Many call it blackstrap and use it as such. I used some in my first rum wash. Nasty sticky stuff that will stain anything. Smelled like crap till I diluted it down and boiled it. Then it smelled like heaven. But not a lot of sugar left in mine. They vary so much. It added a ton of flavor to the end product. A little too much for me. So I was going to cut down on it in the second try. But I've since started experimenting with all panela for my rum washes. And I haven't tried blackstrap again.bigbuck wrote:so where would animal grade molasses fit in,or is it ever wise to use it??,been reading alot and still a little unclear on weather or not to use it
You have to make sure it doesn't have and preservitives in it. Some have mold inhibitors. Mine had vegetable oil added. To help with flow so I was told.