I CAN NOT find safe solder..
I went to Lowe's and the solder for plumbing's MSDS said that it had a hazerdous metal in it.
Then at Radio Shack, the electrical sodler was Silver Solder, 96/4 (lead free). But it's package warned that it had materials known int he state of california to cause cancer (im not in Cali so its safe right? )
Anyways, where can i get the solder i need?
You can't think of the impossible, because it's impossible. Ergo if you can think it, its possible.
this is an example msds for lowes online site for solder. Same stuff at home depot.. MSDS can be deceiving, because copper dust and silver fumes can be listed as hazardous.
But it's package warned that it had materials known int he state of california to cause cancer (im not in Cali so its safe right? )
Almost every item I look at has that same warning about the state of California. I would pay strict attention to the MSDS but the California warning IMO is BS
rad14701 wrote:Do Not Use Electronics Solder For Still Construction...!!!
Want to elaborate?
Electrical solder often has either rosin or acid core and not suitable for use with potable liquids... You want to use solder designated as for plumbing...
rad14701 wrote:Do Not Use Electronics Solder For Still Construction...!!!
Want to elaborate?
Electrical solder often has either rosin or acid core and not suitable for use with potable liquids... You want to use solder designated as for plumbing...
So... Does the tin and copper one have acid? There isn't rosin. I just know I can't use the crap lowes has right now.
You can't think of the impossible, because it's impossible. Ergo if you can think it, its possible.
You just need to find a roll of solder in the plumbing dept. at any hardware store that says "Lead Free" on the roll. Sway away from acid core or rosin core and use plumbers flux.
Zeig wrote:So... Does the tin and copper one have acid? There isn't rosin. I just know I can't use the crap lowes has right now.
No, you use flux paste as it cleans and fluxes...
I know what flux paste is, I just meant it's electrical solder and you said it usually has acid or rosin. So was making sure none of that was in it. So the tin and copper is safe?
I looked in a plumbing dept and their lead free solder was blessed with another heavy metal..
You can't think of the impossible, because it's impossible. Ergo if you can think it, its possible.
Buy red label plumbers Silver solder. Use water based plumbing flux. That is what we use. Do clean joints with just enough solder to flow and you will not have excssive solder coming in contact with distillate.
mash rookie wrote:Buy red label plumbers Silver solder. Use water based plumbing flux. That is what we use. Do clean joints with just enough solder to flow and you will not have excssive solder coming in contact with distillate.
Haha thank you. Now to find the solder..
You can't think of the impossible, because it's impossible. Ergo if you can think it, its possible.