Had a hell of a mess today. I'm fermenting an all barley, which tend to be a little aggressive but this one is hell bent. I had left the top off for a while, and when I check on it it was spilling over the sides and I had a rather significant puddle on the floor. So, instead of the normal bubble cap I put in my overflow tube. Well, I guess it got clogged and blew its top.
5 feet to the ceiling.
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I've emptied the jar twice already
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Damn what a mess!
Big R
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." William Pitt
Two weeks ago today I almost gutted my bathroom... I had a lapse of judgment when preparing some Concord grape wine and grabbed a carbouy that didn't allow for enough head space... The airlock got plugged with grape must and rather than having an explosion in the fermenting closet I opted for releasing the pressure in the bathroom... Being slow and cautious helped mitigate some of the potential mess but it couldn't be avoided altogether... I purposely took the brunt of what would otherwise have gutted the bathroom far worse than it did... I looked like I was the recipient of a projectile vomit-fest... And I had things covered with a towel and let most of the pressure bleed off before fully removing my homemade airlock...
As a side note, the wine is fermented to dry as of today and ready to be racked into a secondary for further clearing before bottling...