Approaching 6000

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Approaching 6000

Post by olddog »

How long will it be before we reach 6000 membership, any guesses :?:
I reckon it will be 2 weeks

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by MuleKicker »

Yeah, true. But can you count the 1 post trolls that disappear, as fast as they appear? :D
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by blind drunk »

Neck and neck with dunderhead's post count :) bd.
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by ammo man »

To answer MuleKicker: This is one hobby when first starting that you either love or leave it real fast. The "one" posters find out fast it is not for them and leave just as fast.

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by rad14701 »

I'm not sure if I still have it but I worked up a breakdown of number of members per range of post counts a while back and it was enlightening... I'll see if I still have it and post it if I do... Not sure I want to recompile it from scratch again as it took a fair bit of time...

. . . Moments Later . . .

Okay, I did some real quick counts...

Only 22 members have over 1000 posts...
2543 members have zero posts...

We currently have 13 Master Distillers...
We currently have 9 Distillers...
We currently have 32 Trainees...
We currently have 45 Bootleggers...
We currently have 130 Swill Makers...
We currently have 143 Rumrunners...
We currently have 5601 Novices...
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by WalkingWolf »

You're right Rad that is an interesting breakdown. Never really thought about it but I'd have figured a higher number of "higher" posters (no-pun).

I must admit -- It is more work than I imagined. I sure do enjoy it though -- I think I'm getting dangerously close to being addicted.

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by rubber duck »

Does anyone know approximately how many hits we get each month?
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by Husker »

Not the best info, but I am not sure how to find the 'good' stuff for a site:" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

This gets it for (not just the forum). The break down is not supurb, i.e. does not say how many hits per day, etc.

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by Husker »

Snooping around on that alexa, I found this tidbit:
Audience Snapshot

Based on internet averages, is visited more frequently by males who are in the age range 55-64 and have no college education.
They gots us pegged, lol.

Hillbilly Rebel: Unless you are one of the people on this site who are legalling distilling, keep a low profile, don't tell, don't sell.
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by rubber duck »

Husker wrote:Snooping around on that alexa, I found this tidbit:
Audience Snapshot

Based on internet averages, is visited more frequently by males who are in the age range 55-64 and have no college education.
They gots us pegged, lol.


I Know a handful of folks personally that home distill and half of them have graduate degrees or better. Maybe more non college educated folks come for a look but, I have a suspicion that at least half of our regularly contributing members have bachelors degrees.

Distilling well takes a lot of disciple and patience, this goes hand in hand with finishing something difficult such as higher education.

Then again maybe they do have us pegged. :shock:
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by leiothrix »

I'd just like to add my bit, as one of those with a diminutive post count.

For demographics -- I'm almost 30 (8 months left :( ), have a Bachelor's degree and have been stilling for about 3 years.

I'm running a crappy CM still purchased for way too much money. In the process of acquiring bits and pieces to make both a VM head and pot head. Looking forward to making some cleaner neutrals and some real bourbon and gin.

I personally don't post in general because I don't feel 'experienced' enough. I feel that I've got a pretty good idea in what I'm doing and where I'm heading, but not too sure about giving advice to others.

On the other hand if you want to talk about beer that might take all night . . .

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by ammo man »

rad and others: Just for statistics (I think I have posted this before) I have a Master's Degree. I agree with the poster that said something like it takes a lot of discipline to do our hobby correctly. I think formal education helps develope this discipline. I in no way am implying that formal educated people are the only ones that can distill. I am merely saying I think it helps.


Edit: And I am older too. 74 years and shooting for 75 in December. And if I remember olddog and I are about the same age.
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by goinbroke2 »

45 here, high school but a shitload of education through the military. Have college business courses and many automotive related specialty courses.

only thunk me need now is speling corses. :lol:
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by rad14701 »

Our forefathers managed to make beer, wine, and spirits, without even having a formal education... The same holds true for many other fields of interest...

The numbers I posted above are just that, numbers... What they depict, more or less, is that many folks join with intentions of participating here in the forums, yet don't... Those numbers are in no way indicative of how many of these same folks are actively practicing home distillation without participating in forum discussions, however...

One thing that the numbers do prove is that there are a relatively small number of members who give back to the community, selflessly, in an effort to help insure that the craft of home distillation not only survives but thrives in these modern times as well as adapting and incorporating new technologies... This same scenario plays out all across the internet in forum after forum regardless of the specific social networking theme... Whether posting or not, registering, at the very least, shows interest...
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by MuleKicker »

all we need here is more stereotypes that call us uneducated. Everyone here is very educated in there own rights. Chemists, if you will. As for age, with age comes the wisdom. If this site was full of youngins, it would be chaos. :shock:

As fer the regular contributors (you know who you are!) everyone adds there own area of expertise. All of which is invaluable to the group....... Just think, if we all got together and built a stillin operation...... it would be unbelievable!
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by LWTCS »

Got some collage. But I was an athlete. Only cared about sports and my coaches only cared if I could produce on the ball feild.

When I was younger and stronger I could out hustle 99.9 percent of my,,,,,,,, colleges.

Now my body is broken and I'm doin my best to excersize my brain more.
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by GreyGambler »

Early 40's still going to college through my job and wanted to show my kids that school isn't so bad, it only sucks when your there. as for posting I'm still trying to read all the posts from here always enjoying and learning
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by MuleKicker »

I got 2 yrs of votech behind me. It helps give a guy an edge in some fields. I could never do the 4 yr college thing....2 yrs is almost to much :lol:
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by WalkingWolf »

45yo with college degree
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by ammo man »

Is this forum capable of doing a survey? If so, maybe one of the moderators, say Husker, would do a survey along the lines of

What is your education level?

1. Did not graduate from High School
2. High School graduate
3. Some college

And so on.

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by rubber duck »

33 with no formal education to speak of, taught myself to read, the math part came from juggling three log books and I'm trilingual.

I think MK said a lot, there are a lot of stereo types but with us approaching 6000 members I think we are breaking them down. I think we are beginning to have a snowball effect. Good distillers are smart folks and I hope more of us will feel inclined to contribute to the forum. I like to give what knowledge I have to help folks, if I don't who will?

6000 members, that's a big deal.
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by hstuurman »

I'm 40, a bachelor degree in civil engineering.

I think ever adult who is thinking normaly and doesn't have a drinking problem is capabel to run a still.
Building a still some craftmenship will be required. Sharp & hot tools can make big injuries :shock: , but stil no high education needed.

Oh BTW, when your not that experienced in stilling doesn't mean you can't post. Don't be ashamed, the master overhere doe know a lot, and can sometimes make fun about someone. But that's just joking (I think). They can help with a lot of questions. To me, non-experinced must post, asking=learning.

Better to ask a dumb question than to make a stupid mistake (like blowing up your house)

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by olddog »

hstuurman wrote:Better to ask a dumb question than to make a stupid mistake (like blowing up your house)


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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by blanikdog »

Approaching 71. Honours degree - Archaelogy. Diploma Production Engineering.

Dunno that it helps me make likker. :roll:

EDIT: Five year fitter/machinist apprenticeship and twenty years in trade before university. I forgot all about those days. :roll:
Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
(50 litre, propane heated pot still. Coil in bucket condenser - No thermometer, No carbon)
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by Kentucky shinner »

51 2yrs welding in votech. Im with Mulekicker, I just dont think I could do 4yrs.
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by Barney Fife »

Middle aged, sporting a Ph.D here. I know of at least one "rocket scientist" who also is a home distiller.

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by Braz »

Might as well throw mine into the mix. 67 years old, 4 year BA degree.

Hated school through high school and learned as little as possible. Then did an apprenticeship in printing. At about 22 I had some personal issues and took a college course as a way to try to gain some self esteem. Found I loved learning just for the sake of learning, quit my job and enrolled full time.

I think I still have that love of learning and I'm sure that is a large part of the fascination of this hobby.
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by Mr.Spooky »

35 yrs old,,, got a high school education and after that,,, i swore that i was never going back. and i dident. as a matter of fact, paul simon said it best in the first lines of the song coat of chrome. i think that all that matters is if you are happy where you are today. some people have alotta education and are misreable and not even a pot to piss in. i am extremely happy with my life and wouldent trade it for anything.
but my spelling is kinda shitty! but i can live with that. LOL
Mr. Spooky
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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by ammo man »

Mr. Spooky,

That's what counts - being happy.

I can't spell worth a #$**% either. What I do is open Word, type my post or whatever, use Word to help me correct the mispelled words, COPY, and then PASTE in the post box.


Edit: Mr. Spooky, Dnderhead just gave me an easier way. Just click on the ABC Spell Check on the tool bar at the top if you have one, and bingo - spell check. No copying, pasting, etc..

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Re: Approaching 6000

Post by MuleKicker »

Jeepers H. Christmas.......Do we have a Doctor in the house? :shock: :lol:
This is turning out to be an interesting topic.
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