I have a 50l stainless steel milk can with a 2" boko slanted plates style about 36" of stainless steel scrubber packing and then a condensor coil at the top (couple of holes at the top not sealed in any way) Heated with a 1500W hot plate. Built it my self and it works (in my mind at least) quite well. I run it in a bathroom which seems to work very well. I got the bath tub filled with water being sump pumped through the coil. And the bathroom fan running on full. I hate the flooring but have not been able to melt it yet so I can replace it

I'm aiming for pure flavourless vodka. I have made a bunch of sugar batches (around 150l or so). I and ran them through with the packed colum (about 4 times @40l ish each time) with the take off fully open. I tossed the first 200ml and then collected the rest in Wide mouth Masson jars. Let them breath for 3-4 days then sealed them. At full take off I was getting around 75% ABV, the spirit was kinda nasty tasted like bannana's (think it's a yeast taste).
When I got 10L of 75% ABV I decided it was time for a spirit run. So here somes the questions.
Q1. What ABV do people aim for when heating. I added about 20l and brought it down to the 30%-40% ABV ran smoothly (no fires or other crazyness, I have read about)
Q2. Why do people aim for very high ABV if your just going to dilute back to 40%
Q3. I ran it slower and was taking off about 1l per hour (took a very long time in my mind at least) is there any way to speed it up? Increase take off rate lowers ABV so I gues this one ties into Q.2 not sure I can get any more heat as I'm inside and don't want to run propane
Q4. After a long time it just stoped, like 1 drop every 5 secs on fully open. At that point I shut it down (I don't have a parrot so don't know the ABV)
Q5. I plan to mix it back together and dilute down to 40% ABV then store in sealed WWM jars untill use. How long should I let it air for
Thanks in advance