. I seem to have some stray floating around in there, unless thats just from the barley maybe who knows. Hopefully I got all the pellets out and the mix that is there produces good alcohol like everyone is boasting about. Thanks for the help guys
With this SF wash, how do you guys exchange grains? Just take the top layer? If so, how much? I see a lot of oat hulls on top, but the bottom looks whiter than the top, probably due to yeast. So should I add water, stir it up a bit, then take off the top, to ensure used grains get off the bottom?