I have gotta be happy

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I have gotta be happy

Post by olddog »

When the Global financial crisis occurred, all share prices plummeted world wide. I had just gone into retirement and considered what goes down must come up traditionally. I had my retirement package so I bought shares in various blue chip companies, which now have doubled their price since my original purchase, but the outstanding one is a mining company share which at the time were $2.25 per share. Todays market figures show that they are $7.15 per share, there is no way that I could have got a better investment in the bank.
Does anyone else here play the share market?

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Re: I have gotta be happy

Post by rad14701 »

I used to write rules based artificial intelligence software that was used by stock brokers and hedge fund managers... Also had a real time satellite stock market feed back before the advent of the internet... Made shit-loads of money on paper but never had any to invest for real... My rules always outperformed those used by my customers... I watched as one hedge fund manager sat on his hands rather than acting on the alerts from my software, to the tune of over $4 million dollars that he lost for investors... At the same time my rules attained capital gains every day at par or in excess of what would be considered good for a year... And that's after commission's and capital gains taxes...

I try not to pay attention to the markets today because they are far too manipulated... People are writing code to maliciously manipulate the markets in their favor without regard to Mom and Pop, the financial stability of the world, or to the fundamentals... Watching the so-called financial analysts is like watching the shills on the home shopping networks... All they do is steer unsuspecting folks astray, like lambs to slaughter... They all have hidden agendas...

Glad to hear you've scored more wins than losses... Investing for the long haul can pay off at times...

I'm still up for adoption... :?
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Re: I have gotta be happy

Post by maheel »

olddog wrote: but the outstanding one is a mining company share which at the time were $2.25 per share. Todays market figures show that they are $7.15 per share.

Does anyone else here play the share market?
you talking about FMG there OD ? they hit about those numbers and i wish i was into them at those $$$ :)

i dabble on and off as well as long term holding but have been quite for a while, mostly play the majors on the ASX, BHP , CBA few others I should get back into game...

nice move on buying in when "blood is in the streets" takes big balls to go against he flow but it paid off for you.

only thing i would have is a nice solid stop in there to protect you from another major downturn
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Re: I have gotta be happy

Post by olddog »

Yes it was FMG, they have just closed at $7.27 for the day, that's 8.02% gain for the day. I have just bought 100k of TSV at 2c per share two days ago, they closed at 2.4c today thats around a 10% gain in 2 days :ebiggrin:

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Re: I have gotta be happy

Post by Popcorn Fan »

I invest in property, not buying at the moment but should. Watch the prices drop in flood affected areas over the next 12 months. Prices will then be back to normal once people forget whats just happened with the floods.
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Re: I have gotta be happy

Post by batf »

i hit it preety lucky myself. i was able to retire at 50. but i live modestly. its been since 05 and i am getting bored. if the right job would come along, i would go back to work...that is if the hours and shift were right. i like the mornings for my gym time and the weekdays on school day afternoons for coaching sports. and most week ends are taken up at the camp. and the wife wont allow me to work night shifts. oh, i forgot about my after lunch nap. anyone hiring?
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Re: I have gotta be happy

Post by Bushman »

Nice job olddog! About 20 years ago I sold my rental duplex and took some extra money I had and invested in the stockmarket. I have a managed portfolio by people a lot smarter in this area than I am. My money has averaged between 11-13% over that time period even with the recession that we are now recovering from. I agree with Rad about investing for the long haul. Now that I am retired we moved 1/2 of our portfolio to a more low risk from a medium risk investment. We were lucky enough to invest in Microsoft early on when it went through many splits. Of course I can also say that Starbucks was growing so fast that we thought the bottom had to fallout at some point so we did not invest. We all want to talk about a great investments but I still shoot myself on the last one.
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Re: I have gotta be happy

Post by Mr.Spooky »

iv got a flute,,,, im broke :D LOL
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