Winows XP

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Winows XP

Post by hilbilly »

I've got an old computer using Windows XP as an operating system and Microsoft will cease providing security updates soon. I've got Norton's for virus protection but I'm not sure if that is enough to cover me when the OS security support disappears.

So I'm looking for some advise from the computer pros on this forum. Should I disconnect my computer from the internet until I get a new one, with a new OS, up and running or is this all just a bunch of hype to get me to buy a new computer.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by WhiteDevil504 »

Here is what I use, it's pretty well reviewed and I have not had any issues. ... s-download" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: Winows XP

Post by MitchyBourbon »

You can do what you want, simply put you will be vulnerable to viruses and such because of the sheer number that have been written to attack the xp. I'll give you a tip on how I protect myself. I use virtual pc. Using this software, I create a virtual machine and only access the Internet from my virtual machine. If I down load anything important to me I transfer that file to the real machine after it has been checked for viruses. If I suspect the virtual machine has a virus I simply delete it and make a new virtual machine.

Since I started doing this I have had a number of virtual machines that have been virused up but my real machine has never got one not one. It's better than any anti virus software I have ever used. Any virus the virtual machine may get can't cross over to the real machine.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by Halfbaked »

Not a pro here but disconnect from the web????? Insanity I say. Id go into DS's. Most viruses are written for the most popular OS. Mac has an advantage over others casue its not as popular. xp is older, vista is garbage, are we up to windows 8 or 9? Look at MS security essientials, Avast, AVG, I cloud just to name a few. All for free security and firewall. If you have XP then you have an older computer and if she gets a problem and gets killed then its not as bad to loose a loved one thats aged as a youngin that might be costin you every month. JMHO
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Re: Winows XP

Post by Halfbaked »

Mitchy Virtual machine????? You have my interst. GO ON with more info please
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Re: Winows XP

Post by aquavita »

Download a few flavors of Linux.

Look and feel is similar to what you are used to. You can get versions that will run on DVD to try. Most are free.

Linux does require a tighter relationship to your computer however. You will need to learn how things work as many items you may want will not load "out-of-the-box"

I went into Linux kicking and screaming. Did not want to use the OS at all. Today, I spend most of my computer time in the Linux world - from my Android phone, Centos, SuSE and Knoppix OS's.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my NT, Server 2000, and XP platforms and spend a good amount of corporate time on Win7, but there is something about Linux that I really enjoy.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by MitchyBourbon »

Virtual pc is a program that allows you to create a computer on your computer. The virtual machine that it creates is really just another file. So it's like having a computer in your computer. So if I use the virtual machine to access the Web and I do get a virus, I just delete it. Then with 2 or 3 mouse clicks, I create a new virtual machine. The virtual pc software allows you to create a virtual machine that uses an os that is equal or less than the os of the real machine. I think I paid $95.00 for it. The software was not created for the purpose that I use it for, but if I told them how and why I use it I bet they'd use it in their marketing.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by goldilow »

pay the $40 or so dollars and update to windows 7...
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Re: Winows XP

Post by hilbilly »

halfbaked wrote:Not a pro here but disconnect from the web????? Insanity I say. Id go into DS's. Most viruses are written for the most popular OS. Mac has an advantage over others casue its not as popular. xp is older, vista is garbage, are we up to windows 8 or 9? Look at MS security essientials, Avast, AVG, I cloud just to name a few. All for free security and firewall. If you have XP then you have an older computer and if she gets a problem and gets killed then its not as bad to loose a loved one thats aged as a youngin that might be costin you every month. JMHO
No Web will be the worst withdrawal of my life. :shock: I quit smoking years ago but I'm sure that was a Breeze compared to disconnecting from the Web. I have information on my computer that I don't want anyone to have access to. I'm not worried about my computer getting jammed up or getting a virus that screws stuff up, BUT I am concerned about some hacker getting access to my personal info.
MitchyBourbon wrote:Virtual pc is a program that allows you to create a computer on your computer. The virtual machine that it creates is really just another file. So it's like having a computer in your computer. So if I use the virtual machine to access the Web and I do get a virus, I just delete it. Then with 2 or 3 mouse clicks, I create a new virtual machine. The virtual pc software allows you to create a virtual machine that uses an os that is equal or less than the os of the real machine. I think I paid $95.00 for it. The software was not created for the purpose that I use it for, but if I told them how and why I use it I bet they'd use it in their marketing.
This sounds like a great solution but I'm not computer savvy enough to figure this out and or be comfortable with it. Looks like I will have to disconnect until I figure something out.

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Re: Winows XP

Post by Halfbaked »

external hard drive.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by bellybuster »

I run Mac but still have a windows machine for specific things. I have had great luck with AVG, the Free version has everything you need. Windows is wracked with viruses, most of them are quite harmless but will bog down your machine. Malwarebytes does a great job of cleaning up malware.
Contrary to popular belief there are not any known viruses that can do physical damage to your machine. Keep important data safe by backing up to an external hard drive and life is good. Operating systems can be reloaded, lost data is lost. (even that is not necessarily permanent)
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Re: Winows XP

Post by sltm1 »

I also have XP. I asked my local 'puter pro about switching to something newer but he said it wasn't necessary as long as my anti-cvirus program was working well. I use "Viper", it's a good pay-for program and when there's a major glitch they will fix it remotely. Hell they even showed me how to circumvent a virus that was holding my rig for "ransom", as soon as it opened to Windows and do a system restore.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by rad14701 »

The fact that Microsoft will no longer be providing additional support for a 13+ year old operating system should not be as major of a concern as they are making it out to be... They should have already plugged enough security holes by now anyway... And even though Microsoft will no longer support XP doesn't mean third party vendors won't... Several antivirus providers will continue to support XP until 2017 - 2023... Other software vendors will eventually withdraw from supporting XP, but not all, especially open source providers... I have hundreds of customer PC's still running XP and they will all be evaluated for upgrading on a case by case basis as time progresses... I tell them that if their computer has been doing its job up until now that it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future... Unfortunately, many of these customers can't switch to running Linux, which I run, or Mac's, due to required software... Not to mention the learning curve of employees who simply need to be able to sit down and get their work done... And Windows 8 simply isn't an option either... All of my customers who need new computers custom order computers with Windows 7... Windows 8 (now 8.1) is Microsofts third bastard child, following Windows Me and Vista...
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Re: Winows XP

Post by heynonny »

I turned 'automatic update' OFF at installation (quite a few times!). I needed sp3 for something I forget what, & that is/was my last update. For surfing 'uncharted waters', I have a version of ubuntu. (11.??) They changed desktop & had lots of begging for the 'classic gnome' desktop. They claim to have made it (gnome) an option but I have yet to make it work in the newer versions, hence, 11.xx.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by MadMasher »

I don't think I've ever used the Microsoft updates. I always just use a free anti-virus like the mentioned above. The main switch to Windows 7 is for businesses, for a personal PC, XP works great, they've figured out the bugs, like rad said, private vendors will support it until its obsolete. I agree windows 8 sucks ass.

If you use the PC as a main computer I personally would switch to 7 if you have the hardware to support it, says it can run on 2GB Ram but it can't that well, I'd have at least 4 and you'll need to have a decent CPU. if it has integrated graphics they might be overwhelmed on an older chip, which will slow you down even more than not enough ram. A good GPU could fix both problems though.

I recently built a good computer for less than 400 bucks. Running the AMD 10-5800k, Gigabyte Mobo, 500GB HD, 8GB corsair RAM, basic DVD burner. Good value and very easy I must say, though it seemed intimidating when I was searching to for parts. I recommend building or at least checking it out it when you decide you need a new one.

I demoted my old laptop to the closet, the old computer to "porn and downloading" computer and new computer for doing things like paying bills, games, and watching movies in HD. If the PnD computer gets a virus, I just wipe it out, got every program on a mem stick and its good to go in about an hour or so. I've got an external for saving important things, tax info, pictures etc. You can pick them up pretty cheap nowadays.

Virtual machines are pretty easy to use. Never thought about using one like MB suggested. I used to use it for running old games, there should be tutorials on youtube.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by ArcticTern »

I have a new laptop with the Windows 8 OS, what a piece of garbage. As Rad states, XP or Vista may not be supported by MS, but will keep working on just fine, Anti Virus like Norton or AVG has not stated any concerns with non supported OS. I am looking at taking Windows 8 off of the laptop and installing some thing else. Not sure what yet.

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Re: Winows XP

Post by hilbilly »

Thanks Guys. I'm sticking with XP for now and will make sure Nortons is kept current, but might get a new puter soon as this old one is slow. Maybe try a Mac next time. I will have to do some research first though.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by MitchyBourbon »

Anti virus software isn't magical. Mostly, they keep a library of partial file images of known viruses to identify viruses. So if you come across a new virus that they have not added to their library chances are it will infect your computer until you receive the next update.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by Old Anarchist »

you'll be fine. xp will be supported by many programs and will run your PC just fine till it suffers from parts failure. after that you may start running into issues trying to throw new parts onto an old machine.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by BoomTown »

With the money you've saved by not following the MSFT upgrade paths in the past, buy a MiniMac.
extended life span, small footprint, no maintenance, no viruses.

Load up Tor Browser, and visit the cloud. Anonimity, privacy, and obscurity, all rolled into something slightly larger than the sandwich your mother used to send in your lunch bucket!

Cost $600 +/-, runs forever.

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Re: Winows XP

Post by cob »

ArcticTern wrote:I have a new laptop with the Windows 8 OS, what a piece of garbage. As Rad states, XP or Vista may not be supported by MS, but will keep working on just fine, Anti Virus like Norton or AVG has not stated any concerns with non supported OS. I am looking at taking Windows 8 off of the laptop and installing some thing else. Not sure what yet.ArcticTern
classic shell (freeware) may improve 8's usability
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Re: Winows XP

Post by bearriver »

rad14701 wrote:Unfortunately, many of these customers can't switch to running Linux..
Really? I've put Ubuntu on many 10-15 year old pc's and they ran beautifully after updating the drivers. Any older and I try a Debian distro. From my limited experience Linux has been compatible with more older hardware than Winblows.

My tech illiterate father has a older Linux laptop and I put a windows style desktop environment on it. He uses it just fine.

The only use I see for a windows pc is for video game compatibility. My good friend put together Picuntu (arm distro) for the mk808 and I love that as a <$40 option. Have one on my TV, one in my truck, one in a lapdock. I use a 1st generation android cell phone as the mouse/key board. Also dual boots to android as well for twice the possibilities.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by bellybuster »

haha, Bear, you should meet my Dad, when I put pics on a disc for him he held it up to the light to see them.........
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Re: Winows XP

Post by bearriver »

bellybuster wrote:haha, Bear, you should meet my Dad, when I put pics on a disc for him he held it up to the light to see them.........
That's funny as hell, I had a good laugh. I'd probably like him just fine seeing as I don't have a friend within 200 miles that knows how "to use the Internets". Always find myself posting adds on Craigslist for em or looking up a firing order on a engine.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by bellybuster »

there's not enough bandwidth available for me to tell the story of teaching him how to use "the internets"

For what its worth, I have him set up with XP and AVG for viral protection. Seldom an issue that is not caused by fumbling fingers.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by cooldood »

Virtual machine can be safer but more and more malware writers have started detecting if it is a VM and taking steps against them.
VMs are kind of like a gun. People feel safer with a gun but if you don't know how to properly use it. Someone could use it against you.

Windows essentials is free and works great. And you don't need to be a nerd to set it up.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by bearriver »

cooldood wrote:Virtual machine can be safer but more and more malware writers have started detecting if it is a VM and taking steps against them.
VMs are kind of like a gun. People feel safer with a gun but if you don't know how to properly use it. Someone could use it against you.

Windows essentials is free and works great. And you don't need to be a nerd to set it up.
Absolutely a great choice above dual boot in my opinion. My friend only uses windows in a virtual machine environment on his unix based server and it is AMAZING. His mobile devices are tethered to his pc at home giving him a desktop environment anywhere.
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Re: Winows XP

Post by rad14701 »

bearriver wrote:
rad14701 wrote:Unfortunately, many of these customers can't switch to running Linux..
Really? I've put Ubuntu on many 10-15 year old pc's and they ran beautifully after updating the drivers. Any older and I try a Debian distro. From my limited experience Linux has been compatible with more older hardware than Winblows.

It's not a matter of hardware... I've used Linux since 1995 -1996 on a myriad of hardware... The issue is vertical market software not running on anything but MS-Windows... I go round and round on this issue with customers wanting to purchase Mac's instead of PC's, only to have several ending up running both because they couldn't get their work done on the recently purchased Mac... And remember, not everyone can learn a new operating system when they are expected to sit down and get work done from 9 - 5 every day... Even Windows 8 doesn't fill that bill... Many end users are absolute neophytes, only knowing enough about computers to get their work done and nothing more... Whenever something doesn't go as planned, I get a telephone call...
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