uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Fastill »

sltm1 wrote:I just did my 1st run of UJSSM, (no backset cause it's the 1st), and it seems to be an extremely slow recipe to distill even at a high temp. Has anyone else found this to be true? If not, I'll look for technical problems with my set-up. Thanx
Shouldn't be any different from any other wash. Starting abv higher than normal would make a run take longer, but you would also get more out.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Prairiepiss »

sltm1 wrote:I just did my 1st run of UJSSM, (no backset cause it's the 1st), and it seems to be an extremely slow recipe to distill even at a high temp. Has anyone else found this to be true? If not, I'll look for technical problems with my set-up. Thanx
Speed of distilling isn't dictated by the recipe. More on the still used. Unless higher ABV was made. And of course it would take longer to get the extra alcohol out.

And you shouldn't be using temp as a gauge to run the still? Please explain what you mean?

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by sltm1 »

Back when I started tinkering with this hobby, I was advised to put scrubbers in the column, even though it's a pot still....no, the advice didn't come from here, it was from a friend of mine who was also new to the game. Here, I was told they were completely unnecessary, heeding that advice, I forgot about them entirely. Fortunately, I was also told mistakenly, that I should have a pressure relief exit somewhere on the column. On mine it's a 3/4" cap sealed by wrapping teflon tape on the outside at the very top. Sooooo, I removed the cap from the pipe, held my finger over the tube coming out of the condenser and blew down the column. Took so much pressure to blow through that my ears damn near popped!!!! The scrubbers ARE removed, they WERE filthy and as far as I can tell, my problem should be solved. The laser temp gauge I use to check the bottom and top of the column so I know when I'm about to start a trickle, now I know why the bottom got so much hotter and everything took longer than usual.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Odin »


If you find you distill at high temps ... it may mean that the abv in your base beer is ... pretty low. More water = higher temps. Sometimes first gens don't ferment dry, because of nutrients and/or ph issues.

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Shae »

Shae wrote:I've started my test. I washed the corn from one fermenter as best I could before tossing it out...I was surprised how much stuff was caked at the very bottom. Not just piled there, but really stuck. Even if it turns out that all the corn is needed, I'd think that it would be good to break that stuff up each time.

The reduction in volume was, of course, very noticeable.

I'll run each bucket separately to get a solid idea of the flavor of each.

More to come as the test progresses.
Well, there is definitely a contribution from the older corn; not everything is stripped in a generation or two. The corn has a substantial impact on the color of the wash. The flavor difference isn't terribly noticeable after stripping, but I attribute that to backset. If the corn is replaced each run, over time, I think the backset will lose flavor.

So it definitely pays to scoop and replace just the spent corn. If you intend to scoop out all the corn each time, unless you replace the whole 7 lbs, you're going to lose flavor over time.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by NZChris »

Thanks for that, Shae.

It sounds like there is not much point in messing with Uncle Jessie's method.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Mulitpleg »

BoisBlancBoy wrote:Just did my first run of this recipe and everything turned out great. Does anyone have a favorite mix drink they like with this product? Or anything for that matter, what do you like to do with your hearts? Just curious to see some opinions.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Lonesome Loins »

I'm not even a novice yet :) since I have yet to distill anything. So I'll go ahead and embarrass myself:
This recipe seems simple and cheap just to make simple vodka without congeners.
In other words, just use the wash and make the first run in a reflux still, while practice just one thing, getting the hang of the process and making the proper cuts. I assume the corn supplies the nutrients for the yeast.
So... what am I missing (besides the sour mash and flavor)?
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Prairiepiss »

It's a good faux whiskey recipe. Not many use it for a vodka. Bit some do. And it would make a good vodka. Not a good neutral. But a good old school vodka can be made.

One of the cereal washes would be a better neutral wash. Like Gerber or all bran. Birdwatchers and winoes would make more of a proper neutral.

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Lonesome Loins »

Thanks! Yeah, the Gerber Rx looks VERY simple... simple enough for me. :)
I was under the impression that with a reflux still [mine is a Nixon] with copper mesh in the column, there'd be nothing but a neutral spirit, unless I removed the scrubbers and also didn't cut the heads or tails too liberally.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Prairiepiss »

No mater what anyone says. A 95% alcohol from a reflux still. Can still have flavor. The more times you dilution and run it. The less flavor it will have. Have you ever tried everclear? It's 95% ABV and tastes like shit. But if you want a good neutral. You should start with a good neutral recipe. Less flavor goin in. The less flavor coming out. Now my opinion is there is a difference between vodka and neutral. Vodka has a hint of what it was made from. Hint of flavor and mouthfeel. Giving it character. Neutral is just tasteless alcohol. With no character. Used for making flavored liquors. Or a base for a gin type spirit. That gets its character from the flavoring ingredients used to make it.

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Lonesome Loins »

Interesting. My favorite is a sweet Canadian, like Wisers 18 year old, but that's $65 for 750 ml. Pendleton makes something similar. Since I've semi retired I've turned to vodka, but in my State that's still more than $20 for 1.75 liter. Anyway I figured I wouldn't have the patience or skill to make good whisky, so I thought I'd start with something simple like vodka and gin. I'm looking forward to using the still to make a juniper berry infusion for gin. Hard to beat a good gin & tonic. I make my own tonic syrup. Also a simple syrup which I add to vodka with a bit of lemon. If you are correct that there is some flavor even in a simple vodka recipe, so much the better. I sure wouldn't mind a little whisky flavor in my 'vodka.'
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by kev »

Hi Fellas,
I just fermented my first wash (first wash ever) of this recipie,

My recipe was as follows:

20Kg cracked corn
20Kg Granulated Sugar
35 Gallons - 133 Litres of filtered water
7 Tbsp dry distillers yeast.

Starting SG was 1.040 (on the low side yes??)

The fermentation started off very strong but after 72 hours was more or less done (I live on the equator so ambient temp is a condstant 30 - 35 degrees C ).
I have just opened the fermenter lid and the wash smells like beer with a film of husks and floaters on top. Occasional large bubble is rising @ 1 or 2 per minute, After clearing the surface film, I checked the SG again and it is 0.990
If I am not mistaken that gives me an ABV of about 5.5% for my wash.

My question is, should I run this wash through the still or add another 10-15Kg of sugar and re-ferment to try and raise the ABV of my wash before my stripping run.
thanks for any advice,

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Prairiepiss »

Run it.

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by sltm1 »

Has anyone ever had a mash that stopped working then came back to life like gang busters withouth doing anything? My 4th run of UJSSM started off like a race horse then stopped completely for 24rs, now it bubbling merrily along again??!! Temp has remained constant.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by WalkingWolf »

kev wrote:My question is, should I run this wash through the still or add another 10-15Kg of sugar and re-ferment to try and raise the ABV of my wash before my stripping run.
thanks for any advice,

If it was me, I'd add sugar and up the alc. Labor will be the same and you'll get your "fair" share of the booze.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by bassfisher »

I'm a total newb at this so here are couple questions for you. There is 130 pages, and I can't read through each and everyone one of them to see if the answer to my questions are here, so here goes:

What is the average proof this come out as? If my understandings are correct, corn mash makes corn whiskey AKA 'shine in my parts. So would this be considered 'shine? I understand that to be a ridiculously high proof, and drinking 'shine is on my bucket list :P

Does this HAVE to be aged? If I make this will it have a decent taste right from the finish, or does it have to sit in barrels to be considered whiskey? I understand it probably wouldn't be caramel/brown like whiskey if I didn't age it. I have no idea where I would get barrels or casks around here, and I doubt they are cheap.

Basically I am looking for something STRONG (as strong as possible without killing me), easy to make, and fast (I couldn't wait 10 years before I can drink something I personally made. That's like making prime rib and then putting it back in the freezer for later)

Like I said, I am a newbie at this. Until I get a few under my belt there is no way I could wait for years to drink it. I guess the patience comes with time lol. If this isn't the recipe a newbie should be looking for can someone direct me to one or send me one?


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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by rad14701 »

Yup... Read the entire topic and you'll learn your answers as well as answers to questions you don't even know you have yet... Really...
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by bassfisher »

Haha will do. I was just trying to avoid reading 130 pages lol
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by bearriver »

Greed, shortcuts, and impatience doesn't make (palatable) liquor.

Probably wont find anyone here that will do your reading for you. Asking someone to is considered disrespectful to many. Its just the tone that is set here. This thread is required reading if you are going to craft its contents. That goes for almost everything else in the forums as well.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by bassfisher »

Makes sense. Sorry if I offended anyone. I understand this is a craft many of you have been doing for years. I guess you could chalk it under newbies excitement, which I'm sure I'm not the first person to have here. I don't really know the forums etiquette yet either, so bear with me.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Shae »

It's not really offending anyone, don't worry. As you'll see when you read the thread, many of the same questions are asked over and over, sometimes only a page apart. That's why people suggest reading before asking questions.

One of the other advantages to reading everything is that you'll see how people solved problems (that may occur when you try this...another source of often repeated questions) or how they altered the recipe for different flavors...what worked and what didn't. It's a good way to learn the ins and outs of this recipe, which will give you knowledge you can apply to others.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by kev »

just va quick update from a noob,
i ran my wash which turned out to be a bit of a calamity.
i sat for 4 hours with my pot temp at 90C and didnt get anything thru my thumper
turned the gas up a bit and spotted a hissing leak. fixed it and immedeately started getting product, shame i was well into the tails :)
put 30 gals into the pot today and ran it for 10 x 2 litre mason jars, some sweet product right there, i was sniffin, tasting rubbing, burning.
learned a hell of a lot from that run and put 30kg of sugar and backset to bubble bubble again,
lovin this hobby,
thanks uncle jessy

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Bushman »

kev wrote:just va quick update from a noob,
i ran my wash which turned out to be a bit of a calamity.
i sat for 4 hours with my pot temp at 90C and didnt get anything thru my thumper
turned the gas up a bit and spotted a hissing leak. fixed it and immedeately started getting product, shame i was well into the tails :)
put 30 gals into the pot today and ran it for 10 x 2 litre mason jars, some sweet product right there, i was sniffin, tasting rubbing, burning.
learned a hell of a lot from that run and put 30kg of sugar and backset to bubble bubble again,
lovin this hobby,
thanks uncle jessy

Sounds like you are a bit lucky with that many fumes escaping unnoticed! Glad everything worked out for you. This is a good example that all noob's can learn from as there is a reason for doing the proper cleaning not only to clean the still but with the vinegar run to check for leaks. Having alcohol fumes in a non vented area can lead to a real disaster.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by kev »

I hear you there mate,
did the cleaning (hot water) run and vinegar run before i ran my wash, but should have ran a mirror round all the seals. mo excuse for not doing that.
my still is in a we ll ventilated area, open garden, but hey, your right, cannot be too careful. got a fire blanket and extinguisher closeby.
thanks for yoor support.
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by DoubleJ1977 »

I can answer the first question I think.....I sorta did Jesse's recipe and got 12% potential to start, after 36 hours it was down to 3% and then 0% at 48hrs after pitching a packet of EC-1118. (that's with 5kgs of cracked corn and 4kg's of sugar for a 5 gallon wash) I was reading this and it confused the hell out of me please someone explain why did the abv drop and not go up
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by NZChris »

The ABV didn't drop, it went up. You need to do a lot more reading before you run your still.

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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Ghost »

DoubleJ1977 wrote:I can answer the first question I think.....I sorta did Jesse's recipe and got 12% potential to start, after 36 hours it was down to 3% and then 0% at 48hrs after pitching a packet of EC-1118. (that's with 5kgs of cracked corn and 4kg's of sugar for a 5 gallon wash) I was reading this and it confused the hell out of me please someone explain why did the abv drop and not go up

That's one hell of a ferment time - never had one go dry in 48 hours. You said you sorta did the recipe - sorta leaves room for a lot. Assuming you used a triple scale meter - it measures the sugar in the water gives you your potential ABV - as the sugars are eaten up by the yeast the potential should drop on the meter. This gives you a reading to show when its dry. Not that it is exact but more of a tool to use. Hope this helps some without causing more confusion - hard to put into words - easier to show!
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by steve2md »

If you're still fermenting out well, I'd just scoop down the yeast cake some. Maybe remove all but a quart or so out of there and re add new corn and such. keep re using that backset though. The flavor only gets better, just gotta babysit the ph a little after a certain point
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Re: uncle jesse's simple sour mash method

Post by Ghost »

I read on here a long time ago that someone got 27 gens out of this before he scrapped it and restarted!
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