Had a cousin come by other day looking for some uncharred corn likker.Apparently it is a secret ingredient for bait.So I gave him amount requested .Came back by today looking for more said he sat beside of his fishing buddy who was using same bait other then he had his own corn juice from another source.My cousin said he caught most and biggest fish that night winning almost all the jackpot money.Said the only difference was the likker .So I guess now I have a testimonial from carp :
Even carp can't resist a good likker! I never knew that. Next time I'm out fishing I will dip the bait in a small shotglass, see what happens.
Safety is always #1. Without it you wouldn't be around to enjoy the hobby.
No matter how much of an expert you are, there is always someone better. Listen to their words.
Listen. Understand. Repeat.
HeadCase wrote:Even carp can't resist a good likker! I never knew that. Next time I'm out fishing I will dip the bait in a small shotglass, see what happens.
The proper method, is to take a shot, dip your bait, and let your buddy take the shot still left over in the glass, lol
Hillbilly Rebel: Unless you are one of the people on this site who are legalling distilling, keep a low profile, don't tell, don't sell.
HeadCase wrote:Even carp can't resist a good likker! I never knew that. Next time I'm out fishing I will dip the bait in a small shotglass, see what happens.
The proper method, is to take a shot, dip your bait, and let your buddy take the shot still left over in the glass, lol
That's just wrong! But I like how you think. Just remind me not to go fishing with you.
I have tried a lot of tricks with bait while fishing but not that one plus where I go fishing there is very little communication available so the liquor is very valuable to my partner and I for personal consumption! Just getting ready for my second trip up north will be leaving on the 12th for about 10 days.
Granny would skin them cut away dark meat soak in a brine I think it had brown sugar in it and then bake with either orange slices or lemon slices on it.Only ones I can remember her cooking were big ones 15lbs or over tasted good to me as a kid.
What a waste of good whiskey! I wouldn't waste Jack Daniels on a friggin carp. The only folks that I've ever known that would eat them were Russians (OK, Ukrainians, they get mad when you call them Russians).
Haven't been fishin' in years, just too crowded around here any more. But one of my fondest fishin' memories is catchin' carp, they sure ain't for eating but d*** if they ain't fun to catch. Fought a big one once (probly 15 lbs) in a canoe with an ultralite rig for 45 minutes. D*** thing pulled my all over the river. That was real fun!
Big R
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." William Pitt
I used to do quite a bit of carp fishing when I was younger. Big river carp can really put up a battle. We used whole kernel canned corn for bait.
Just one or two kernels on a small hook. I've cleaned a couple but could never bring myself to eat one. I'd save the corn liker for me.
LWTCS wrote:got it.... just thinkin bout some other bloody flesh type fish that smoke up pretty good
Carp smoke up very good (one of the better ways to cook/eat them). But yes, you MUST remove that red meat. It is not meat but a gooey fatty sticky stinky layer. They are also pretty bony bastards, and there are ways to cut out those bones.
I am not a carp fan, but I have had some done by others which were absolutely divine. If you know what you are doing, they do taste great.
Hillbilly Rebel: Unless you are one of the people on this site who are legalling distilling, keep a low profile, don't tell, don't sell.
Holding those worms in your mouth to keep them warm tends to lull them to sleep... Tossing in a shot of whiskey livens them up to a point where they start dancing like crazy... That's when it's time to thread them onto a hook for a swimming lesson... I've had a lot more of those little bastards drown before they could tow that hook into a fishes mouth than those who have succeeded...
It's bad enough we have to worry about the ATF and FDA, not to mention the local yokles. Now, you throw in the Game and Fish dept.
[Sigh]. Some people will never learn.
rad14701 wrote:Holding those worms in your mouth to keep them warm tends to lull them to sleep... Tossing in a shot of whiskey livens them up to a point where they start dancing like crazy... That's when it's time to thread them onto a hook for a swimming lesson... I've had a lot more of those little bastards drown before they could tow that hook into a fishes mouth than those who have succeeded...
Im not too keen on worm shit in my mouth, thank you. I will keep them in the tub, then put the shot into my mouth, and the worm on the hook. However, i might try dunkin some bait into a tiny 125ml flask, but only if that is it's only task. The 750 will be for me, the 125 for the fish bait.
Hillbilly Rebel: Unless you are one of the people on this site who are legalling distilling, keep a low profile, don't tell, don't sell.
I wonder if this could be a good use for the heads. Hangovers would be the least of the carp's worries. Unless they are truly whiskey snobs then it would run them off?