Punchy/ Angry liquor?

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Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by Peter_Muir »

As a bartender I've often noticed that many angry/ punchy drunks tend to be Rum drinkers, particularly Bundeburg rum. A friend of mine was worried about trying my liquor as he had bad experiences with his friends shine. Every time he and his partner drank this shine they would be at each others throats. I told him that it might be that his ferments were nothing but dextrose and turbo yeast and that may have contributed to some nasties that caused all the aggression.

(although I could quite possibly be talking out of my arse).

Does anyone know why some spirits make people angry and others don't?
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by FossZ »

Mental problems haha, jagar does that to me, or at least I think it does I avoid it.
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by Fastill »

I'd be in a pretty foul mood if I had to drink storebought...
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by Prairiepiss »

Jack Daniels always made me a angry drunk. Don't know why? Other then I don't like it. Never have. Nothing else has had this effect on me.
Takillya has one of two effects on my wife. And the both start with F. Fight or F???. Either it makes her clothes fall off or makes her 10 foot tall and bullet proof. And you never know which it will be until its too late. :shock: So I try to keep it away from her. I don't like the odds. :mrgreen:

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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by RumBrewer »

I maintain that it's all the state of mind you have going in.
The alcohol is the same... be it tequila, jack or vodka, and it doesn't have the kind of effect people think it does. It's just that you've been convinced that Tequila is fight'n likker, so drunk and half-whitted... you get pissed.
That being said, a poorly made drink or bad spirits get me on edge... nothing to do with the booze mind you, just irritated that it could have been better!
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by blind drunk »

I made a red wine once that a friend of mine dubbed "angry wine." "Hey, got any more of that angry wine" he'd ask.
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by FossZ »

Prairiepiss wrote:Jack Daniels always made me a angry drunk. Don't know why? Other then I don't like it. Never have. Nothing else has had this effect on me.
Takillya has one of two effects on my wife. And the both start with F. Fight or F???. Either it makes her clothes fall off or makes her 10 foot tall and bullet proof. And you never know which it will be until its too late. :shock: So I try to keep it away from her. I don't like the odds. :mrgreen:

I'm the gambling type Id make sure that stuffs stocked haha
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by rad14701 »

I would not be the Ethanol in the spirits but, rather, the adjuncts which carry over during distillation and/or aging... Tannins, vanillans, etc...
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by Dnderhead »

nope dont thank so, i was reading the other day.and if i remember right "butyl alcohol"? acts as a narcotic.
this could be the reason wineos drink cheep wine.alcoholics drink cheep booze ,russians drink wood alcohol.
some one was looking for a specific enzyme.after research found it broke down "wood" sugars witch is in a lot of plant material.like stems etc.any buddy thank grappa?
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by Washashore »

That's interesting dunder. I think someone needs to do a side by side comparison; one mash with that enzyme (Glucose isomerase) and one without.... I wonder if that OP ever found a source for it.
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by OlympicMtDoo »

Interesting...........for me, in past experience, it doesn't seem to have mattered nearly as much what I was drinking as with who I was drinking it with :D I have been married a few times and some of them drank and some didn't but they all pissed me OFF! didn't seem to matter what I was drinking if anything :D
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by King Of Hearts »

My neighbor is without a doubt a stone cold alcoholic, his doctor told him to stay away from rum, something about it's harder on the liver. Doesn't make any sense to me.
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by FortyNiner »

I like a martini now and then. For me, the lower end gins tend to bring out the pointy finger, the one that you might jab into someone's chest while intoxicated. Solution-only high quality gin. Gonna try a gin basket for my boka or maybe a cold gin infusion someday. I'll let you know if it brings the pointy finger out.
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by emptyglass »

Bunderburg rum.

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I think its pure heads.
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by likkerfirst »

Whiskey /Blackberry Brandy has alwasy given me a different shake in the leg, The balls are always there but the mind tends not to be with those. Vodka or Gin makes me gab. But scense ive gotten older I learned that its more of the attitude you have going in, If Ive had a bad week or im pissed about anything Ill stay away from the likker. I think it just magnifies your mood.
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by maheel »

good ole Bundy..

had a mate that would go from lover to fighter once he hit is limit...
he would want to fight anyone, one minute happy as next.. angry

lol lucky he was never bashed as he was a little bloke
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by Bushman »

It's a lot like some foods, good to eat in moderation but too much makes you sick.
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Re: Punchy/ Angry liquor?

Post by emptyglass »

maheel wrote:good ole Bundy..

had a mate that would go from lover to fighter once he hit is limit...
he would want to fight anyone, one minute happy as next.. angry

lol lucky he was never bashed as he was a little bloke
No one wants to fight a man on Bundy. Well, not if they know what he's been drinking.

He might have been a little bloke, but I bet he got 10 feet tall on Bundy.
Maybe 12'.
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