Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by freespirited »

Washashore wrote:Very true, but... A beer or wine is ready for consumption after fermentation. If the wort was infected, one could get seriously I'll. If our wash gets infected, it gets distilled anyways... worst case, we get a nasty tasting end product. Distilling is more dangerous in ethanol production, not consumption....we do have high concentrations of ethanol often over open flames fueled by highly combustible gasses. Just sayin'....

Unless you get the idiot who uses lead.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by freespirited »

LOL 600# of bananas made 450 gallons of brandy! Whatcha guys think about that! :lolno:
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by HungoverHog »

freespirited wrote:LOL 600# of bananas made 450 gallons of brandy! Whatcha guys think about that! :lolno:
Well if his mash was at 10% 4500 gallons of mash. 1lb of bananas for every 7.5 gallons. :lol:

Anybody ever made banana brandy?
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Tater »

HungoverHog wrote:
freespirited wrote:LOL 600# of bananas made 450 gallons of brandy! Whatcha guys think about that! :lolno:
Well if his mash was at 10% 4500 gallons of mash. 1lb of bananas for every 7.5 gallons. :lol:

Anybody ever made banana brandy?
Yep make a product that you know right away that ya either like it or yuck
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Buteo »

I made a banana pineapple wine once that I didn't care for as wine so a ran it through my pot still.
Turns out I didn't like it any better once distilled. My general rule of thumb for making fruit based wine
is 3 to 4 lb. of fruit per gallon and enough sugar to bring the sg up to 1.090. I can't imagine the banana shine they were making
on the show would have much flavor.

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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Bushman »

I told my wife that it was a boring show as it spends half the time showing the same thing over and over but she was interested in it so we watched it together. I was also thinking about the math behind 4500 gallons of shine. Also at $100 dollars a gallon I was wondering if they were saying that is what he gets or what the consumer pays for it.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Bayou-Ruler »

Bushman wrote:I told my wife that it was a boring show as it spends half the time showing the same thing over and over but she was interested in it so we watched it together. I was also thinking about the math behind 4500 gallons of shine. Also at $100 dollars a gallon I was wondering if they were saying that is what he gets or what the consumer pays for it.

Encore this Sunday starting @ 5pm all six episodes! :wtf:
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by rad14701 »

Well, the series has come to an end and I am no smarter than I was from the get go... Not that I expected to learn anything...

I was also more than skeptical about the amounts being discussed regarding the banana brandy... And even more skeptical about someone meeting a stranger out in the middle of the woods to hand over $45,000 in cash in exchange for unverified product and swapping vehicles... Just how gullible is the average couch potato these days anyway...???

In all honesty, I think this series was filmed years ago and has just recently been dusted off for airing... I've seen "Tim" in several other shows and seem to recall him as being a reenactor... If anyone noticed how fast the spirits were coming out of that still in the final episode, at a garden hose flow rate, they have to wonder about the validity of the entire series... Not to mention how you can heat up raw bananas and get brandy out of them without fermentation...
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Dnderhead »

bananas are somewhere around 3% sugar and 23% you would need to mash similar to grain.
even converted at 100% that is 1/4 lb of sugar per lb of it whould take 4 lb of bananas to make 1
lb of sugar. in 1 gallon that be about 6% wash,mash or maybe mush?
(product will very.this is a estimate)
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by rad14701 »

Dnderhead wrote:bananas are somewhere around 3% sugar and 23% you would need to mash similar to grain.
even converted at 100% that is 1/4 lb of sugar per lb of it whould take 4 lb of bananas to make 1
lb of sugar. in 1 gallon that be about 6% wash,mash or maybe mush?
(product will very.this is a estimate)
Yep... But I think "Tim" adds sugar to everything so it would end up being a sugarhead brandy... That's the only way he'd get decent volume, but nowhere near the volume he was talking about... That 600 pounds of bananas, fully converted, would only have 150 pounds of sugar in them... And to end up with 450 gallons of 80 proof, assuming that's his target proof, he'd need a lot of sugar and multiple runs from an 800 gallon black pot... There wouldn't be any banana flavor at all... The numbers just don't jive with what he was saying... I'm calling bullshit...!!! :lolno:
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Prairiepiss »

Did you really expect his numbers to jive? Although the is a jive turkey. :lol:

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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by cornbred »

The federal government could give a rats arse about anyone making small quantities of likker. It's not worth the time or money.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by KY1792 »

cornbred wrote:The federal government could give a rats arse about anyone making small quantities of likker. It's not worth the time or money.
I don't know if I'd totally buy into that philosophy and certainly wouldn't bet the farm on it. If you make enough noise even with distilling one gallon it can draw enough attention and get you arrested - it may even preclude you from getting a job or owning a firearm for the rest of your life (USA law).
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Tater »

cornbred wrote:The federal government could give a rats arse about anyone making small quantities of likker. It's not worth the time or money.
Your WRONG there.Got a friend who was popped with a keg still when it wasn't even in operation .
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Husker »

Tater wrote:
cornbred wrote:The federal government could give a rats arse about anyone making small quantities of likker. It's not worth the time or money.
Your WRONG there.Got a friend who was popped with a keg still when it wasn't even in operation .
But that was likely by county or state law, correct?

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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Tater »

Husker wrote:
Tater wrote:
cornbred wrote:The federal government could give a rats arse about anyone making small quantities of likker. It's not worth the time or money.
Your WRONG there.Got a friend who was popped with a keg still when it wasn't even in operation .
But that was likely by county or state law, correct?

local law found it they called ATF
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by KY1792 »

In my neck of the woods which includes Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee the state troopers call in the Feds who then can make it a misdemeanor or a felony - every felony charge I have seen was because of selling. As said before a felony can stop you from voting, owning a firearm, perhaps a job, and even shitting in the woods - as they watch your every move(ment).

Never under any circumstance give them a reason to suspect you, the hobby is fun and many of us want to boost, but like a soon to be ex-wife or a filthy friend that wants to borrow money will turn you over like a dried up turd. I rue the day that I let certain 30+ year friends in on my endeavors as a few have a drug problem and could dime me out in a second.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by KY1792 »

Also some states have tougher anti-paraphernalia laws then others, all they need is an intent to utilize to make a bust.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by cornbred »

Tater wrote:
Husker wrote:
Tater wrote:
cornbred wrote:The federal government could give a rats arse about anyone making small quantities of likker. It's not worth the time or money.
Your WRONG there.Got a friend who was popped with a keg still when it wasn't even in operation .
But that was likely by county or state law, correct?

local law found it they called ATF
I understand if Barney Fife finds your still, you are gonna be in trouble. I dont think the FEDS are out sniffing for moonshine operations unless they suspect a large operation going on somewhere. They have much larger issues that they devote their time to. With the decriminalization of marijuana happening as we type, there is a lot of devotion to that industry as of now. With sales of medical marijuana only second to Viagra, you can bet the IRS is concentrating on getting their hands on that revenue. The laws are in place to protect the federal governments pocket book. They could care less if someone might get hurt. They want the taxes. Thats what it is all about. Which brings back the point of why you shouldnt sell spirits. Make it for yourself and your fine as long as your local law enforcement doesn't trip over your cooling lines. Literally.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Large Sarge »

Cornbread, your right. I doubt they are looking for me, however, I can think of half a dozen things that are out of my control that can get me in hot water. Break ins get the law call to your house, medical emergencies get EMTs, structure fires (not related to distilling) get firefighters, nosey ass neighbors, etc... We should minimize the risk at every opportunity. Better safe than sorry.

With all that said, I can't see the law setting up a sting on my house yet. I'm sure with shrinking budgets I am not the first priority. I just prefer to stay off the list all together.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by EscarpmentDew »

Just don't pirate software and music. :moresarcasm:

Can't wait for the South Park episode which is going to make fun of this show and probably all "reality shows" again.
Moved on up from distilling neutrals from simple cereal mashes to experimenting with grains and oaking.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by cornbred »

Large Sarge wrote:Cornbread, your right. I doubt they are looking for me, however, I can think of half a dozen things that are out of my control that can get me in hot water. Break ins get the law call to your house, medical emergencies get EMTs, structure fires (not related to distilling) get firefighters, nosey ass neighbors, etc... We should minimize the risk at every opportunity. Better safe than sorry.

With all that said, I can't see the law setting up a sting on my house yet. I'm sure with shrinking budgets I am not the first priority. I just prefer to stay off the list all together.
I'm with you 10,000%.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by RumBrewer »

I know I'm just the FNG here, and nobody wants to hear my opinion, but I like the show.
It gets the average joe schmuck thinking and thats hard to do! It has you rooting for the criminals, but the fact that they pulled down $50k in one load helps differentiate them from hobby distillers. It's like comparing Dolly Maddison to the bake sale ladies. Just too much difference. Used wisely, I think we can gain great benefit from this separation.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by LWTCS »

RumBrewer wrote:the fact that they pulled down $50k in one load
Says who?
The same mob that adds sugar mid run to boost abv? Or the same mob sellin apple pie with likker diluted down from a plastic jug for 50 bucks when a very fine 4 Roses can be purchased legally for 28 bucks.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by RumBrewer »

LWTCS wrote:
RumBrewer wrote:the fact that they pulled down $50k in one load
Says who?
The same mob that adds sugar mid run to boost abv? Or the same mob sellin apple pie with likker diluted down from a plastic jug for 50 bucks when a very fine 4 Roses can be purchased legally for 28 bucks.
I agree with that point for sure. Adding sugar, like it's magically going to ferment in minutes! And why buy killer hooch when commercial stuff is far cheaper.
I'm just saying that this guy could never claim to be a hobby distiller, or just trying to feed his family.
Everything I do or say may or may not have really happened... or it may or may not be all bull shit!
Turning money into steam and likker 10 gallons at a time!
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by cornbred »

RumBrewer wrote:
LWTCS wrote:
RumBrewer wrote:the fact that they pulled down $50k in one load
Says who?
The same mob that adds sugar mid run to boost abv? Or the same mob sellin apple pie with likker diluted down from a plastic jug for 50 bucks when a very fine 4 Roses can be purchased legally for 28 bucks.
I agree with that point for sure. Adding sugar, like it's magically going to ferment in minutes! And why buy killer hooch when commercial stuff is far cheaper.
I'm just saying that this guy could never claim to be a hobby distiller, or just trying to feed his family.
Why not? He claims he is a moonshiner?
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by rad14701 »

cornbred wrote:Why not? He claims he is a moonshiner?
Because he does not share the same ideals as we are attempting to convey to the public and government visitors who may frequent this site... His beliefs and actions are not in any way indicative of what we consider hobby distillation for personal consumption...
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by Prairiepiss »

rad14701 wrote:
cornbred wrote:Why not? He claims he is a moonshiner?
Because he does not share the same ideals as we are attempting to convey to the public and government visitors who may frequent this site... His beliefs and actions are not in any way indicative of what we consider hobby distillation for personal consumption...
I think what he was trying to say was. This guy will claim to be whatever puts him in the spotlight at the time. And none of what he claims is true. God help us if he ever claimed to be a hobby distiller. I would rather he just keep claiming the moonshiner thing.

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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by cornbred »

Prairiepiss wrote:
rad14701 wrote:
cornbred wrote:Why not? He claims he is a moonshiner?
Because he does not share the same ideals as we are attempting to convey to the public and government visitors who may frequent this site... His beliefs and actions are not in any way indicative of what we consider hobby distillation for personal consumption...
I think what he was trying to say was. This guy will claim to be whatever puts him in the spotlight at the time. And none of what he claims is true. God help us if he ever claimed to be a hobby distiller. I would rather he just keep claiming the moonshiner thing.
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Re: Moonshiners on Discovery Channel

Post by freespirited »

I do not see how someone gets busted for owning a still? All the tools used are the same for wine and beer other than the still. Stills are not illegal to own you can use them for distilling water. Which after use/cleaning is all that is left in mine. I only keep a small amount of 35-40% and that amount shrinks weekly. I would think unless getting caught in the act they wouldnt have much of a case.
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