Funny thing is when you build a thing like this over such a long period of time , it becomes a work in progress operation and what you originally start to build gets changed . Priorities like budget , build simplicity get blurred and as you read and see others ideas and variations , the choices become overwhelming at times . Time also allows you to accumulate things more clamps etc and again things change
So It all started when I did a job for an old plumber and he said he had some 4" copper .....and the rest is history

I loved Olddogs Flute with its brass sight glasses and very simple one piece construction . When all the tri-clamped stills appeared I was torn ....I loved the idea of the versatility but hate the look of all those bulky clamps

So I decided Budget was priority and purchased my brass Cap and liners ( I think you call them t rap adapters in US ) thinking this would be my first and last major expense . It was going to be a slide in plated column with only two tri-clamps to hold on the Deflamator on .
So I started on the PC . I wanted to braze the whole thing so I could safely solder on the connections without an internal melt down . I only have Mapp gas so to heat things up to red hot , I used a single ring gas burner as a pre heater and used the Mapp to bring to red hot where I needed it .
Next up was the Deflagmator . Then it was time to do flanges .... I hate bashing out flanges so I decided to just make up some 1/4" pipe rings , braze the ends together , flatten and braze on .