Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Dnderhead »

let it finish..its doing good..
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by kobold »

Dnderhead wrote:let it finish..its doing good..
:thumbup: dunderhead!
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by bentleyss »

Well, I've run WPSW a number of times and a rum recipe, so I thought I'd give the Deathwish WG a try. I followed the instructions in the recipe and that was on Oct. 29th. It's Nov 6th and it's still bubbling away. About one burp per 6-7 secs. I live in a Southern clime and the temp is pretty steady at 78 deg. Will wait til it stops then transfer to a glass carboy and post results.
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by kobold »

i ran my first dwwg - slow and single run with a pot still - and got 3l of 62% hearts that i am very happy with. it's on oak and started cooking the new batch with an additional pound of peated bairds this time. curious how will it change with time and oaking but definitely my cheap and cheerful goto wash as it is. yay!

edit: added 10ml/l of maple syrup and oloroso sherry, it's really getting scotch-like.
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by frikz »

Great recipe! Ran my first batch yesterday and I have to say that I'm amazed. Very nice taste, even unaged. Indeed a bit like a light scotch or irish whisky. I will be putting half of it on oak chips as well to see what that does to it.
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by kobold »

i finished my fifth dwwg run today, as per the recipe, except this time i added about two cups of spent cocoa nibs (i soaked them in brandy to make creme the cacao previously) to 25l of wash - fermented and distilled came out just how i wanted, subtle but recognizable dark chocolate with faint coffee as bonus... magic. topped up my living bottle and kept the rest white. i am done with dwwg for now and trying out all bran next. a big thank you to deathwish and everyone contributing to this thread! :)
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by rgarry »

I'm forbidden to run this. Last ferment ran so strong, airlock put a dent in the ceiling. Wife has her limits. Maybe, I need a blow off....
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Stilly »

I use an 8 gal fermenter. I make 6 gallon washes with DWWG I leave it one gallon of water short for first day , then add the last gallon of water after the ferment has calmed down a bit. Works good.

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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by smokindave »

Put my first batch of this to the fermenter on Sunday.........I should have probably stuck with the original recipe, but I decided to add some other grains, just based on what I had them on hand.

I boiled the 16oz of germ in 2 gallons of water, 1tsp of citric, and also added in 1/2 pound of flaked Rye. 1.5 hours of moderate boil (covered 95% of the time), and after cooling to 155*F, put this in to my insulated fermenter and added a pound of 2 row malted barley (pale). Let this set for 2.5 hours, it was now at 130*F, I added the balance of my 5 gallons water and blended well, SG was 1.015. I added 8lbs of white sugar and aerated/stirred again. Then let it cool to 100*F. SG was 1.082. Added a packet of Prestige WY with AG.

I was a little concerned about not inverting the sugar, but I figure I gained some sugars from the grains as well. I have read here and there that it may not matter than much, especially since I used the yeast w/ the added enzymes. I only have one small ol' pot and it is not big enough to put all the water and sugar in at once without risking a boilover.

All I know is that it smelled awesome when I checked it last. I has been bubbling more than any other wash I have fermented thus far. Standard two-piece simple airlock, and it bubbling about 3-4 times per second consistently for 2 days. I took precautions for an overflow by putting the bucket in a plastic bin, etc. But it did not even close to bubbling over, as others have reported. I wonder if that has to do with the amount of yeast added at the beginning?? Some people seem to add a lot of yeast. Based on my rate of bubbling, I anticipate this this to be done in a couple more days. Can't wait to taste the beer..........
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by FearTheLight »

Hello all, I'm fairly new to distilling and want to thank everyone for all the help I've received simply by stalking this forum. I want to start by saying that I have made several successful ferments / runs with my pot still, however I decided to try this recipe due to the highly positive remarks. I'm almost a week into fermentation, and it started very strong, nothing explosive, but strong nonetheless and is starting to slow down, my only concern is a somewhat sour smell coming from the airlock. I sanitized all of my equipment before starting the ferment so I feel as if I took the necessary precautions to prevent infection, I was just curious what the normal aroma is for this wash while under ferment.

Also, the odor isn't necessarily noticeable by smelling the wash itself, just the fumes being released from the airlock.
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by frozenthunderbolt »

Yep, it'll be fine :thumbup:
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Snowman21 »

First recipe I've followed to a T on the forum here. About a week into ferment. Looking forward to giving this one a try.
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Foxfire »

Has anyone tried reusing the yeast cake and wheat germ residuals in the fermenter by adding some more sugared water and some of the dunder left in the boiler? If so, how much of the dunder and sugar would you use for a 12 gallon batch?
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by travis »

Search the site for "Yeast Harvesting"
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by rad14701 »

Foxfire wrote:Has anyone tried reusing the yeast cake and wheat germ residuals in the fermenter by adding some more sugared water and some of the dunder left in the boiler? If so, how much of the dunder and sugar would you use for a 12 gallon batch?
It sounds like you are referring to multiple generations, much like UJSSM relies on for developing a flavor profile... This can be done with most any recipe... You just need to consider pH issues and residual %ABV buildup over time...
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Rastus »

Foxfire wrote:Has anyone tried reusing the yeast cake and wheat germ residuals in the fermenter by adding some more sugared water and some of the dunder left in the boiler? If so, how much of the dunder and sugar would you use for a 12 gallon batch?
i made up the DWWG recipe for my cleaning run and rolled the leftovers into my start of the sweet-feed recipe worked like a champ! when making beer i used to pour the new batch onto the old lees as long as the temp is cooled down to where it wont kill the yeast. I am not sure about how the dunder would work on this recipe, but fresh sugar water might be all it needs, since the yeast is already fired up. I am sure someone will step in with a better answer for that.
the yeast i used was Red Star Premier Cuvee Yeast, because that is what i had and it fermented the DWWG very well and came out to 12%ABV, just sippin that as a wine had a nice fruity flavor a few days before it finished, not sure if the fruity, almost like apple, was because of the yeast or not. but i am definitely going to revisit DWWG. i thought i was ordering a 5 oz packet of the yeast for 5 bucks turns out i am getting 10 packs for 5 bucks off a vendor on e-bay.

good luck!
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by shadylane »

Just my opinion. And I have a bad habit of giving it.
Deathwish Wheat germ is very good for small batch distillers.
It's not cost effective for BIG batches, but this is about home distillation.
It's fast, clean and almost fool proof. That remove variables while learning the rest of the hobby.
And it's good enough to drink without distilling.
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Ridgerunnr »

Well this stuff sounds down right awesome..Im a newb but so far ive been very successful..Raspberry done, strawberry , 3 SFeed batches..3 generations of UJSSM..and so far its all turned out quite nicely. My wife helps w cuts too! lol
anyway this stuff sounds too good not to try. Where can i buy the grain bags Y'all use to strain ? After ferment is it required to remove to carboy to clear or OK to strain and still? I use external LP source.
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by blind drunk »

Paint straining bags can be used with good results. You can get those from all the usual places. Mine cost $1.00 at the local hardware store. Always a good idea to clear your wash before you load up the boiler. Gives all the particles a time to settle and prevents scorching. Then you can rack/pour into the boiler and fire up the burner. I like to rack 3 or 4 times :oops:
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Ridgerunnr »

Sounds good..time for a trip to the store ..citric acid..can i just use lemon juice or has to be citric acid? If so is that avail at stores ?
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Ridgerunnr »

What's the purpose of the citric acid?
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Ridgerunnr »

Son of a ......cooked sugar n wheat for an hour n half.. transferred to fermenter and added cold water..still
Too hot to add yeast....put lid on it and set on porch in snow to cool off....wife's damn cur dog tipped it over
Spilling half of it...arrggggggggg
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Rivver »

That wouldn't happen to be a hogdog would it RR? LOL
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Ridgerunnr »

Was almost a dead
She's one of two farm dogs we have..awseome critter getters
But are always into everything lol
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by mondzdolo »

I have to pay homage to Deathwish for this recipe :clap: This is my favorite sugar wash recipe hands down! I have done a lot of Birdwatcher's and WPOSW, all with good results, especially after a bit of tweaking, but DWWG has delivered excellent results right from the start. Although this requires more work than some of the other sugar washes in the initial stage due to the long boil, the end-results make it well worth it! With a bit of tinkering, I've perfected it to my own standards. I prefer to use about ½ the wheat-germ of the original recipe. Additionally, I add 2 crushed B-complex multi-vitamins to the wash just prior to pitching the yeast. The end results are:

-A wash that starts gurgling within 20 minutes of pitching, is at full-bore within an hour of the pitch and never stops until the fuel is exhausted
-A wash that requires NO aeration/manipulation/alteration whatsoever after pitching the yeast (like Ron Popeil said: "Set it and forget it!")
-A wash that consistently ferments to dry at about 9.5% abv within 36 hours
-A wash that requires little or no clearing (nowadays, after racking, I prefer to use a clearing agent, which I let sit for 12 as opposed to the recommended 24 hours. This is just a personal preference. I've done the majority of my runs without clearing at all and they've produced excellent product.)
-Product that is simply amazing! Because this ferments to dry so quickly (and I'm using only bread yeast) you are left with minimal offtastes, plus the organoleptics of the sugar are minimized, hence the light grain taste of the wheat germ stands out (I'm using a reflux still)

Thanks again to Deathwish and everyone who has given me insight via their contribution to the original thread :D
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Rastus »

I chose this recipe for my cleaning run. didnt print the instructions so when i cooked it up i had to go by memory which sometimes is faded... i followed it fairly close but smashed 2 multi vitamins and threw them into the boil along with a small handful of bakers yeast, then i used Red Star Premier Cuvee when the temps were right. also i only boiled for 30 minutes on a hard boil. The Wheat Germ was Organic Raw from "Bob's Red Mill". This stuff Fermented robustly and tasted great until it dried up. I have read where a few folks have even enjoyed the wash as a sugar wine, I guess that is what it would be called or sugar wheat beer. had a flavor that reminded me of apples. Given my missing hour of Boil time i was happy with the results, next time i will follow it more closely.

I just ran my second gen of the sweet feed recipe, and i think i will boil up another DWWG to stagger the runs, i am feeling pretty impatient waiting weeks between runs, and my thirsty drinking buddy depleted my reserves... so i think I am going to look up some of those food grade can liners and try a 30 gallon batch so i can get ahead. if mister drinking buddy wants a steady supply hes gonna have to budget for a sack of sugar. i almost cried as he poured Oak soaked sweetfeed sauce into a glass of Hawaiian punch :evil: :(
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Forrest283 »

This thing just blew the lid off my fermenter :o :grin:
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Ridgerunnr » word.. disappointing...1st run I thought was a result of dog spilling most of the ingredients onto the deck..k added more water n sugar and ended up with a pretty tasteless run.
2nd batch... ran as recipe called for and still ended up pretty neutral..its airing out now. Thoughts? Ran very very slow pot still set up
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by canuck »

I'm just a newb and looking forward to try DWWG. Maybe you just ran your still too slow to get most of the flavors out of the mash. I'm sure someone more experienced could have a better answer.
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Re: Deathwish Wheat germ recipe

Post by Ridgerunnr »

Slow run still = flavor
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