note: my first run produced little over 1 quart of 160 proof from the middle of the run with my reflux still I built, ( thought I would get more !

Thanks for any input on this topic , WFW
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The myth came from a time when bakers yeast wasn't as hardy as it is now. Back when you didn't know if it would even make your bread rise.RevSpaminator wrote:The urban legend about bakers yeast is that it dies at around 6%. That has been debunked by many here who have been using the stuff for years and can go to 10% without any problem. But a lot of people, including experienced homebrewers, still accept the myth as fact.
I accidentally mismeasured my sugar once and ended up with 19% using bakers yeast... Pretty sure it was a modified Birdwatchers, not an All Bran...Washashore wrote:A buddy of mine screwed up his math on scaling down birdwatchers and fermented 21% with bakers yeast
This can be a debate. As some beleave over pitching can lead to off flavors. And some beleave it doesn't.tom sawyer wrote:Over-yeasting is really not much of a problem. About the worst thing you could expect would be a very rapid ferment and possibly more of a temperature rise than you might want. Some high temp ferments result in more fusels and esters.