Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive this?

Little or nothing to do with distillation.

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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by blind drunk »

Why is it that every whiskey I taste now....tastes like boiled wood?
Speed aging :crazy:
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by ScottishBoy »

Well here it is nearly a year later.... :esurprised:

I made every attempt I could, did everything I could and she filed papers and divorced me.
I kept myself honest until after we were officially divorced and got myself back on my feet. I now own my house outright, have my motorcycle and my hot tub. My kids dont seem to have suffered and my new girlfriend is a true breath of fresh air.
Hope you guys have been well.

I am well and I will be checkin in from time to time..;)
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by bentstick »

Good to hear from you scottishboy! :wave: Glad things have finally leveled out for you and it sounds like you are getting on with your getting on,good luck to you, and hope to see you pop in from time to time! :thumbup:
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by HolyBear »

SB, Good to see ya back!!! Hope you can find some time to do some writing.... I know others have looked forward to your return as well...
As for your recent situation, well, I'm on my second round after the first was 15 yrs. I've never been happier in my whole life!!! Don't be too hasty, make sure it's right, if so, go for it!!! I'm having tha time a my life nowadays!!! Good luck, hope ya stick around...
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by Oxbo Rene »

Yeah, I was with my first wife 12 yrs before she divorced me.
I've been with #2 for 14 years now, this one is still slim and pretty.
The 1st one ? nowdays she's 200lbs, fat and ugly (I feel for her new husband)....
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by Prairiepiss »

I ran across some of your posts the other day. Searching for a thread to help out a noob. :lol: But I seen you name and thought it had been a long time since we heard from you. Wondered how you faired. Glad to hear its looking up for you. :thumbup:

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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by LWTCS »

ess-bee,,,,,,,yer alive!

Glad your back.
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by Braz »

Welcome home Scottish Boy. Good to hear you're doing OK.
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by Bushman »

Welcome back, have often wondered where people disappear too, glad you found your way home!
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by Coyote »

ScottishBoy good for you man!

Remember when you were sure life was over?

And now how the smile of a good women can totally
change your world :clap:

Life does go on and You Sir are living proof !

Hug the new girlfriend and the kids Have a sip or 2

Good for you

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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by Fastill »

Good to hear from you and glad all is well!!
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by NcHooch »

ScottishBoy wrote:Well here it is nearly a year later.... :esurprised:

I made every attempt I could, did everything I could and she filed papers and divorced me.
I kept myself honest until after we were officially divorced and got myself back on my feet. I now own my house outright, have my motorcycle and my hot tub. My kids dont seem to have suffered and my new girlfriend is a true breath of fresh air.
Hope you guys have been well.

I am well and I will be checkin in from time to time..;)
welcome back Scotty ...Glad to hear everything's well with you and your family.
Don't be a stranger,

PS: made any good booze lately? :)
Practice safe distillin and keep your hobby under your hat.
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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by frozenthunderbolt »

Gald your back scotty - we've been hanging out for the next chapter of your story . . .
Where has all the rum gone? . . .

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Re: Wife of 15 years wants to separate. How do I survive thi

Post by eviljesus »

frozenthunderbolt wrote:Gald your back scotty - we've been hanging out for the next chapter of your story . . .

I've been bumping it mercilessly!

Good to hear everything has worked out
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