I finally did a spirit run today, with the feints from my two stripping runs 2-3 weeks ago.
I wasn't overly optimistic, as I was originally hoping for a single run, but I realized later that I'd done them too soon, when the wash was still sweet. The product was hot, and still burns too much. Definitely my fault, not the recipe's.
But the wash had dried (flavor-wise) and cleared up nicely, so I kept some in the fridge until this morning, when I tossed it into the feints to bring them to about 25% ABV, and ran it.
Very tasty, even fresh out of the condenser. I've still got 8 jars sitting under coffee filters overnight, since I did 5-minute cuts instead of 10 this time. They smell really tasty, even my wife liked it, and she was really skeptical going into it. I'll let it breathe for the night, and tomorrow night we'll do some diluting and tasting. I've got some seasoned Birch sitting on the table saw downstairs, I'm going to char it up and drop some in.
Interestingly, our "liquor cabinet" just happens to be above the oven, so there are temperature changes all the time to help with the soaking/releasing with the wood. This stuff should be really good in a few weeks.