Hello G.Tater wrote:{birdwatchers}My recipe for an 80 liter wash. Ingredients as follows:
3 cups tomato paste
Juice 3 lemons
Approx. 18 kg sugar
225 grams fresh regular bakers yeast. Buy in bulk at any good health food store.
water(I use spring well water)
Keep careful notes from start to finish for future reference.
Carefully mix paste, juice, say 14 kg sugar with 60 liters water at 30C. Measure SG.
(you are aiming for 1.09)
Carefully add water and sugar to bring mixture to 80 liter, WITH A SG 1.09.
Temperature of finished mixture should be 30C-35C to start.
You should now have 80 liters of mixed ingredients.
Carefully sprinkle 225 grams of yeast over surface, stirring in.
Place cover loosely, to let CO2 escape, keeping flying nasties out.
There is so much CO2 coming off; there is no need to worry about oxygen coming in contact.
Place bottomless styrofoam box over fermenter. Dangle lit lightbulb through small
hole in lid. Bulb must be strong enough to keep the mixture at a steady range of
30C-35C for entire fermentation. Size of bulb depends on room temperature. Stick
your digital thermometer through side of box to track inside temperature.
{A good idea would be to set up with water a day before you begin wash to determine
the size of light bulb to maintain water/wash in the 30-35C range.}
Check SG and temperature daily
Stir daily
On day three, syphon contents evenly into four 23 liter airlocked carboys.
(This step may not be nessesary and I may at some future date simply take the wash from start
to finish in the unairlocked storage container)
Check SG and temperature daily
Shake carboys gently daily.
After a total of 7-8 days SG should be .995. If not, wait until completion.
Note: After ten years of making 95% ethanol, and fine tuning my recipe after lots of
suggestions from people on this forum, this is what works for me. I'm always fine
tuning and welcome any comments or suggestions.
If any points above are not clear or you have questions, feel free to ask.
PM me if you need a perfect sugar wash for ethanol ( birdwatcher)
Do you mind if I skip 120 posts and just ask if this is still the currant recipe? Neither yourself or the forum software reports any editing, but you do talk of changing it. If you have, perhaps edit this post so people can just drop on the thread and follow your very well respected recipe.
I don't know what spring well water is, It sounds like two different things? I think what I need to know is your target ph. I'm guessing that the lemon is only to accomplish this so I can't really follow the recipe exactly as I won't get your result. I lost a wash recently by switching from tap water to distilled and not correcting for it, So I need to know what your goal is to copy you.
I will post up what a ml (or so) of paste weighs when I get some. Then peeps can see what a cup is in the terms used when we buy the stuff using standard index units.