Rum Talk......

Anything to do with rum

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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by LWTCS »

We are here Joe,,,,,do you have something you'd like to share,,,or ask?
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by zouthernborne »

We're still here, Joe. But it's hard to type with a drink in each hand. :wtf:
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by rtalbigr »

My aged dunder rum has been in a 5 gal Gibbs barrel now for 4 months. I pulled off a sample today and I'm not real happy with it right now, although diluted way down it's really pretty nice. It has a nice golden color but the flavors aren't right, I'm thinkin it needs a few more months (or more) on the wood. Problem is I'm gonna need the barrel for some corn likker I'm workin on and I don't want to put the corn in a new barrel. I may put the rum in glass and throw in some toasted sticks and them put it up for a good while and then put some vanilla beans in some of it. However, with Mash Rookies daughter spiced rum recipe it would probable be some damn good rum. Well, I got almost five gal, so I'll probably try all of it.

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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by singlemaltluv »

LWTCS wrote:We are here Joe,,,,,do you have something you'd like to share,,,or ask?
just asking at the moment now Larry, just been reading lately learning as much as I can, but will soon will join in on the conversation. I think Rum Talk is a great subject just like Flute Talk just would hate to see it go away. I'm only on page 9 of the read before I skipped to the end and seen that it has been since January since someone last posted so I decided to bump the thread.
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by LWTCS »

Its not going away,,,But at times it is best to start a new thread if some specific info needs to be discussed...I'm as guilty as any in creating unneeded drift.
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by john442 »

singlemaltluv wrote:bump
this is such a good read hate to see it die. Where is the rum guys at :wave:
We are here, Just too busy making rum to read the posts ! lol
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by zouthernborne »

I've got a bottle of Mash Rookie's daughter's spiced sitting in my cabinet now. Took a drink last night and it's great. I also tried LW's recipe from the first post of this thread, and I honestly don't know which I like better. I've got both of them sitting next to my favorite white rum. I may have to put my taste buds on a rotating schedule over the next month or two... :D
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by LWTCS »

There is enough luv for both ZB.....
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by rumbaron-intraining »

I'm pretty new to making rum (but not drinking it) so I've been getting my read on. Lets just say I read this entire thread while sippin'.

My question is do you guys add the dunder pre or post yeast?

Great thread by the way.

Thanks for all the info. :clap:
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by zouthernborne »

Personally, I use 25% dunder heated in a pot, mix in my sugar and molasses, then add good cool water to volume. So far, and I only speak for myself from my own experiences, this has yielded the most flavor in my rum.
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Re: Rum olassesclarify m

Post by madmace »

2 parts water 1 part molasses heat to 185f put in lg stockpot and allow to settle for several hrs.Then siphom off claer liquid
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by Jaybird »

Couple of questions guys. First off…..HOLY SHIT! I just spent the last 3+ hours of my life stuck to this thread!!! WOW I mean WOW!! Love what one can learn by simply paying attention!!

1, so did Liquid_Luv ever publish his journal?
1a where can I find it?

2, do any of you "aged dunder heads" charge your still with the aged dunder and low wines for the spirit run?

3, anyone using honey for the aging process?
3a if so what kind and how much?

Again I am very impressed. Where the hell did Liquid_Luv go? Sounded like he was on his way to PRO status...
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by rad14701 »

Jaybird wrote:Where the hell did LL go? Sounded like he was on his way to PRO status...
For those, like me, who don't know who Jaybird is talking about, LL = Liquid_Luv... :eugeek:
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by Jaybird »

Fixed it.... :mrgreen:

Rad any ideas on my questions?

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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by rumbuff »

I don't know about your first question, but as to the second, ya, I add dunder to my spirit run, and it gives me extra flavor. I also add the dunder to the ferment pre yeast. I add my sugar and hot water, and then dunder, then top up with the right temp to pitch. I then re pitch yeast. I figure the hot water will kill some yeast, and I leave all the trub in the bottom and just keep adding. I figure there's more flavor in there to get out. I've also been adding some toasted oats to my ferments and also when I age, and I find it gives a really nice toasty taste, almost like a touch of the sherry I bought the other night. Quite nice.

I'll have to try the honey again, I can't remember what it did. I tried spicing when I first made rum, but that was before i'd figured out cuts, and if it tastes like shit before you put the spice in, chances are it won't be that great after... I'm still getting the basic rum down.
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by zouthernborne »

My dunder pit is relatively small. It's in a 5-gallon bucket. I've been thinking of moving it over to a 15 gallon stock pot I got from a buddy. It's around 6 months old, no older. I didn't record the date I started it. I've used it a couple of times. The most recent was around 2 months ago. It was pretty good then, but lacked the butterscotch smell and aftertaste I like in my white rum. So I left it to rest for a while longer. I'm going to go out and check on it tomorrow. I've got a new batch of rum in mind and want to get it going.
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by bcboyz86 »

I don't know if the same people read this one as the other rum threads... But I had an idea I was kicking around with the rum oils. It started from the PugiRum recipe and I was thinking of the time/energy put Into distilling off the rum oils to be collected, just to be put back in the wash and ran...why not just leave them in the boiler and stop collecting at about 40% or so. Right before you would be pulling "rum oils" out. Then all that's left is the dunder with all the tasty rum oils inside. I haven't started a dunder pit yet, but it sounds interesting. Does it need to be climate controlled at all, or is this something that can be stored in my shed in a big poly bottle? And I guess the mold thing would have thrown me(just so happen to he deathly allergic to mold :( ...) So its not a bad thing to have mold growing, just as long as its not nasty smelling? I do love a tasty rum and that will most likely be the majority of what I make. Im ganna finish my 5 and 6th gen of pugi rum with recycling the dunder everytime and have about 3 gallons of 115proof hearts and probably a good gallon of rum oils...for the long slow spirit run this weekend. (very excited!) But since it will most likely take me a while to drink 3-4 gallons of 90proof rum, I am ganna start on some sugar washes for vodka/gin/everclear runs. Although it seems like a waste to strip the flavor , but evapped sugar cane sugar is actually cheaper here than processed granulated sugar. Need to keep myself sharp and try different recipes...
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by blind drunk »

Tasted some of my aging spiced rum the other night that I had banished to a cupboard because it was kinda raunchy and unfocused. Now it tastes like caramelized buttered coconut with some un-discernible spicing in the background. Smooth up front with a little bite after the initial gulp. I like my spicing to be unnoticeable, but present, if you know what I mean. The kicker is, I never added any coconut. Think I'll leave it a little longer and see what happens :D Waiting is my favorite part of this hobby :lol:
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by elektrosport »

bcboyz86 wrote:why not just leave them in the boiler and stop collecting at about 40% or so. Right before you would be pulling "rum oils" out.
BBoy86, I'm only speaking out of guessing, but leaving your alcohol exposed in a dunder pit may turn it into vinegar? Besides whatever volume is left in your boiler after a spirit run will just grow and grow and grow. I find I have a surplus of dunder/backset for every time I distill, but maybe in a hotter climate more water will evaporate off?

EDIT: Coming to think of it, the alcohol may actually just evaporate off too, rather than turning to vinegar?

I distill 1.5 and I "always" distill to 1%. Since I finished my power controller, I find that after a spirit run the abv drops really fast after 45%, then it's just Max Power.

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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by bcboyz86 »

Well I haven't made it to the point of using a dunder pit. Just been making batch after batch of PugiRum so the dunder left in the boiler goes right back into the wash the very night, or next day at the latest. I whizzed through 6gens in a month doing it this way. But I did dump out a lot of dunder that didn't fit into my next batches :/ what Lind of a container do people use for the dunder? Does it need to be food grade(im assuming so), and is airtight va open air w/a cover just preference? And would I just fill up a good sized container like say a 20 or 50 gallon barrell and let old water evaporate and keep adding new dunder from each wash, then using the old juicy stuff for my spirit runs?
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by GuyFawkes »

Wow. Read through every word of this. Learned so much, never thought I could learn that much from one thread. I think this is my second favorite thread on this whole site, after the distress aging one. Two very, very informative reads. L_L had the right idea to turn it into a book/journal, that would be one hell of a good read.

Once my new still is completed I will be joining in the rum-capades. My new liebig is 46" long for fast, fast runs! The idea of aging dunder was so new to me though, I am very excited to give it a try. I live in the Desert Southwest (USA), so heat should not be the least of the problem. I did once accidentally leave a fancy molasses rum wash outside (wanted to see how it would do in high temps..... and forgot about it completely for about 6 months) and it took a really heavy soy sauce kind of characteristic, as someone else mentioned somewhere in here theirs had. Unfortunately I screwed that run up (don't distill under the influence!), too bad too as I was very curious to see how it would turn out.

I'm not picky, and I think I won't be nearly as..... well.... not to sound rude but..... pretentious as I think this thread got. I like both white rums and spiced, and I can pick out quality when I taste it, but to me it's all about smoothness. A rum that pairs well with cream soda, to me, is the tops. And for that it needs that really bold molasses flavor (and some nice vanilla undertones help) and that "buttery" feel to it that got mentioned too.
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by Prairiepiss »

GuyFawkes when you get into the rum makin. You mite want to check out panela. Some good stuff it is. Ferments great with some nice flavors. Not to add to your long list of to dos. :lol:

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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by GuyFawkes »

Well..... I have been making "rum" for about a year now. It's what I started on, and it's what I kept coming back to. The flavor, the process, the history..... I love it all. I haven't made anything that would stack up to what y'all been making, but I have done some tinkering.

Panela..... never heard of it. The almighty google tells me it is basically raw cane sugar in brick form. Where does one buy panela? I live in a very Mexican area, reading briefly about it I think I am going to be looking for "piloncillo" locally (apparently in Mexico "panela" refers to cheese). I'll keep my eyes peeled. I'm also in the market for some high quality avocado oil since it has a smoke point of 520 F (and doesn't burn well for oil) and could make for a good double boiler, so I was already planning on going on a mission through all the mom-and-pop type places in Little Mexico. That'll just be another thing to watch out for.
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by Prairiepiss »

Do yourself a favor. Find HD member Sugardaddy. He is a panela distributor here in the states. And he has one of the best panela I've had so far. There is a thread or two about it. Good stuff. I highly recommend it.

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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by GuyFawkes »

goddamit Mr. Piss, now I'm on a whole new reading journey! The never-ending spiral of threads...... so..... much..... knowledge....... so...... little...... time......

Okay, I'm better now. I'll probably start out in the ventures of molasses rum and aging my dunder first, and worry about panela second. But if panela can be had as low as $10 for a 5 gallon wash...... well that's pretty darn nice. Beats the heck out of molasses prices by me (costs at least double that for my washes now), and if tastes even close to as good as molasses (or better) I don't think anyone would be the wiser.
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by Prairiepiss »

GuyFawkes wrote:goddamit Mr. Piss, now I'm on a whole new reading journey! The never-ending spiral of threads...... so..... much..... knowledge....... so...... little...... time......

Okay, I'm better now. I'll probably start out in the ventures of molasses rum and aging my dunder first, and worry about panela second. But if panela can be had as low as $10 for a 5 gallon wash...... well that's pretty darn nice. Beats the heck out of molasses prices by me (costs at least double that for my washes now), and if tastes even close to as good as molasses (or better) I don't think anyone would be the wiser.
You can also do a mix of the molasses and panela. That's what I did on my first go. Blackstrap and panela. It was a little to flavorfull white for me. But its working out nicely for my spiced experiments. The 100% panela is much more my speed for a white. And I'm aging some on oak and sugar maple. Not sure if I'm going to like the oak. But the sugar maple is becoming quite interesting. I have a wash in the fermenter 100% panela with my first go with dunder. It's unaged dunder straight off the still. Bit I have around 18 gal of panela dunder aging. I also have about 13 gal of the dunder from the molasses/panela run. That's been aging for a while. Last I checked on it. It was smelling really good. So I will be trying it out in the not so distant future. With another molasses/panela wash. I still have 2.5 gal of blackstrap.

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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by bcboyz86 »

What is a wash usually smelling like right off the still? I've read people saying that the dunder will smell like Carmel and vanilla after its been aged/infected, but I've had dunder coming right off the still smelling nothing like something I would want to drink:/ like almost a raw steak freshly thrown on the BBQ smell... Not sure it supposed to smell like that or not, but they have all smelled similar to that. Is it the molases I'm using, or will the smell just change after a bit?
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by GuyFawkes »

Yeah, I may do that Mr. P. My first ferment for the new still, for better or worse, is going to have to be a sugar wash. I've used up all my sacrificial alcohol around the house, so unfortunately I'll have to do a sugar run for cleaning. Once that's done it will be a fancy molasses and brown sugar, possibly a couple generations even to build up some dunder, and in the meantime I may order some panela from SD and still search around to see if I can find some locally for cheap (can't hurt)
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by bcboyz86 »

I also live in a vast majority Hispanic area(about 75-85% Hispanic) so I'm thinking polincillo or panela won't be hard to find. Around here... Is it pretty much just a darker rum than straight molasses? I love kraken and Cap. Morgan's Tattoo and would love to find my own recipe, its just finding the initial base to tweak after that I'm after. Any suggestions for a base rum to work with? I'm currently running a PugiRum with 1gallon of fancy molasses and 2lbs of dark brown sugar with the yeast bomb. I flavored up 5 pints to figure put which one I like, but how do you make dark rum? Like black dark? Add a lot of spices and molasses? :wtf:
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Re: Rum Talk......

Post by LWTCS »

bcboyz86 wrote: Is it pretty much just a darker rum than straight molasses?
I think you are using the "darker" word in the wrong context?

Molasses will likely make a heavier rum IMO. As it is the unfermentable by product that can offer up the heaviest notes during distillation IMO.
Similarly however, fresh press cane (rhum) can offer up a very pronounced grassy note as well.
These heavier qualities can be toned down by collecting at higher purity levels.
Last edited by LWTCS on Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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