Does increasing tubes diameter will increase dist. speed?

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Does increasing tubes diameter will increase dist. speed?

Post by Unikis »

In fast search I couldn't find answer to my question: Does increasing cooper tubes diameter (swans neck, coil) will increase distillation speed?

I have built my pot using 1cm tube. Pot volume is 9 litters. Speed is about 1l per hour. It is OK for beginner as me, but, what if…? :roll:
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Re: Does increasing tubes diameter will increase dist. speed

Post by rad14701 »

The answer you are looking for will be found as you do what we consider mandatory research here in these forums as well as reading the parent site... As you learn the theories and fundamentals you will be able to rationalize the sizing issue and a whole lot more...

Essentially, the more wash you heat, the greater the amount of vapor produced and spirits collected... Diameter (volumetric area) of the smallest component dictates overall take off speed...

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Re: Does increasing tubes diameter will increase dist. speed

Post by Jimbo »

rad14701 wrote:Diameter (volumetric area) of the smallest component dictates overall take off speed...
na. Not according to some basic Fluid Dynamics engineering principles. :lolno: :problem: (sorry, inside joke unikis)
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Re: Does increasing tubes diameter will increase dist. speed

Post by Gleedaniel13 »

In fast search I couldn't find answer to my question: Does increasing cooper tubes diameter (swans neck, coil) will increase distillation speed?

I have built my pot using 1cm tube. Pot volume is 9 litters. Speed is about 1l per hour. It is OK for beginner as me, but, what if…? :roll:
I think that will not increase the speed. The smaller the tube the faster it may be.
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