Dunno. They wouldn't tell me at the distillery. But you could start out with a booners corn mash and add barley, rye and wheat until you get something you like. You can definitely do better than ole smokey!
No, officer, I wasn't distilling alcohol! It was probably that guy!
I have never tried Ole Smokey. What is it you find attractive about the product? Try and pinpoint what you are tasting.
Is it an all corn? Is it a GNP bought in bulk and packaged in the dumbed down fashion of the jar?
If it is an all corn then you should definitely try the Booners recipe. It makes for an easy protocol and many think a great product.
Yes its an all corn taste, sweet but not like sugar sweet. Best I have tasted so far for store bought. Tried a lot too LOL
Finally got some of Tim Smith's. Not bad, has a faint taste of the same flavor on the front end but back end is all different.
I would say that the Old Smoky has wheat in it and Tim's has rye
I was there a couple years ago. I think I understand that they buy the part that goes with the fruit and make the white. I was not a big fan either. The mash smelled nice. Id say they have a big does of sugar and some corn for a little flavor. Cuts were horrible. Id make some UJSM or Cob with sugar. I promise yours will be better and maybe on your first try
Halfbaked wrote:I was there a couple years ago. I think I understand that they buy the part that goes with the fruit and make the white. I was not a big fan either. The mash smelled nice. Id say they have a big does of sugar and some corn for a little flavor. Cuts were horrible. Id make some UJSM or Cob with sugar. I promise yours will be better and maybe on your first try
Well, I was there a few weeks ago.
Seems to me, its just UJ type mash that has been run through a reflux column and then diluted down to bottle.
The flavored stuff is pretty lo proof, I think 40.
A tourist trap playing live Bluegrass music.....carnival hucksters working the counter that have no clue , but there are folks there who DO know how to run a Likker still.
Sugarland next door was a bit better product? But that's subjective and a personal preference.
I like my own stuff much better.
Never tried it.. I have been thinking doing a booners but first smoking the corn in the smoker with maple or JD whiskey chips.. then follow the booners tried and true. I bet with good cut would be night and day from that.
I've tried all if their drinks and I'm not at all impressed. The flavored drinks are flavored with a syrup I believe. Nasty. I prefer Sugarland distillery if im going to drink commercial runs. They use the UJSSM recipe as their main brew.
FullySilenced wrote:
But if you mix them with a bunch of strip and run them 3 times it makes a pretty good neutral...
I did the downtown taste testing last summer. by the time I choked down a couple shots of ole smoky, I bought a case. been sitting around because it tastes like ass compared to my current stuff. I like your idea. I may redistill it. And I agree with what others have said, I think they make greedy cuts.
Tripped and fell down the rabbit hole 11/05/14
Stopped looking for a way out 1/1/16
LukeDuke: the Sugarland Apple (35%)was really good mixed with the midnight moon cherry(45%i think). The ladies were tearing it up. I wish I could find the Sugarland around here, would like to mix it up again (haven't started running my machine yet to make my own)
UnSub wrote:LukeDuke: the Sugarland Apple (35%)was really good mixed with the midnight moon cherry(45%i think). The ladies were tearing it up. I wish I could find the Sugarland around here, would like to mix it up again (haven't started running my machine yet to make my own)
Ya, my favorite was the Rye Apple(Mark & Digger's recipe). The American Peach by Mark Rogers was smooth. Too smooth, like it had glycerin in it.