This is it, it was made using an old wolfgang puck 5 quart pressure cooker, 3ft of ½” copper pipe 3ft ⅝”copper pipe, 2 ⅝” x ½” x ½” joints, 1 ½” x ½” bend, 1 ⅝” x ½” adapter, 1 ½” cap, 2ft of 1 ½” abs plastic tube, 2 1 ½” abs caps, several lengths of vinyl tubing, lead free solder and water soluble flux, also lots of hot glue for temporary mostly waterproof seals.
It works pretty well, haven't packed the column yet though so i still need to do that. I have 9 stainless steel wool brushes but i'm having trouble getting them in the tube (could i cut them up?)
I was having fun designing it and testing things so the design is not at all perfect but it works!
Ps i know the thermometer is in the wrong place, i like having one there to know how hot the wash is before i take the lid off

This has a bit of a strange design, where the first reducer/ intersection is a ½” pipe goes up and passes through the other t junction, it gets cooled slightly by the water running through the top tube and adds a little bit of reflux and takes some design from the bokaga (forgot the exact name)
water enters in the top and exits the side where it goes into the main cooler

This is a little cross section i tried to do on my phone its a little bad but hopefully it gets the idea across. Some of the vapour will condense and fall back down the sides of the main tube

This is a super ghetto attachment to attach the slightly larger aluminum piece that came with the cooker to the ⅝” copper tube. It works surprisingly well however and is water tight

Close up
Any questions would be great, criticism is greatly appreciated as well