new still, orange on inside??

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
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the old crow
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new still, orange on inside??

Post by the old crow »

My old still died. I bought one off a friend of mine, pure copper. Brand new.

Ran water through it, then ran a batch of sugar wash.
The sugar wash came out.. orange... Im like okay.. So I ran a rag on the inside of the still and it wipes off this bright orange stuff.

So, I sprayed it down with vinager, it turned everything green, then washed that off and ran another wash of water through it.

The orange is now back.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: new still, orange on inside??

Post by urrazeb »

Hi OC, what type of still? you should do a process of cleaning before running, sounds like you have done part of it..

Try running a vinegar run, then a sacrificial alc run. Instead of running water through it (you'd do this after the vinegar and sacrificial) try running a vinegar run and steam/condense/steam/condense etc for 30ish minutes.

Then the alc run (not the same as before, different wash) Then the steam run and wipe it out then.

Are you sure it is pure copper? Got any pictures?
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Re: new still, orange on inside??

Post by rad14701 »

Can you post pics of this new still...??? The only time I ever ended up with something similar to this was after running a nasty wash and leaving my rig sit for a day or two before cleaning which required total dis-assembly and scrubbing... Never had orange spirits, however...
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Re: new still, orange on inside??

Post by googe »

Sounds acidic, is there any fitting or anything apart from copper in the vapour path?.
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Re: new still, orange on inside??

Post by Rum_dog »

As in iron oxide?
Could it be your still is made of steel?
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