Re-build is now completed. Steamed her up pretty good with some vinegar and water for about an hour and got about a 1/4 cup of water. I'm going to run some cheap wine through her today, hopefully she be able to run on auto pilot.
ponu rebuild completed. 3 JPG.JPG (20.2 KiB) Viewed 3365 times
ponu rebuild completed. 2 JPG.JPG (19.8 KiB) Viewed 3365 times
ponu rebuild completed.JPG (22.33 KiB) Viewed 3365 times
WOW!!! Frikn perty.
Reminds me of when I look at the house keeper too long. Wana tutch her and try her out, but can't.
Seeing your work is very insperational. Seeing your shop and craftsmanship in your fotos realy reminds me of the best pipe fitter I ever get to work with.
I cant wait for the next update in this wild story.
No matter how much you wash it, it's still an A-hole.
So here's where I'm at with this story...First, I appreciate all the support and feed back from H/D, you all know the times were you don't want to do nothing after work, but that still that's sitting out in the garage that's not completed some how will always make a guy take on more step. So thanks guys (and gals if any) for all reinforcement to start this, tear it back down and start over. Over all observations and notes: She seems to be a keeper.. So...I ran 3 gallons of cheap wine with one gallon of water through tonight (I do this for break in). Condensate temp..90 F, column temp...185 to 190 F, wash temp 212 F (that's a given). First output was 75%.. 20 minutes later 85%, and she quit at 97.5% (almost 98) 50 minutes later and stayed there till no more out put. That's when I shut it down. I have not had any of my ponu's yet hit anything over 95%. The best part was it stayed on auto pilot the whole time on low fire..I have two batches of wash for next week, I'll see how she does with that. But at least I got some fuel for my lawn mower next week..
With your current Heat input in mind:
What do you recon is the amount of elapsed time from the start of discharge till she is fully equalized and on stride? In other words......How long does it take her to,,,,,,,, ponu ?
Was that 50 minutes to hit stride or to completion?
That would have been completion, I ran the still for a little over an hour, but the last 10 minutes or so there was no alcohol coming out. There was about 5 to 8 minutes of product at 97.5%. I'll keep better track when I start running wash. I use the graph chart below with wash runs. The cheap wine runs I use as a "scrubber" run to get all the crap out of the still and see if the thing even works.
I thought I understood the internal flow of yor ponu... Does it create a vacume some how? I thought the limit was 96.5%. Is that where "theareticle" comes in?
She sounds great though.
No matter how much you wash it, it's still an A-hole.
not to sure what the 96.5 % thing is. I guess my reading could have been altered by the temperature of the alcohol in the parrot. Higher the temperature the lower the density of the media, that could cause the meter to drop. Temperature of the tube was a little warm to the touch, probably about about 110 F. Not sure if there is a formula to figure out delta T vs alcohol readings. But I do know that the ponu does not create a vacuum with in itself. The chart is one of my excel spreadsheets I've put together for developing coil lengths and other adjustable variables on the still. I do have an actual batch sheet that comes in handy for mixing washes and fermentation times. I don't use that one as much now since I stick to a base line recipe for my wash. I'll post it up when I get on my other computer some time..
One tip with the chart, if you really want to compare runs, place some of that over head projector clear plastic over the chart and use a fine tip permanent marker to plot the chart. You can use different colored markers on the lines for the fore shots thru tails. Now you can over lay these charts and see the difference made by adjusting a variable.
ozone39, you need a water cooled parrots beak to keep the spirit temperature closer to the calibrated temperature of your alcometer... Your design sounds promising...
wow this a work of art! Thanks for the start to finish record - when I have time I'll get through from end-end to take it all in and understand the build. Great pictures and fantastic to hear all the trails tribulations and testing, plenty of info to help anyone have a go at building their own. Great stuff Ozone
Well. the ponu works good. I'll post some charts when I get to doing some scanning. As the old adage goes "there's always room for improvement"..So I'm white boarding up a new boiler. Going to use some of that 12" s.s., scored up a s.s flange, and an 8 gallon s.s keg. Figured on using about 14" of the pipe and I have a bunch of 18 gauge s.s sheet steel. Build some removable knock down baffles before entering the ponu...
He's some preliminary data I got today.....Buy the time it was said and done (after diluting the hearts) I ended up with half a gallon of 80 proof.....This is only my second run with a wash. Still working on condenser temps, burner control, and all the other variables that go along with this....
Stage the side inlets capped off and the top flange welded on, glass beaded the inside clean and she's tip top. Scored up a 12 x 4 sch 10 s.s concentric reducer yesterday for a receiver flange and now I will have a leak proof top seal on my boiler.....keep ya posted.........
6 gallon on the left (old), 15 gallon on the right (new)....ohhhyeaaa.
new boiler.JPG (19.15 KiB) Viewed 3180 times
Last edited by ozone39 on Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Great Stuff Ozone ..shes a beaut ..really gets ya head workin that design ..guess its like a massive increase in suface areas of a hugely conductive material ..
love it when someone jumps right outside the box
Oh man, just when I thought this thread was next to finished, it's off again.
Cant wait to see this baby's output.
Love your work ozone... Keep it comin man...