It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by HDNB »

guess i'm yappier than usual today.

RD, that is a really nice perspective you presented. so many reasons that someone may not communicate like the masses, it was refreshing to be reminded of that fact.

along with my other conspiracy theories, i have wondered if this is not a governement agenda. It is much easier to enslave ignorant (as Rad would say, not stupid...just not aware of the (whatever) ability.)
somone has to pull the logs down and the traps up and you are not likely going to get a politician to do it, if you are picking up what i'm putting down.

...just another misguided musing.

i have a hell of a time not putting a comma before but, and and. Also, and as well, there is no chance in hell i'm smarter than one of those 8th graders^^^
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by pythonshine »

dieselduo wrote:
pythonshine wrote:My great grandad was illiterate. He could get by but had trouble reading and such. Be damed though if you shorted him a dime or dollar. He was keen on numbers. He could best most of the teachers i have had for math. Its quite sad really, my seven year old nephew is going into grade two, insted of having the kids try to sound things out , they are teaching " word assosiation". Basically its, see this picture?, thats a horse! Can you say horse? Great! Now spell it.... Then if they have trouble with a with a word in a sentance they are supposed to look at the sentance and GUESS what the word should be!
hmmm looks like 4 words were spelled wrong here to me
Never said I was literate :wink: :moresarcasm:
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by googe »

Common sense goes a long way in life.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by Swedish Pride »

never was much good in school, just can't learn sitting on a classroom.
Not illiterate but grammar ain't no friend of mine, just makes no sense to me.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by NZChris »

Logically, you would think that the more intelligent of our species would have an evolutionary advantage and would become dominant, but recently, statisticians have discovered that the more educated people are, the fewer children they have. What effect is that going to have in your neighborhood? :D
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by FreeMountainHermit »

Neighbor and his wife are both retired from the school board and defend the system in place here by saying that "No school,no drivers license"

Bullshit !!!!!!!! Department of motor vehicles says teenagers of driving age must be ENROLLED in school to drive.That's it folks. ENROLLED. Period. No grade requirement or even requiring teenage drivers to show up for class. ENROLLED THAT'S IT.

Did I mention that my 40ish year old yard man can't spell 6
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by WooTeck »

pythonshine wrote:Then if they have trouble with a with a word in a sentance they are supposed to look at the sentance and GUESS what the word should be!
im dyslexic and thats the way i used to do it. skim read the sentance and decide what the word was meant to be not what is actually is. its only been the last few years that ive actually enjoyed reading but its been the learning of topics that i enjoy more than the reading part.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by HDNB »

NZChris wrote:Logically, you would think that the more intelligent of our species would have an evolutionary advantage and would become dominant, but recently, statisticians have discovered that the more educated people are, the fewer children they have. What effect is that going to have in your neighborhood? :D
i always wanted just one. got her, she's perfect. the wife always wanted a bunch.

not sayin'.... :moresarcasm:

FMH, maybe you should see if he wants to learn how to do some readin an writin'...maybe no one has ever asked him and you could be his hero and have a friend for life.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by FreeMountainHermit »

Great idea but wouldn't fly. He's been my friend since day one but too offer to do that would be an inference that he's stupid and our friendship would end.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by FreeMountainHermit »

NZChris wrote: but recently, statisticians have discovered that the more educated people are, the fewer children they have. What effect is that going to have in your neighborhood? :D
The creme of the crop moves away and those that remain reinforce the adage "ignorance is bliss" and the welfare state arrives.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by FreeMountainHermit »

NZChris wrote: but recently, statisticians have discovered that the more educated people are, the fewer children they have. What effect is that going to have in your neighborhood? :D
The creme of the crop moves away and those that remain reinforce the adage "ignorance is bliss" and the welfare state arrives.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by rad14701 »

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
According to a researcher at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by jedneck »

is it wrong that i completely understood that
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by shadylane »

Hells of fire.
I'd already read half of Rad's post before I realized something wasn't right. :lol:
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by Kareltje »

Wkors eevn for me, wlihe I am not a nvaite seepkar/rdeear of Esilgnh.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

shadylane wrote:Hells of fire.
I'd already read half of Rad's post before I realized something wasn't right. :lol:
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by Kareltje »

A lot can be said about the problem. And is said.

I found a very useful experiment: the veil of uncertainty.
Suppose you have the power to build a society of people according to your own wishes. One condition though: You will be part of it, but you do not know who or what you will be. You may be stupid or smart, poor or rich, weak or strong, beautiful or ugly, woman or man, black or white, slow or fast, sound or ill, subordinate or powerfull. You will be part of your own society, but uncertain of your position in it.

Given that condition: how would you create your society?

And then: how will you behave now?
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by Truckinbutch »

shadylane wrote:Hells of fire.
I'd already read half of Rad's post before I realized something wasn't right. :lol:
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by FreeMountainHermit »

rad14701 wrote:Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Old news and doesn't apply to the thread. The illiteracy back here is rampant and I've talked to teachers who skirt the subject by blaming it on the budget and the administrators blame it on the teachers.

My yard man can't spell six and there's dozens more like him nearby.So sad in that the education system around here has and probably will continue to leave these folks and the generations to come behind.

All is not lost though. My neighbor lady's only means of transportation is a 4 wheeler and she's so drunk on a daily basis that she routinely loses the darn thing yet her daughter teaches nursing at the college.

My cleaning lady's daughter just received a 4 year all expenses scholarship to WVU.

Smart ladies,both. :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by rubber duck »

I really don't think it's the a problem with the system, it's a parerant problem.

OK so you don't read well and didn't exel in school, just like I didnt. Your child is struggling in school and you don't know what to do? It's fucking simple your stupid and that's fine you know that, therfore your children are going to be stupid as well unless you do somthing. Or you can do something about it and get 3 jobs to send them to a good school abd a tutor. Or you can learn to read and teach them how yourself, hmm maybe we should stop blaming the government,"we know they are retarded, ya your going to trust what they say?"

The point is no one gives a rats ass. I'm dumb, my kid is dumb, that's the mentality of idiots. It is what it is. Now smart people know better but rather then going down to the boys and girls club or volunteering for casa, or the big brothers they would rather watch TV and complain.

Gess what, rich or well educated people don't have kids anymore, so if your smart and know how to make money you had better volunteer some some time or get busy having a lot of kids, other wise our society is done for.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by rubber duck »

I gess my point is no one gives a damn to do somthing about the ilitertercy problem in this country. You probably can't change the whole system but you can find the time to change two or 3 lives, but no one does that.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by cranky »

rubber duck wrote: Gess what, rich or well educated people don't have kids anymore, so if your smart and know how to make money you had better volunteer some some time or get busy having a lot of kids, other wise our society is done for.
Ever see the movie Idiocracy? I see it as a pretty good prediction of our future.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by contrahead »

cranky wrote: Ever see the movie Idiocracy? I see it as a pretty good prediction of our future.
Unfortunately, we may already be well on our way to that future.

Here is the 2006 trailer.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by Kareltje »

I stumbled on this: ... n-america/" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by FreeMountainHermit »

Kareltje wrote:I stumbled on this: ... n-america/" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Dang ! ah jess lernt sumpin'.

Local news said the other night that one in four adults in our county read at a 4th grade level or less. My yard man can't spell 6 and he's one of the smarter guys that work for me.

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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by shadylane »

Only dumb people work for you :?: :roll: :lol:
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by Kareltje »

FreeMountainHermit wrote:
Kareltje wrote:I stumbled on this: ... n-america/" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Dang ! ah jess lernt sumpin'.
It must have come as a shock to you! :crazy: Sorry. :oops:
Local news said the other night that one in four adults in our county read at a 4th grade level or less. My yard man can't spell 6 and he's one of the smarter guys that work for me.

The others can not spell 5? Or 2 1/2 ? :wtf:
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by raketemensch »

One of my uncles went to his guidance counselor in his junior year, and was told that he shouldn't really consider college, as he was really bound to be a carpenter just like his daddy.

Well, his daddy, the carpenter, was also the head of the local school board. It didn't end well for that guidance counselor.

He went on to get his bachelor's and his master's, and unfortunately wasted them working for the state, but whatever.

Some times I have to wonder what exactly qualifies one as a guidance counselor. I got horrible advice from mine, he told me that I'd be lucky to get into any school, and I ended up with a full academic scholarship.

I just don't understand why anyone would take career advice from a person who ended up a guidance counselor.

I mean no offense, I'm sure that there are some who are truly dedicated to their careers and helping kids, but every one I've ever known was just lumping kids into boxes according to their own personal worldview, which is bad for humans IMHO.
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by Truckinbutch »

Those that can , do . Those that can't teach . Sorry commentary on our times .
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Re: It's the 21st century fer cryin' out loud !!! WTF ?

Post by rad14701 »

Truckinbutch wrote:Those that can , do . Those that can't teach . Sorry commentary on our times .
And those who can do neither, write about it...!!! :twisted: Sports writers is a prime example... :lolno:
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