Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by warp1 »

Hey Jim...quick question on your aging (pretend you didn't have the barrels :))

After the 6 months...do you pull the oak out and just let it sit at 62% or keep it on oak? Not a major concern with me yet....only on my 2nd stripping run and believe I'll need a 3rd to fill up the still for a spirit run.

I just hear about over oaking and would hate to ruin a good batch by leaving the wood in too long.

I've been using the JD whisky barrels, charred....so "used" wood, so to speak....maybe less resk of over oaking.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Halfbaked »

Jimbo wrote:Hey Notta,

If you mashed in the 140's to favor beta amylase it will go very dry since beta makes fermentable sugars. So it will should taste crisp, dry and slightly tangy from the low pH. Basically taste like a very plain flat beer. But it should taste good too. Nothin funky or pukey. If you mashed in the 150's, it will have the attributes above but taste sweeter from the alpha amylase enzymes making unfermentable sugars. So more beer like, but still a very plain boring beer.

The distillate, after cuts, but before aging will taste different depending on your particular tastes and cuts, but Ill give you mine and how mine tastes. Remember youre not making vodka, it wont, and shouldnt taste clean off the still. Whiskey needs a little bit of late heads to add a little punch, character. Trust me a whiskey can be too smooth after aging if only the middle hearts are kept. After aging on oak middle hearts cut whiskey will seem insipid, lacking character or backbone. So anyway, I keep a little of the heads. Same with tails. Tails off the still taste like wet cardboard. Terrible. But unlike heads which really dont change much with age, tails change completely. Wet cardboard turns into a smooth grain flavor. Adds depth, complexity and dimension. So, I keep some early tails as well. Mix it all up, age it for 6+ months (4 minimum! no touchy before 4 months) and youll have a smooth complex drop with enough kick and depth to balance and compliment the caramel and vanilla from the toasted and charred oak.
This is the world according to Jim, your mileage (and preferences) may vary.
Good luck,

I gotta say great post Jimbo. Your post makes me think. Beers mash at a higher temp that liquors because of unfermentable sugars that are not wasted in the beer because they are drank. I could be wrong but I think that I remember a video on those low temp enzymes convert the unfermentable sugars to fermentable sugars. If that is true would it be worth the cost of the enzymes for a better conversion?
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Jimbo »

Warp. In jars I use 1 5inch 1x1 oak stick per quart. Thats 88 sq in per gal. A 53gal barrel is 52. Seems fine to leave the stick in forever. Usually. Taste after a year. At 4 months u could even drop a 2nd and 3rd in if u wanna drink now and want more oak.

Baked. GlucoAmylase enzymes are good for that yes
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by warp1 »

Thanks Jim....that's what I needed to hear.
Got the malt on order....can't wait to give it a try....
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Halfbaked »

I would figure on a reg grain bill it would not be worth the extra experence. On a single malt in your opinion would it be worth the extra money?
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

Thanks Jimbo, just the info I was looking for. Yes I targeted a beginning mash temp of 147, assuming I'd lose a few degrees and end up at about 143, which is what happened. I'm thinking I need to insulate my cooler a little more to lose less heat. I also mashed for 90 minutes in an attempt to ensure complete conversion.

Today is day 4 of the ferment, and it's already slowing down. I'm thinking I want to pitch a champagne yeast today or tomorrow, let it finish out any sugars that are in there, and run it after that. I have better temp control on the still now, but I'm nervous about any residual sugars causing another puke. Would this be a better route than simply letting the CA Ale yeast go another few days in terms of risk? With no hops, I don't know how you guys are keeping this stuff from turning bad, I'm scared to death round 2 will end up like round 1.

But so far, the bubler smells good, although the apple/banana esters are diminishing, and more astringent notes are taking over.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

Also, I boiled post mash (this time) to try to ensure no bacteria present, and to sanitize my wort chiller. But I know most of us don't do this...why not? I've heard the post mash boil will caramelize sugars and add flavor, any truth to that in your experience? What are the downsides to doing this?
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Jimbo »

Whiskey has been made successfully forever without boiling the wort. If youre careful with sanization. Cool quick after mash and pitch a good starter you wont have problems. If you have repeated infections, you have a lingering bacteria in your brew room that needs to be addressed through sterilation of everything, bleach and water is cheap and effective.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

Fair enough Jimbo. I'll look into using bleach instead of the OneStep. What is the process with the bleach, do you rinse after? Do you use a wort chiller and just soak it in there until you use it? I do love my chiller, it is so fast compared to other methods of cooling the wort that I've tried. Anyway, thanks for the advice!
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Jimbo »

Bleach at 1 tablespoon per gallon. Yes rinse. I like starsan and iodophor cause I don't like the smell of bleach. Wort chiller gets a dip in a bucket of starsan.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by hanon »

Is there a particular advantage to fermenting on the grain, or is it more for convenience? From the youtubes I saw, it seems the commercial Scotch distilleries are emptying their mash tuns into a fermenting tank and leaving the grain behind before they add yeast. The reason I ask is because I have made many beers and mash in a large cooler with a screen and ball valve attached, and I don't have a wort chiller, so I would cool the wort by emptying everything out into my kettle and then putting it in a big tub that I refill with cold water a few times (this is how I cool my wort after the boil when I make beer). If there is an advantage to fermenting on the grain, I could throw the cooled wort back in the mash tun before pitching.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Jimbo »

For single malt, like scotch, and this recipe. its all malt so easy to lauter (sparge) and ferment just the wort, like beer. Its much more work to try and do that with bourbon recipes with all the gooey corn in there. I make beer the typical way (sparging) but ended up making all whiskeys (scotch and bourbon) by fermenting on the grain. I just prefer it for many reasons (more efficient conversion, better flavor, easier).

You really should build yourself a wort chiller. Soooooo much easier to crash cool your mash and get ferment going. I put it up there with a good leibig in terms of importance to this hobby. Get 25 or 50 foot spool of 3/8 and a a pair of washing machine hoses. Very worthwhile investment
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by hanon »

25 or 50 foot spool of 3/8 what exactly?
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by WhiteDevil504 »

Copper tubing....to build something like this....

http://www.eckraus.com/immersion-wort-chiller.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

I agree Jimbo, a wort chiller is absolutely the best beer making investment in terms of saving time and effort, and the same thing could be said for making washes I imagine. I've tried the bathtub with ice and water, or putting it outside when it's 17 F and into a bank of snow, and it takes sooooo much longer that way. With my chiller, I can cool it down in the summer with warmer input water in about 15-20 minutes. I would replace it immediately if I ever break it!
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by hanon »

I can actually chill 5 gallons of wort in an 8 gallon kettle from 160 to 80 degrees in 15 minutes using a cheap plastic tub I bought at Walmart and replacing the water every 5 minutes, but if I wanted to chill it in my cooler mash tunI would need an immersion chiller.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

I might be suffering from reading too much, from too many sources :crazy:
but the "How to Make Whiskey" book is making me nervous that I'm fermenting for too long....and I didn't use the bacteria the book recommends. He suggests getting the FG to below 2 and proceeding with the stripping run. But that contradicts just about everything else I've read, that you want to get to below 1.008 or so, otherwise you'll get the puke!

I'm on the 5th day, and the 5 gal ferment has slowed to a blurp every 9 seconds from the furious activity of a couple days ago. But last time in 10 days I got to a blurp every 60 seconds.....of course that was my disastrous batch where I think I either had a bacterial infection from testing my FG, or like the above mentioned book suggests from fermenting too long and a natural bacteria that was in there all along went crazy and took over. I'm fermenting between 74 and 72, with one excursion to 75 for a short time, maybe a couple of hours. In the forum's opinion, am I safe to continue till the weekend, 9 days fermenting? :econfused:
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by rad14701 »

Notta Number wrote:I'm fermenting between 74 and 72, with one excursion to 75 for a short time, maybe a couple of hours. In the forum's opinion, am I safe to continue till the weekend, 9 days fermenting? :econfused:
Warm that wash up to between 75F - 85F and you'll have faster ferments with less chance of infection...

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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

rad14701 wrote: We usually tell new members to forget what they thought they had learned elsewhere and just go by what is documented here in these forums and on the parent site... This is compendium of knowledge, complete with checks and balances, not simply the opinions of a single author or a series of single authors...
Well I certainly can understand the knowledge being here, and not always in the books. I have 4 or 5 books and I've read almost all of them, on the last one now, but they don't always jive with each other, nor the comments here. I thought I've read here (or in a book somewhere) that higher ferment temps will change the flavor profile...is that good or bad?

Faster ferments with higher temps are more resistant to infection? Check. What about introducing bacteria to select which one will dominate if/when it happens toward the end of the ferment? Do you measure FG to determine completeness? Or just go on the amount of time/blurps coming out?
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Jimbo »

Rads comment on warming it up to 75-85 only works for Bakers yeast. DONT do that with US-05 or other ale yeasts, or EC1118 and other wine yeasts. You wont like the result. US-05 is a great yeast, and best at 68F. Bakers likes heat, 80F.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

Jimbo wrote:Rads comment on warming it up to 75-85 only works for Bakers yeast. DONT do that with US-05 or other ale yeasts, or EC1118 and other wine yeasts. You wont like the result. US-05 is a great yeast, and best at 68F. Bakers likes heat, 80F.
Awesome post, thanks! Yes I'm using the US-05, or California Ale Yeast is what my local brew shop calls it, they have a 01 and 05 version, and the 01 is higher attenuating (73-80% vs. 70-75), that's what I'm using. They list ideal ferment temps for the 01 of 68-73 vs 66-70 for the 05.

Hey, been looking for this info but can't find it. While I'm looking...I'm wondering about burning my wash, I've got a 1500 w side mounted element in my 8 gal pot still (will fill to 6 gal), what kinda time should I target to get to temp so as to avoid burning?....I'm still wondering if that was my problem last time I attempted Jimbo's AG. How fast will burn?
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Jimbo »

Ive done pretty cloudy washes and never had an issue. I do strips at 4000 watts. The only time I had one burn was a wheat flour wash that was very thick with the flour still in there (cant strain or filter flour based washes)
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by hanon »

Bakers yeast was so much faster with my All Bran sugar wash than the White Labs distillers yeast (which probably isn't much different than an ale yeast), and I definitely pitched enough of it. I've never had a problem with any of my beers using ale yeast, but I'm wondering how much different a single malt whiskey would be using bakers yeast rather than ale yeast. Anyone try both and notice a particular difference?
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

Jimbo wrote:Ive done pretty cloudy washes and never had an issue. I do strips at 4000 watts. The only time I had one burn was a wheat flour wash that was very thick with the flour still in there (cant strain or filter flour based washes)
What is the telltale sign it was burnt? Does it smell/taste like any other burnt food? Is it obvious? I'm still trying to nail down the root cause of my last failure, and have narrowed it down to either burnt wash, or bacterial infection. I'm leaning toward an infection being the problem, but would like to prove it. If burnt, the solution is easy. If bacteria, do I just add Lactobacillus early in the wash? Or just reduce pH of the wash? I did sanitize everything very carefully this time (next time I'll use bleach). And I'm running earlier than last time hoping this will catch it before any bacteria can grab hold.

Also Jimbo, do you put the lees in the still? I've heard this adds character.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Dan P. »

Notta Number wrote: What is the telltale sign it was burnt? Does it smell/taste like any other burnt food? Is it obvious?
Unfortunately it is very obvious, and as far as I know could not be mistaken for anything else.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Jimbo »

As a rule I run cleared and settled washes. But I have squeezed and ran in the same day, and it went fine. Im hard pressed to tell a difference

The burnt flour wash run was acrid, bitter and like eating black burnt toast. The element had a 1/4" thick buildup of black burnt toast looking shit taht I spent an hour scraping off with tools and small wire brush taped to the end of a dowel rod, wtih a flashlight and my eyeball stuck to the flange. Royal pain in the balls.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

Jimbo wrote:As a rule I run cleared and settled washes. But I have squeezed and ran in the same day, and it went fine. Im hard pressed to tell a difference

The burnt flour wash run was acrid, bitter and like eating black burnt toast. The element had a 1/4" thick buildup of black burnt toast looking shit taht I spent an hour scraping off with tools and small wire brush taped to the end of a dowel rod, wtih a flashlight and my eyeball stuck to the flange. Royal pain in the balls.
Jimbo and Dan P: Hilarious and relevant, thanks a lot. My crappy tasting failure had nothing burnt on the element, and did not taste like burnt toast. It tasted sickening, not like vomit, but a sickening sweet rich type aroma that makes you just want to get some fresh air. I am almost certain now that this was a result of a bacterial infection. So back to the suggestion I've been reading about.....adding lactobacillus to discourage other bacterias to take over. Does anybody do this?

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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Jimbo »

No, I dont do that or recommend that. If youre careful about sanitization, cool to pitch temp quick after mashing, and pitch a good yeast starter, you wont need to intentionally infect your mash with lactobacillus bacteria.

Single malts are simple. Nothing to cook, just mash cool and pitch. Its been done for millennia all over the world for beer and whiskey making. Breweries and distilleries go to great lengths to keep the bacteria count down in their piping and process equipment. Its madness to intentionally infect your mash and equipment.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

Jimbo wrote:No, I dont do that or recommend that.
Its madness to intentionally infect your mash and equipment.
That's kinda what I thought, thanks. I'll let you know how it goes.
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Re: Jimbo's Single Malt AG Recipe

Post by Notta Number »

UPDATE: Ran my second batch last night with no pukes, and I believe collected a decent product. The RSC worked perfectly, that was clearly the way to go, man I wish I'd had that on the first batch. Not sure about longevity of it yet, but as for the function...perfect. Thanks to Jimbo and the other pro's on here that recommended that RSC! :thumbup: I made sure I only allowed 3 drops per second max, collected 12-8oz jars. I'll let them air out a bit, then start on my cuts.

Weird thing is, this batch has enough similarity to the first batch (same all barley AG, same yeast) that it shares much of the aromas, not the sickening wanna barf aroma, but you can tell they're related. That relation is kinda freaking me out a little right now. It's probably all in my head, once I can get some charred oak on it for a while I may get much more comfortable with it. I'd sure like to try the wheat version.

Anyway, thanks to the forum for all the great advice and to Jimbo for the recipe! :ebiggrin:
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