I am very much a NOVICE...as the old timers say..read read read...I am on my 3 gen of UJSM and I read every friggin night!!!! Wife thinks I'm dead. DITCH the ice...start out slow and EASY...ya don't need ice unless you're nuke'n the boiler!!! Easy does it, as those 12 steppers say. I use a 5 gal full copper rig with the turkey burner and a blast plate to keep bottom from melting (Ha Ha). I NEVER turn mine past halfway, when it starts to piss, I turn my flame to low/almost off. This is for my STRIPPING run. As the run progresses and I know I'm past the good stuff, ( I've been rubbing and tasting and Smelling LEARNING all the while, I turn it up a bit and cook till my tails STINK.rpt124 wrote:I use a worm condenser, and worm box. And I do use a volume of water and ice blocks in the bottom of the ice and then loose ice on top in the water. The top gets hot and I keep swapping the top of the water that gets warm I either siphon the warm out and add a bag of ice to bring the level back up or I add cold water.
How do I tell if its huffing? I mean I think it might be doing that to.
What I wanna know is if once it starts running if I should leave the turkey burner wide open or should I back the flame down? and will it still run when I back the flame down?
It is SO important to FULLY understand this Art of cooking corn if you don't want to waste a ton of time and money, and possibly blow your house/shed to the next county. For a good condenser get 20-30 feet of 3/8 id copper and drill a hole in the bottom to run still product out bottom, another hole near the top and glue in a 3/4" copper pipe with a hose for waste water. I dump my hose part way in the HomeDepot bucket and keep the bucket full...NO ICE , No issues with blow outs from heat. TAKE YOUR TIME...this can be fun!!!!