sweetfeed whisky

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by sltm1 »

oilguy, I agree, I like the flavor also. Since it's a molasses and sugar based liquor and I'm about to make some into "spiced rum", without stripping first. I'll let you know how it comes out.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by steve2md »

MGofPickens wrote:No, 4" of head space in my fermenter. Sorry.
You should be fine, just keep your ferment under 80Degrees F and it shouldn't be too violent
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by mwp309 »

Hi all, just finished running my first sweet feed wash and I am a little disappointed in the output. In the bottom of my 7 gal fermentation bucket I put 4" of sweet feed and 8 lbs of sugar. Hot water to melt sugar, cool water to bring temp into range then distillers yeast to get things going.
Fermentation was complete in 5 days, I let it settle for 2 more days then ran it in my de-tuned boka. From 5 gallons of wash I ended up with 1.5 qts of hi test white dog. After that, the temps spiked and a metallic taste became quite evident. I will be able to dilute my 1.5 qts down to about 2 qts of sipping whiskey, but I expected a higher yield. My cracked corn recipe always yields 3 to 4 qts. Perhaps the 2nd generation will yield higher.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Catch 22 »

I was disappointed to on my first run of SF.I dumped everything back into my 2nd generation and man what a difference in taste and product
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by mwp309 »

Catch 22, I have my 2nd gen SF wash going now. I'll just be patient and see how it works out. Flavor on first gen is very nice. Great thing about this hobby is that there are lots of different things to try!
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Catch 22 »

Just finished up my 2nd generation SF, man is that good, way better than the first run. I was very consevitive on my cuts, I did it low and slow and it really paid off. 1st pint came off at 140 ABV and took it down to 75 ABV and took the tails down to 40ABV. Think I'll save the backset for when I go again, made all the difference in the world. Now I have Blackberry in the fermentor and will see how that goes next weekend.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by brewerRob »

Anyone have experience using this sweet feed recipe for an apple pie recipe? Just wondering if this SF recipe brings too much sweetness to an apple pie drink?


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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by MGofPickens »

brewerRob wrote:Anyone have experience using this sweet feed recipe for an apple pie recipe? Just wondering if this SF recipe brings too much sweetness to an apple pie drink?


Just my thoughts, but why wouldn't you just make a sugar wash for Apple pie recipes and such?
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by brewerRob »

MGofPickens wrote:
brewerRob wrote:Anyone have experience using this sweet feed recipe for an apple pie recipe? Just wondering if this SF recipe brings too much sweetness to an apple pie drink?


Just my thoughts, but why wouldn't you just make a sugar wash for Apple pie recipes and such?

Agreed, but I have 10 gallons of SF fermenting right now. I am hopping I can use it rather than making another batch of something.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by NIGHTOWL »

I made my run today of my sweetfeed.
IT was at 1.084 when it started,and 0.994 when it stopped working 2 days ago.
I use a 15 gal. keg still and a 3 gal. s.s. stock pot thumper with a wooden top.
I had 12 gal. of makings ,11 gal.and 1qt. in keg and 3 qt.in thumper.
This is what I got.
1pint out
1 qt.160 proof
Stopped at that ,2 1/2 gal. total.
How does that sound for that run ?
New at this,so tell me what you think.
NIGHTOWL :wink:[/quote]

When people make this to sell , would they mix all of this together and water down to 80 or 90 proof?
I was thinking of mixing it all and maybe oaking for a month to mellow it out and then water down to drink.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by rad14701 »

NIGHTOWL wrote:When people make this to sell , would they mix all of this together and water down to 80 or 90 proof?
That is a moot point because nobody here should be producing for sale unless they are totally legal so let's not go there, shall we... Talk about selling will get you banned as members have recently discovered... Just don't go there...
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Cornfed50 »

Nightowl. Hello friend. First of all i understand your question and i will try and shed some light on your question. Please let me premise by saying this " There are quite a few people here whom i will not identify by name that are paranoid, shortsided and read too much crap into your type of question. So yes unfortunately they will be very negative and yes these people will become less than friendly because they fear the police, ABC or just any law enforcement altogether! Well my friend i dont censor grown people asking a simple question right or wrong. These people will.make their views known and you yourself will see bias and discrimination just like any social site. They either monitor and pm you about your post(s) or try to discredit your post on that thread. Please again do not judge this site by the few Glory seekers and mall cops on this site. This is site to have fun and share your experiences. I think once you realize there are boundaries here you will enjoy it better.. Now to answer your question. There is no correct answer there. Some people like 80 proof whiskey and some like me, like 135. No one sells anything illegal here of course! But there are many ways to blend your beverage. But taste and smell should be your initial guidelines. Cornfed
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by BoomTown »

Well newbie, I'd have to go with Rad on this. Suggest you phrase your questions more carefully. It's OK to ask how the commercial folks do things. It's ok to seek knowledge and opinion.

But keep the facts in the forefront. Making and selling whiskey is a crime for most people. It's not OK to (verbally) stick your finger in the eye of Johnny Bull, nor to thumb your nose at the judge. It's simply a foolish thing to do. Incidentally, 10 qts in 1 run? That's the kind of production that will get you lots of attention.

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by sltm1 »

Would one of you guy's please answer his question on quantity and quality.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by NIGHTOWL »

Sorry I ask the question wrong, I was just wanting to know if the old timers would keep it all down to say 60 proof mix it all together,then water down to what proof they wanted to drink .
M y granddad and great granddad used to make it ,but I was to young to remember how they done it .
I think they keep it all and mixed it down to 80 or 100 or so.
In videos like Popcorn Suttons it looks to me like they keep it all but the last jar or two then mix and water to get it where they want it.
What I make is for me , I drink yellowstone 90 proof ,and rum ,these are my favorites.
I want to make something close to this so I dont have to buy it !
Again sorry if I broke any rules.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by MGofPickens »

Okay, just finishing up my first run of this wash. At first I wasn't too impressed. I had a shot or two through hearts and tasted a little off. I ran out of Bacardi and decided to just stick my cup under the condenser. Haha. Mixed with coke and I was quite pleased. Couple questions which I'll most likely have already done before a response is given: anyone tried adding molasses to subsequent gens? Also, I can't tell what grains are spent. They all look the same. Just take out a pound or two and replace with the same?

Some facts on my wash: 14 gallon wash. 15 lb sugar, and 4" of sf in a 30 gallon fermenter. Starting sg was 1.65 and finished at .995. Used 12 gallons in my boiler (a pot still) and starting abv was 130 proof. I've collected nearly 2 gallons and my last quart was 70 proof. I may or may not re-distill any of this first wash. I like it as is.

Thank you to all who post such great information!
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Bushman »

On first generations I usually keep the hearts out and redistill the rest. I also replace about 1/5th after the second generation as the feed is cheap. A couple other variations that I do is to go 5-7 generations before starting over and only use about a gallon of backset to 6 gallon wash this way I really never have a ph problem. On the 3rd generation I refrigerate enough extra backset so that when I start over I can start with backset rather than waiting for generation 2.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by MGofPickens »

Good advice, Bushman, thank you.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky- Evil Weevil Shine

Post by tortoise »

Okay... just exchanged the first bag of sweet feed I bought for another (Manna Pro). The first bag was full of Weevils. Here's my dilemma? I opened the second bag and its got Weevils too. The next nearest feed store is 150 miles away. I used to backpack a bunch and I inadvertently got water downstream from a dead and decomposing cow. I didn't notice the cow until the hike out the next day. I had boiled my water and never seemed to get any bugs from the experience. I've also in my past had it so bad off once, that a bunch of Weevils nesting in a bag of elbow macaroni didn't keep me from fixing it up and eating it...... my roommate abstained. So... I decided today to go ahead and make a batch of my very own Evil Weevil :crazy: all grain whisky. I'll batch it tomorrow and get it going. Is this pushing the limits of sanity or should it be OK? I figure distillation is meant to sanitize and make safe drinking water and such...... I'll go ahead and try it unless you guys scare me off the idea... Tortoise PS= This is no joke. I called the feed-store and they opened a few more bags up and found they all had bugs. Really is a shame, as I've read today that their almost impossible to eradicate. Most the information I read mentioned that almost everyone alive has eaten a Weevil or two as they are often undetectable and seem to be prevalent in many milled products we buy. Thanks for your help....
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by FullySilenced »

Mash on.... they will not live long and prosper once you get the sweetfeed covered in boiling water.... and they will float i imagine so scoop em out if you want... :crazy:

My TSC allgrain SF ... has never had any critters in it...

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Jimbo »

Yeast nutrient.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Truckinbutch »

Just choose the lesser of the two weevils :lol: Seriously , They will enhance the wash/mash and are not going to live beyond fermentation . Run a blowoff line from your fermentor airlock to a bucket of your grain . CO2 blanket will permeate the grain and kill most , if not all , of the weevils in the unused feed .
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by tortoise »

In my research today I read that freezing the grain for three days will kill them off... but I'll still have a bunch of dead bodies! I like FS's idea... boil them to death. Like killing crabs but I hear they mellow to a light smoky chicken flavor :D I hope their having fun tonight, for tomorrow's the flood and they shall be reckoned with.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by ezlle71 »

The corn i have been cracking outta my dads grain bin has weevils and they don't make it past the fermentation. Never hurt a thing in my ujssm.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by BoomTown »

I deal with weakly roughly. When I buy the grains, I toss them into a picnic cooler and add a big ol lump of dry ice. It's not about freezing them, it's about the C02 that smothers them.

Pretty sure from what I've read, nearly all grain is susceptible to having weevils, and living in an apartment building...I'm not taking any chances on the lovely little critters scooting over to the neighbors....

I think of it as insect abortions...I know they're really lovely little guys, and would most likely make wonderful adults, but I simply can't take care of them on my budget....

it's hell to be poor. :esad: :( :|
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Still Water »

Two questions after reading this long recipe.

1, I don't think I ever found what the S.G. of the original recipe on page 1 was ? (I looked) 4" sweet feed 7# sugar in 6 Gal water = S.G. ?

And 2, why when people ramp this up to larger mash sizes ie 15, 30, and 50 gal they don't stay with the original ratio of grain vs sugar? From what I have read most use less grain and more sugar then the original recipe called for when increasing mash size?

I'm getting ready to do a 15 gal mash and wanted to stick with original ratio of grain and sugar.

I was going to triple everything 12" of grain in a 5-6 gal bucket and 21# of sugar.

What are your thoughts?

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by MGofPickens »

What I did regarding the grain amount, because I also did 15 gallons, was put it in the 5 gallon like the recipe called for, but just did it three times and measured that so in the future I'll know how much for 15. I put enough sugar for 1.065. My second Gen I don't know the sg because I added a gallon of molasses.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Still Water »

MGofPickens wrote:What I did regarding the grain amount, because I also did 15 gallons, was put it in the 5 gallon like the recipe called for, but just did it three times and measured that so in the future I'll know how much for 15. I put enough sugar for 1.065. My second Gen I don't know the sg because I added a gallon of molasses.

Sounds good, I was shooting for 1.065-1.070 S.G., With 3 buckets of 4" full of grain how much sugar did you need to get 1.065 in 15 gal?
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Prairiepiss »

There are calculators on the parent site. That will help you figure SG of sugar washes. Just keep on mind the grains take up some volume.

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