Youtube Moonshine video

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Youtube Moonshine video

Post by mash rookie »

Have you guys watched this youtube video?" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

Its funny but interesting. Most here either do UJSSM faux corn wkiskey or move on to proper mashing for real whiskey.

This guy converts corn with canned malt but then adds sugar for a max SG. Kind of a hybred UJSSM?

EDIT; I dont know how to make the link work but if you copy and paste into your browser it will take you there
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by Bayou-Ruler »

I have viewed that video. That guy is a moron from what i have saw in some of his videos
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by Mr.Spooky »

he is a moron..
heres a thread on his forum. ... ?f=4&t=440" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by MuleKicker »

moonshine_al wrote:There will be a lot of varying opinions on this and here's mine

I would stay away from using DWV stuff (sewer, drains and venting stuff) and use only the stuff for potable water, usually white in color. The problem is you may not find it easily in the larger sizes.

For what it costs, the small amount of tubing you need to make it from copper is still the best route to go. BTW, for your condenser, use copper on the inside and then use anything at all for the jacket. You can save money there for sure!
Holy shit. Great advice "moonshine al". :roll:
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by LWTCS »

Read through their forum.

They got a lot of work to do given there ain't very much content.

D'jew read the feller happy about how his new pony keg boiler didn't hardly change temps at all? "Honest" he says....

Oh boy.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by Mick503 »

MuleKicker wrote:
moonshine_al wrote:There will be a lot of varying opinions on this and here's mine

I would stay away from using DWV stuff (sewer, drains and venting stuff) and use only the stuff for potable water, usually white in color. The problem is you may not find it easily in the larger sizes.

For what it costs, the small amount of tubing you need to make it from copper is still the best route to go. BTW, for your condenser, use copper on the inside and then use anything at all for the jacket. You can save money there for sure!
Holy shit. Great advice "moonshine al". :roll:
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by Prairiepiss »

Really? :roll:

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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by mash rookie »

I have not seen or care to visit their web site, Yes, Morons, knuckle heads etc. What I am asking you guys to address is the concept of mashing and adding sugar for maximum ABV wash. Kind of a mix of beliefs. While our purists are patient and understanding that some of us going the UJSSM way, from there they believe in learning how to mash correctly. Is this somewhere in between that we might want to look at as we learn our craft ?
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by MudDuck »

mash rookie wrote:What I am asking you guys to address is the concept of mashing and adding sugar for maximum ABV wash.
It's been done before. I wouldn't recommend the mashing technique used in that video though, I don't think canned malt extract does what he thinks it does.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by mash rookie »

Okay, Thats an opinion. Have you tried it? You dont think it works? Has anyone? Lets be open minded and see what develops. Lets hear from people why adjusting your mash SG with sugar is not a good option.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by Smokehouse Shiner »

Nobody said adjusting OG with sugar was a bad idea. It's done all the time. That mashing technique wont work because the enzymes in most malt extract have been deactivated by high temps and dehydration when it's made. No enzymes=no conversion. The exception being diastatic malt extract which has been handled in such a way as to not kill the enzymes. He said extract out of a beer kit so I can say with some certainty that it wasn't diastatic. So what that guy made was just a corn sugarhead likker with a can of malt extract for flavor and fermentables. Course don't try and tell him that. :roll:
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by rubber duck »

mash rookie wrote:Okay, Thats an opinion. Have you tried it? You dont think it works? Has anyone? Lets be open minded and see what develops. Lets hear from people why adjusting your mash SG with sugar is not a good option.
Ok here's a fact, adding a can of malt extract to the corn does not convert the starch in the corn to sugar. There are no enzymes in liquid or dry malt extract, all hew was doing holding it at 155f was wasting propane.

Here's my opinion on adding sugar, it's not a good idea or a bad idea, it just depends on what your looking for. If you want a thinner, less flavorful whiskey use sugar, some folks prefer thin mash whiskey. If you want a full flavored whiskey go all grain, I like an all grain whiskey.

Sugar head whiskey takes a lot more skill to do well then an all grain. When I do a sugar head I don't go over 10% and I always invert the sugar first. Inverting the sugar will take away some of the off taste that you tend to get with a sugar head.

If you want to go traditional don't use sugar. Sugar is also expensive grain is cheep.

I wouldn't pay to much attention to the guy in the video. I'm glad it works for him.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by mash rookie »

Thanks again Smokehouse and Rubber Duck. A solid statements of opinion backed up with good information. Increasing Mash SG is called a "sugar head"

Here's my opinion on adding sugar, it's not a good idea or a bad idea, it just depends on what your looking for. If you want a thinner, less flavorful whiskey use sugar, some folks prefer thin mash whiskey. If you want a full flavored whiskey go all grain, I like an all grain whiskey.
Sugar head whiskey takes a lot more skill to do well then an all grain. When I do a sugar head I don't go over 10% and I always invert the sugar first. Inverting the sugar will take away some of the off taste that you tend to get with a sugar head.
My reason for my posting was to determine the value or not, of that type of process as compared to UJSSM or full mashing techniques.

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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by rubber duck »

Ya it's not a good or bad thing, if you do sugar invert it and don't go to high on the abv. Inverting the sugar will make it 15% less fermetable but it makes a cleaner sugar head.

Notice this guy disabled the comments on his video, do you think there might be a reason for that?
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by MudDuck »

mash rookie wrote:Okay, Thats an opinion. Have you tried it? You dont think it works? Has anyone? Lets be open minded and see what develops. Lets hear from people why adjusting your mash SG with sugar is not a good option.
In my comment above all I was trying to point out is that his mashing technique wouldn't work, in no way was I trying to discourage you from boosting ABV with sugar if you wanted to.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by mash rookie »

No Sweat Mud Duck. I didnt mean to be hard on you. Sometimes it is diicult to elicit opinions and information on the subject you are investigating.

Threads run off in all different directions.(did you notice that the first five posts were trashing them or the video?)
It is why we read through so much crap searching for the words of wisdom we seek.
Not at all what I was hoping to elicit.

I thought all would find it funny and respond to my question about adjusting mash SG for greater ABV.

I do not want, or not want, to add sugar to a mash. Just wish to understand. I had never heard of it being done.

My fault, I should have asked my questions in clearer or different manor.
Thanks for your reply.

(Damn RD knows alot about this stuff)

Note; Edited for spelling
Last edited by mash rookie on Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by rad14701 »

mash rookie wrote:I do not want, or not want, to add sugar to a mash. Just wish to understand. I had never heard of it being done.

My fault, I should have asked my questions in clearer or different manor.
Some folks here would say that those two statements indicate that you need to spend more time doing research here in these forums and on the parent site rather than elsewhere on the internet... :idea: Hmmm... :? Guess I'd be one of those folks... 8) You'll waste more time separating fact from fiction on YouTube and your time is worth more than such an act of futility... :|
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by mash rookie »

Okay Rad. That is your opinion of me and my post. I have read the parent site several times. I have read hundreds of threads here and particularly value opinions of the mentors including yours. Tried and true, Mashing and fermenting, Parent site. I don’t find anything about making “sugar head washes”

What is your opinion about “sugar head washes” ??

I guess you didn’t find humor in the video either? I thought it was funny and sad. I think it perpetuates the myth that Moonshiners are a bunch of back woods idiots.
The brilliant minds on this site show that it couldn’t be further from the truth.
Threads run off in all different directions.(did you notice that the first five posts were trashing them or the video?)
It is why we read through so much crap searching for the words of wisdom we seek.

Rather then your criticism, I would love to hear your knowledge on this subject.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by rad14701 »

mash rookie, I'm surprised that you haven't stumbled across the term "sugarhead" a time or three if you have been doing as much reading as you have stated... While it isn't used in every topic it does come up in conversation on a semi-regular basis...

As for my opinion on sugarhead, I guess that is primarily what I make these days because most of my washes consist of sugar along with either cereal or grains... Nothing I make is malted as it's tough to do in an apartment setting... Plus I primarily shoot for neutral spirits these days...

The guy in the video reminds me of so many that I have seen in recent years where people video themselves doing just about anything in front of a camera like they are experts... I've lulled myself to sleep watching videos of guys carrying on about tying a simple knot, pitching a tent, lighting a fire, making turbo yeast "moonshine", shooting every gun they own, and on and on... Pretty much a total waste of bandwidth and server storage space in my opinion, from both my personal and professional viewpoints... I pretty much avoid YouTube these days because it's too easy to waste valuable time watching garbage... Unless you like watching young babes shaking their booty in their underwear, that is... :shock: :twisted:

As has been noted, there is nothing wrong with the ingredients used in the video, it is the preparation that is in question... You won't get conversion of frozen corn with malt extract so it's a waste of time and energy... And as for the potential %ABV to shoot for it should be 14% or under, with 12% maximum being preferred if you're shooting for flavored spirits...

Good luck...
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by MudDuck »

rad14701 wrote:You won't get conversion of frozen corn with malt extract so it's a waste of time and energy
I just watched the video again and I think the banjo is the key to making the whole process work.

On a more serious note doing an all grain mash and using malt extract instead of sugar to boost potential ABV may be something worth experimenting with. Note I haven't tried this myself, just throwing the idea out there.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by blind drunk »

I've lulled myself to sleep watching videos of guys carrying on about tying a simple knot, pitching a tent, lighting a fire,
Hey rad, got any links? :lol:
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by blanikdog »

Mr.Spooky wrote:he is a moron.. ...
You're being very kind, Spooky. :crazy:
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by Mr.Spooky »

blanikdog wrote:
Mr.Spooky wrote:he is a moron.. ...
You're being very kind, Spooky. :crazy:
just callin it like i see it :wtf: im tempted to sign up on his forum and call him out on it..
how sick do you recon the poor bastard is that took his advice by now?? the video is funny as hell to watch,, and the forum gave me a little chuckle as well,,,, but this guy is poisioning people. :thumbdown:
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by rad14701 »

blind drunk wrote:
I've lulled myself to sleep watching videos of guys carrying on about tying a simple knot, pitching a tent, lighting a fire,
Hey rad, got any links? :lol:
You suffering from insomnia there, blind drunk...??? :shock:
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by mash rookie »

MudDuck wrote:
rad14701 wrote:You won't get conversion of frozen corn with malt extract so it's a waste of time and energy
I just watched the video again and I think the banjo is the key to making the whole process work.

On a more serious note doing an all grain mash and using malt extract instead of sugar to boost potential ABV may be something worth experimenting with. Note I haven't tried this myself, just throwing the idea out there.

Interesting question MudDuck. I have been waiting and I see no one has responded to it. Maybe you can throw it out to RD and get his thoughts. I would bet he will have an answer.
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Re: Youtube Moonshine video

Post by rubber duck »

I guess you could, it wouldn't be like a sugar head but you would still get that high sg that a lot of folks want. It's not a bad idea if your looking to do a high gravity mash.
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