4" packed column, height vs diameter, and other "rules"

Vapor, Liquid or Cooling Management. Flutes, plates, etc.

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4" packed column, height vs diameter, and other "rules"

Post by Chroi »

So much has changed just in the short time I've been part of this hobby...if you go back to before the parent site the advances are even more dramatic.
Thanks to all who paved the way.

Convential wisdom said that larger than 3" packed columns were not worth attempting due to channeling

With new packing options like SPP, lava rock etc is that still accepted as true? Or would a properly packed 4" column with centering rings work a treat?

How about diameter vs height? 40:1 used to be the often quoted number, but we see many folks making azeo at gallons/hr from 30-40" 3" columns.

I have a 4"x48" piece I've been sitting on for years waiting for the time and opportunity to make a flute. Should I just pack it, make a CSSG deflag and attempt to run neutral at crazy speed?

At worst, I could strip much higher proof at the same speed as a 2" pot right?

Edit. Whoops, just found this gem. Looks like this is old news. I'll be trying it soon. http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 17&t=15467
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Re: 4" packed column, height vs diameter, and other "rules"

Post by rad14701 »

Chroi wrote:How about diameter vs height? 40:1 used to be the often quoted number, but we see many folks making azeo at gallons/hr from 30-40" 3" columns.
12:1 - 24:1 is the Height:Diameter range... Generally, the larger the diameter, the closer to the low end you can achieve efficiency with... For example, with 4" diameter you can have speed and purity in the 48" height range instead of having to be closer to 96" in height... But a smaller diameter column benefits from the higher end of the range... For example, with 2" diameter in order to have speed and purity would do better at a 48" height instead of a less efficient 24" height...
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Re: 4" packed column, height vs diameter, and other "rules"

Post by bluefish_dist »

I have found that I needed 20:1 for full takeoff speed. Right now I have 5 ft over plates and depending on the wash abv I can pull 190+ at 1 gal/hr. If the wash is say 35% output is less. I want to add more height but am out of room. I find that true 190+ is harder to hold than say 189+. For the home distiller, not an issue, but it is for me.
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